Figure 1: An example of: Petri net (a), Instance Graph (b),
variants (c).
of DoP, ADT and the two novel metrics. Finally, Sec-
tion 5 provides some final remarks and sketches future
A business process is a flow of related activities exe-
cuted by people and/or machines to achieve a specific
output for a client. Activities can be executed sequen-
tially, or in parallel and loops can exist. In the present
paper we will focus on loop-free processes. A process
model is a general description of the flow of activities.
Several notations exist to describe a process model,
like Petri nets (van der Aalst and van Hee, 1996), or
BPMN (van der Aalst, 2018). In the following we
will discuss the properties of the different metrics on
a set of paradigmatic processes described in Petri nets
Figure 1(a) shows a simple Petri net. Squares rep-
resent transitions, that is well-defined activities that
have to be performed within the process. Circles rep-
resent places, that can be informally interpreted as re-
sources or pre-conditions enabling transitions. The
availability of a set of resources is denoted by a mark-
ing (the black dot in the figure). Arcs connecting
places to transitions describe the set of resources that
must be available in order to perform the activity,
while arcs connecting transitions to places describe
the set of resources enabled by the effect of activity
execution. Hence, from the marking shown, only one
between the activity t1 and t2 can be performed at
each process execution (we say that t1 and t2 are al-
ternative choices). If t1 is performed then t3 and t4
are both enabled, this represents an interleaving be-
haviour that allow to perform in parallel the two ac-
tivities. Finally, their execution enables t5 which ends
the process. Note that we focus on operational busi-
ness processes, that are represented by a sub-class of
Petri nets called Workflow nets (WF-net). A WF-net
has one start place, one end place, and all transitions
and all places are on a path from start to end.
A specific execution of the process generates a so-
called process instance, which is the partially ordered
set of activities that are performed to achieve the com-
pletion of a single execution of a process. A process
instance can be modelled by an IG. In an IG each node
represents an activity, and an edge between activity A
and activity B denotes the existence of a causal rela-
tion between A and B, namely the fact that B cannot
be executed until A is terminated; in other words, the
execution of B depends on the execution of A. For a
more formal definition of IGs and causal relations see
(van Dongen and van der Aalst, 2004). The IG cor-
responding to the upper part of the Petri net in Figure
1(a) (marked by a square) is shown in 1(b), while the
IG for the lower part is simply a node labelled t2. In
an IG, all control-flow structures are represented ex-
cept for choices. This is obvious, since in each single
execution choices have already been made. Activities
that can be done in parallel within one instance can be
executed in any order. As a consequence, an IG is rep-
resentative of one or more variants that differ exactly
in the interleaving of parallel activities. The variants
for the IG in Figure 1(b) are reported in Figure 1(c).
The relation between an IG and its underlying variants
is the basic property underpinning the development of
the metrics proposed in this work.
In this section we introduce 7 use cases, in the form
of Petri nets. Although simple, these processes have
been designed to capture some paradigmatic situa-
tions allowing to enlighten the properties of the dif-
ferent metrics, and can be easily scaled. Table 1 de-
scribes the characteristics of the processes. The pro-
cesses are shown in Figures 2-8. In particular, we de-
signed use case 1 (Fig. 2), as a simple starting base
case so to compare the added structural complexity of
the other models with it. Use case 2, (Fig. 3) only
adds to use case 1 a sequence of transitions after the
parallelism. Hence, for this model, it is desirable that
a metric lowers its score. Concerning use case 3 (Fig.
4), we designed it to highlight the opposite behaviour:
it is basically a sequence of two use case 1, so it would
be reasonable to see an increase in the metric score.
Use case 4 (Fig. 5), has been designed so to compare
it with both use cases 2 and 3. We expect to see an
increased score w.r.t. the former, while it is more dif-
ficult to compare the quantity of parallelism with the
latter. Indeed, use case 4 has a greater number of ac-
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems