Enterprise Architecture to Identify the Benefits of Enterprise
Building Information Model Data: An Example from Healthcare
Sobah Abbas Petersen
and Tor Åsmund Evjen
Department of Computer Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
St. Olav Hospital, Trondheim, Norway
Keywords: Enterprise Architecture, Enterprise BIM, Dynamic Scheduling, Healthcare Operations, Value-added Services.
Abstract: This paper explores the concept of Enterprise Building Information Models in a hospital and how they could
be used in combination with Enterprise Architecture to support innovation in healthcare operations. The
motivation for this work has been to improve the use of easily available data for creating new value-added
services that could make an enterprise more flexible and agile. Enterprise Architecture has been used as the
approach for structuring and visualising how the data in the Building Information Models can be utilised in
combination with other data and applications in a hospital to identify potential new services for the benefit of
multiple stakeholders. In this paper, we have considered Enterprise Building Information Models as analogous
to the concept of data exchanges identified in some Enterprise Architecture frameworks and use Enterprise
Architecture models to describe a business case based on a dynamic scheduling algorithm for cleaning. The
main contribution of this work is an Enterprise Architecture model of the hospital, which relates data in
Building Information Models to strategic and operational processes.
Building Information Models (BIM) have been
identified as a transformational technology for
buildings as well as for organisations (Forgues &
Lejeune, 2015). The transformative value of BIM lies
in the richness of the data in digitised models and their
potential to add value and increase the benefits to the
operation of the building, which in turn must support
the organisational processes. For example, in a
hospital, the services that are provided to support the
healthcare personnel and the patients are of utmost
importance to the hospital. In realising the true
potential of BIM during the operations phase of the
hospital, BIM data has been considered with other
enterprise data, introducing the concept of Enterprise
BIM (EBIM) (Evjen, 2019).
The success of many technologies such as BIM
and EBIM, or indeed the value of data rely on how
accessible the data is and the knowledge of the
stakeholders. During the operations of any enterprise,
the stakeholders are not only IT related but
encompass many more, such as strategic decision
makers, facility managers and procurers. It is often a
challenge to relate technical components or single
sources of data to high-level processes or strategic
decision-making processes.
Enterprise Architecture (EA) is an area of study
that has emerged as a means of relating the IT
components in an enterprise to its business needs
(Zachman, 1987). The abundance of EA frameworks
and EA consultants highlight the popularity of EA in
organisations. However, there are challenges in
communicating the value of EA for an organisation.
Nevertheless, several benefits of EA have been
identified in the literature (Tamm et al., 2011). EA is
seen to play an important role in supporting timely
organisational decision making through access to
relevant high quality information, and as a means of
supporting service provision in organisations
(Frampton et al., 2015). EA provides the ability to
visualise and show potential services of specific
technological components and data. EA is reported to
increase agility and the value of organisations to its
Petersen, S. and Evjen, T.
Enterprise Architecture to Identify the Benefits of Enterprise Building Information Model Data: An Example from Healthcare Operations.
DOI: 10.5220/0011084600003179
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022) - Volume 2, pages 567-576
ISBN: 978-989-758-569-2; ISSN: 2184-4992
2022 by SCITEPRESS – Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
customers and employees and to improve the business
potential of organisations (Shanks et al., 2018).
The main aim of this paper is to highlight the
value of EBIM (BIM data together with other
enterprise data) and visualise the potential benefits of
EBIM for healthcare operations. A prototype of a
mobile application that uses a dynamic scheduling
algorithm for cleaning has been developed by a
student group (Tenstad et al., 2018). The algorithm
was designed using the idea of EBIM and using BIM
data together with other sources of data. We have
used EA as a means of describing and communicating
two business cases for the dynamic cleaning
algorithm and highlight the potential services and
benefits that it could bring to several stakeholders of
the hospital. The main aim of this paper is to illustrate
the potential of EBIM, using the EA approach.
contribution is a set of visual EA models that are
developed to describe new services developed by
using EBIM, and how they can benefit multiple
stakeholders during the operations of the hospital. We
have taken the EA approach and visualised the
services as a part of the hospital EA, where EBIM is
described as a set of data sources and ICT
applications. The models describe a number of
potential value-added services that could be of benefit
for the various stakeholders. The strength of this work
lies in the visualisation of the artefacts and the
relationships among them, such as which data could
be used by who to create value and which
stakeholders or actors could or should collaborate to
achieve this. The purpose of these models is primarily
a means of supporting discussions among the
The rest of this paper is structured as follows:
Section 2 provides an overview of related work;
Section 3 provides a brief description of the research
gap and the research approach; Section 4 describes an
example case and the value-added services visualised
using EA models; Section 5 describes the main
stakeholders and benefits of EBIM as described in the
EA models, and Section 6 concludes the paper.
This section will provide a brief overview of the main
concepts that are discussed in this paper: BIM, EBIM
and EA and EA frameworks.
2.1 BIM
Building Information Models (BIM) have been
identified as a transformational technology for
buildings as well as for enterprises (Forgues &
Lejeune, 2015). In addition to describing BIM as “a
digital representation of the physical and functional
characteristics of a facility”, BIM is also described as
a ”shared knowledge resource for information about
a facility forming a reliable basis for decisions during
its lifecycle from inception onward” [National
Institute of Building Sciences, (2007), p.149]. BIM
has played a role in the design and construction
phases of buildings, and in supporting
communication among the different stakeholder
groups from the construction perspective (Ku &
Taiebat, 2011).
A broad perspective of BIM have been described
by some authors, such as a means of supporting the
entire lifecycle of buildings and as a set of interacting
policies, processes and technologies (Succar, 2009)
generating a “methodology to manage the essential
building design and project data in digital format
throughout the building’s life-cycle” (Penttilä, 2006).
However, most of the research reported in the
literature focus on the design and construction phases
of a building (Pikas et al., 2011; van der Zwart &
Evjen, 2018) and does not take into account the
activities that take place in the building. The common
uses of BIM beyond the construction phase are
mostly in facility management (Lucas et al., 2013;
Sabol, 2008; Wang et al., 2015) and assets
management (Krugler et al., 2007; Miettinen et al.,
2018). There are, but a few examples of the use of the
data in BIMs during the operational phase of a
building and in relation to specific activities of the
enterprise that takes place within the building, e.g.
(Petersen et al., 2019). Thus, there appears a research
gap in the identifying the potential of BIM data for
enterprises and their strategic and operational
2.2 EBIM
The concept of Enterprise BIM, or EBIM, has been
proposed, and is defined as a discrete information
database aimed to support the whole building mass
and several enterprise aspects, and enable the
integration of the core business and the various
processes of the hospital (Aksnes, 2016). The
enterprise aspects represent the parts of an enterprise
that are relevant for the different phases of its
lifecycle. For example, during the operation phase,
enterprise aspects of relevance would include the
business and operational processes, patient related
information, logistics, technical and digital
infrastructure as well as assets and facility
management, (Evjen et al., 2020; Petersen et al.,
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
2019). Thus, EBIM can be considered as BIM data in
combination with several other data that is available
in any enterprise, that enhances the value of BIM for
an enterprise during multiple phases of the lifecycle
of the building. Furthermore, EBIM could identify the
potential for new and innovative services that could
add value and could potentially improve the use of the
built environment and spaces for the benefit of the
enterprise processes. For example, tracing the
movement of assets within the space to identify
spaces that are most in use (Jørstad, 2016), or to learn
more about the use of specific rooms based on the
assets or material (digital and physical) associated
with the room (Hestman, 2015).
2.3 Enterprise Architecture
The first EA framework, the Zachman Framework
(Zachman, 2008) was proposed as a taxonomy of the
different entities, emphasising the roles or
stakeholders within an enterprise and the data and
information elements and artefacts that are of interest
to the different stakeholders. The scope of the
stakeholders goes beyond those actively involved in
the development of IT systems. The most popular EA
framework and methodology today is The Open
Group’s EA framework (TOGAF) (The Open Group,
2011), which takes a layered approach to distinguish
the business, data and information and the technology
layers of an enterprise. TOGAF emphasises primarily
on the business and IT stakeholders and how to
engage these stakeholder groups to create a solution
Recent technological advances have transformed
enterprises from generating and owning all their data
and IT systems to leveraging on third party systems
and Open Data. Thus, EA framework have evolved to
support the dynamics of today’s enterprises and one
such EA framework that is of interest when we
consider several data sources such as BIM and IoT
data is IDS-RAM, which is a Reference Architecture
Model for Data Spaces to support the current
digitisation trend and the data-centric landscape (Otto
et al., 2018).
The fundamental ideas of EA and the distinction
of the business, data and information, technology and
solution architectures, while bridging them, have
been considered relevant in the area of smart and
sustainable cities (Pourzolfaghar et al., 2016). Thus,
several smart city architectures have adopted the
layer-based approach of several EA framework. One
such EA framework is the one developed in the
European H2020 Smart Cities project Positive City
Exchange, +CityxChange (Ahlers et al., 2019). The +
CityxChange EA framework is layer-based and
brings together the needs of a city or an enterprise
such as a healthcare provider and the entities and
layers that are included in a traditional EA framework
such as TOGAF.
In the healthcare context, EA has been defined as
a “plan (or set of plans) that guides healthcare
management responsibilities and strategies, including
the identification and use of IT resources” (Bradley,
Pratt, Thrasher, et al., 2012). A few examples of EA
in healthcare institutions have been reported in the
literature; e.g. (Haghighathoseini et al., 2018). Most
of these address the design and construction phases of
buildings. The main limitation identified in studies in
the application of the EA approach in hospitals is the
lack of involvement of stakeholders other than those
from the IT domain (Ajer et al., 2019; Bradley, Pratt,
Byrd, et al., 2012).
2.3.1 + CityxChange EA Framework
The + CityxChange EA framework is designed to
provide an overview of the ICT applications that are
developed to meet the needs of the different
stakeholders in a city. The services meeting the needs
are often based on several ICT applications, often
developed and/or owned by several organisations,
thus resulting in a collaboration among several
organisations to provide the services. An overview
of the +CityxChange EA framework is shown in
Figure 1.
Figure 1: +CityxChange EA framework, adopted
from (Petersen et al., 2019).
The bottom three layers focus on the
technological aspects, e.g. the physical infrastructure
layer serves as the sources of data, such as sensors on
equipment or metering devices. The large amounts of
data gathered from this layer is transferred to the
technology layer, which includes the software and
hardware infrastructures. The framework is centred
around the Data Space, which provides an overview
Enterprise Architecture to Identify the Benefits of Enterprise Building Information Model Data: An Example from Healthcare Operations
of all the data that is available to an enterprise for
developing ICT applications and value-added
services. This data space layer serves as the glue
between the software and hardware infrastructures to
support the data and the contexts in which the data
could be leveraged to create value to several
stakeholders. The application layer can be used to
describe the ICT applications that could be developed
by collaborations among one or many actors or
organisations; described as a VE or a collaborative
network. These applications or combinations of
applications meet the needs of stakeholders; in the
case of a hospital, they may include healthcare
personnel, facility managers, logistics managers,
patients and visitors to the hospital.
The research gaps that have been identified include
the lack of use of the data in BIM models in the
operations phase of a building to support enterprise
processes. The use of EBIM, BIM data together with
other enterprise data, to create innovative value-
added services to support the enterprise processes has
not been explored. And finally, there are challenges
in communicating the value of EBIM and available
data to the different stakeholders in an enterprise.
In this regard, we have explored the use of EA in
healthcare operations in hospitals and identified that
while there are a few examples of the use of EA in the
area of healthcare, it appears that there is a lack of
involvement of stakeholders other than those working
with IT. The benefits of using EA in enterprises have
been described by several researchers (Frampton et
al., 2015; Shanks et al., 2018; Tamm et al., 2011).
Hence, we have chosen EA as our approach and used
an EA framework for describing the value of BIM and
EBIM, by visualising how they could be used to
create several value-added services in an enterprise.
The case study approach (Yin, 2014) is the overall
approach that we have used, particularly to
understand the environment and the needs. We have
chosen a prototype ICT application which uses a
dynamic scheduling algorithm for cleaning, which
has been developed as a part of a student group
project (Tenstad et al., 2018). The student thesis has
been the main data source for our work. In addition,
informal conversations with people from the property
department at the hospital have provided us insights.
We have used the information available to create an
EA model to identify potential value-added services
and their benefits for stakeholders that make strategic
and operational decisions in healthcare operations.
The visual models are the artefacts that have been
developed and described in this paper.
In a hospital in Norway, a prototype of a dynamic
scheduling algorithm for cleaning has been
developed, which utilises data from EBIM. This
application creates dynamic cleaning plans based on
the use of equipment and spaces within the hospital.
Information such as mobile phone traffic within a
specific physical space, (respecting privacy
compliance) and BIM data were used. A prototype
was designed after conducting surveys among several
Norwegian hospitals to identify limitations and
challenges related to the current cleaning services.
Some of the challenges of the current cleaning
services that were identified were the lack of
connection with the BIM models (e.g. spatial data)
resulting in a separate service that was required to
transfer the relevant data to the cleaning systems,
which included an additional cost, and manual
updates of the maps of the physical space. Thus, a
prototype, a mobile solution available on an iPad
using 3D visualisations, was developed to explore
possibilities for dynamic cleaning routines based on
the actual usage of the rooms and spaces (Tenstad et
al., 2018). Such an application could make cleaning
routines more effective while reducing the overall
cost of cleaning.
We have used the +CityxChange EA framework,
described in Section 2.3.1, and EA Modelling to
visualise the dynamic cleaning scheduling algorithm
in the context of the EBIM and other relevant
applications and data in the hospital and this is shown
in Figure 2. The EA models have been created using
Troux Architect, which is an Enterprise Modelling
tool, supporting several EA approaches. Note that the
aim is not to describe the entire EA for the hospital,
but the applications that are relevant to illustrate the
new value-added services that could be created by
using EBIM.
The contents of the layers are described below:
Context/Needs layer describe the needs of the
stakeholders and the context in which the needs
arise. In the case of a hospital, there is a need for
clean rooms and equipment, the satisfaction of
the patients and the management would like to
optimise their costs of operating the hospital.
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 2: EA model of EBIM and example business cases.
Services layer describes the services that could
be developed to meet the needs of the
stakeholders. In hospitals, some of the services
that could meet the needs identified in the
Context/needs layer include cleaning services,
contract negotiations, patient coordination
activities and indoor navigation support
Business Collaboration layer describes the
partnerships or collaborations that may need to
be formed to provide the services. For example,
the property owner (of the hospital) would need
to collaborate with the property maintenance
department and the cleaning company for the
cleaning services. Similarly, the patient
coordinator may need to collaborate with the
visitor coordinator or the property maintenance
Applications layer describes the various ICT
applications that could be used to develop and
support the services, such as the dynamic
scheduling algorithm for cleaning, application
to visualise BIM data and indoor positioning
DataxChange layer describes what could be
considered as an EBIM and describes the data
that is available to create the applications and
the services to meet the needs of the
stakeholders. In this case, some of the relevant
data are the data in the BIM models, mobile
phone traffic data, real time location service data
and other enterprise data.
Technology layer describes the different
technologies that provide the data and the
underlying software and hardware technologies
that support the data and the applications
described in the higher layers of the EA model.
In this case, some of the technological
components include the BIM server, a model
server that was implemented to provide access
to multiple data services using the IFC data
format and real time location data.
Physical Infrastructure layer describes the
sources of the data, which are not the same as
the technological components or the hardware.
They include the physical buildings, mobile
phones, equipment. Some of the components in
this layer could also include other sources of
data such as from social media or documents.
Enterprise Architecture to Identify the Benefits of Enterprise Building Information Model Data: An Example from Healthcare Operations
Figure 3: Business case A - dynamic and flexible cleaning services.
A dynamic scheduling algorithm for cleaning
based on the actual usage of space could be of benefit
to several stakeholders associated with the hospital.
The model in Figure 2 shows the elements that are
related to the ICT application “Dynamic Scheduling
Algorithm for cleaning. It uses BIM data, mobile
phone data and data related to cleaning history and
schedules (the latter two are not shown in the model).
Note that mobile phone data is one of many sources
of non-intrusive data that could indicate if a physical
space had been occupied. Other sources of data that
could be used, if available, include footfall counters
or other sensor data that note people entering or
leaving rooms.
In the following sub-sections, we describe two
new services that could be developed using the
dynamic scheduling algorithm for cleaning and how
it could be of benefit for several stakeholders
involved in the operations of the hospital.
4.1 Business Case A – Cleaning
The main stakeholders related to the ICT application,
the dynamic scheduling algorithm for cleaning
include the cleaning company, the facility manager,
the application developer and the hospital
management; see Figure 3. Thus, in the Business
layer of the EA model, some of the actors are central
stakeholders, e.g. in negotiating the cleaning contract
which could be of mutual benefit to the cleaning
company and the hospital management. The hospital
could optimise their costs while being ensured a
cleaning service based on the actual usage and
demand, and the cleaning company optimises their
resources by avoiding unnecessary cleaning effort
while delivering an efficient service. Such a
possibility could be of utmost value, particularly in
situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic, when
new and more vigilant cleaning routines had to be
adopted overnight to minimise the risk of infection.
Furthermore, such a dynamic and flexible cleaning
service based on demand and usage could potentially
contribute to reducing the amount of cleaning
chemicals that are used, which is also favourable to
the environment.
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Business Case B: automated cleaning using autonomous robot.
4.2 Business Case B – Autonomous
Cleaning Robots
The development of a dynamic scheduling algorithm
for cleaning, using data from EBIM, not only
provides direct benefit to the hospital and the cleaning
service provider, but it could stimulate a number of
potential business processes or opportunities for
innovative value-added services within the hospital.
The dynamic scheduling cleaning, using autonomous
robots; see Figure 4. The possibility to combine BIM
data and visualisations of it and the results from the
dynamic scheduling algorithm for cleaning could
accelerate the move to automated services within the
hospital. In addition to cost savings and resource
efficiency, such a service could be a life-saver in
highly infectious areas in hospitals, and could
contribute to reduced infections. This could have
been a valuable service during the COVID-19
pandemic or similar crises. In addition to cleaning
rooms and spaces, such a service could be combined
with the indoor positioning service to trace and/or and
track equipment, to support medical personnel,
patients and others find relevant medical and/or other
equipment which are clean and infection free, quickly
and easily.
For business case B, we have not shown the
stakeholders explicitly in the EA model. Here, most
of the stakeholders from business case A, at least
from the hospital, are still relevant. Additional
stakeholders may be policy makers at the hospital and
health authorities, concerning regulations and
guidelines for autonomous robots and other
equipment. The actors involved in the business
collaboration layer may also differ, e.g. the cleaning
company may be replaced by a robot technology
provider or there may be collaborations between the
cleaning company and the robot company.
A structured approach offered through an EA
framework allows attention to the different types of
stakeholders that participate in different ways and are
Enterprise Architecture to Identify the Benefits of Enterprise Building Information Model Data: An Example from Healthcare Operations
also impacted through EBIM. The EA models try to
identify what may be considered a part of the EBIM,
within the DataxChange layer of the EA framework
and the business cases show how EBIM could be
utilised to benefit a number of stakeholders. The
purpose of these models is primarily as a means of
supporting discussions among the stakeholders. As
with many visual models (e.g. 2D or 3D models of
BIM), they also convey the value of the services and
the relationships from the elements in the EBIM and
how they can be used to support new and innovative
collaborative services.
Identifying the relationships among the different
entities help to clarify the relevance and dependencies
among the different entities. In this case, the models
presented in Section 4 describe how the different data
components in EBIM and the data contributed to the
development of the dynamic scheduling algorithm.
Similarly, they also help to visualise the stakeholders
that could be impacted and are involved in such an
application to create potentially multiple services that
could be of benefit to the hospital and its many
stakeholders. A brief overview of the main
stakeholders and the main benefits for them are
provided below:
Medical staff (nurses, doctors, technicians, etc.),
Patients, caregivers and visitors - improved
health, sanitation, and safety; reduced risk of
infection, more pleasant working spaces, a good
impression of the hospital.
Hospital Management - strategic decision
making and contract negotiations, based on
actual values, cost savings on cleaning,
optimised contracts with third party service
ICT and operational services staff - potential to
develop new and novel technological support
(e.g. cleaning robots and other autonomous
services); Minimise data format conversions,
temporary storage, thus reducing costs and
avoid duplication of data and inconsistency by
information access to the source.
Maintenance staff and Facility management-
better resource utilisation and better overview of
cleaning, e.g. through logs and automatically
generated reports.
Sub-contractors (e.g. cleaning services) -
dynamic cleaning routines, on a real time needs
basis, efficient work plan creation, cost savings
by avoiding data conversions and additional
data storage, (through direct access to EBIM
using IFC standard), a product that they could
commercialise and use elsewhere.
This paper explored the concept of EBIM in a hospital
and how EBIM could be used in combination with EA
to identify and communicate the benefits of EBIM to
the multiple stakeholders in a healthcare institution.
The motivation for this work arose from the
challenges in communicating the potential benefits of
EBIM in a business context. The example business is
based on the work of group of students that had
developed a dynamic scheduling algorithm for
cleaning. The main contribution of this work is an EA
model of a hospital, describing several business cases,
the technological and the business contexts of those,
visualisation of available data and applications that
could be reused and the relevant stakeholders.
The main source of data for this work is the thesis
from the students, which report a positive response
from the stakeholders involved in the cleaning and
maintenance departments. Although the ideas and
information for the business cases have been partly
obtained from reports, discussions and work
conducted within the hospital, the models have not
been discussed with all relevant stakeholders.
Therefore, how well the model would serve as a
means of communicating the value of EBIM and the
EA approach to all stakeholders remains to be seen.
However, based on the discussions of the benefits of
EA in service provision and our own experience from
using EA, we have used EA as an approach for
communicating the value of EBIM.
The next step in our research would be the further
validation of these models as a facilitator for
communication among the stakeholders and for
identifying business value.
The authors would like to thank the people in the
Property Department at St. Olav Hospital for their
collaboration and the group of students that
implemented the prototype.
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