and promote behavior change towards a more sus-
tainable lifestyle (Hiselius and Rosqvist, 2016; Al-
Thawadi et al., 2021; Marconi et al., 2021; Badii
et al., 2017).
Our aim, within the AIR-BREAK project
, is to
implement sustainable mobility campaigns that in-
volve the whole community raising its awareness on
the possibilities and advantages offered by the avail-
able sustainable mobility services and to encourage
the adoption of different, more sustainable, mobility
In this paper we present BIKE2WORK: a home–
to–work sustainable mobility campaign targeting em-
ployees of public or private companies that has the
goals to promote the use of bicycles for home-to-work
trips by providing economic incentives. Starting from
the motivations that led to the definition of this cam-
paign (see Section 2), we present the BIKE2WORK ob-
jectives and the various steps that have been per-
formed to engage both companies and employees (see
Section 3). We continue giving details on its technical
implementation supporting its management and oper-
ation (see Section 4). We conclude the paper with
some initial experimental results (see Section 5) and
with some conclusions and future work (see Section
The transport sector is the largest contributor to green-
house gas (GHG) emissions (SUS, 2020). In 2017,
27% of total EU-28 GHG emissions came from this
sector. Within this sector, cities are the main sources
of global mobility demand due to citizens’ transporta-
tion activities within and between urban areas. Traffic
and commuting inefficiencies negatively impact ur-
ban infrastructure, increase pollution, and harm the
environment and people’s health.
Addressing and mitigating commuter-generated
traffic requires engaging public and private stake-
holders through a new innovative and collaborative
approach that can focus not only on supply (e.g.,
roads and vehicles), but also on transportation de-
mand management. In recent years, public author-
ities have broadened their focus from demand man-
agement policies that target individuals and house-
holds (which are a largely heterogeneous and disag-
gregated policy target) to demand management poli-
cies that target large traffic generators - including the
public and private sectors.
Mobility is likely to be a valuable application area
as the impacts on environment, climate, and land
use are beyond the current generation, as it requires
paradigm shifting decisions at the level of individuals
(i.e., behavioural change) and decision-makers (i.e.,
policies and the use of resources).
According to (Hiselius and Rosqvist, 2016)
changes in attitudes and social norms are required to
promote new methods of applying technological so-
lutions and new behaviors and lifestyles in the transi-
tion to a low-carbon society. Mobility Management
initiatives have been proved to help people change
their minds, but they have yet to be acknowledged
as crucial components of a comprehensive transporta-
tion policy strategy.
Now, Covid-19 is generating a rapid change in the
way people work, act, and move, which could pave
the way for more change in transportation behavior
(TEI, 2021; Bergantino et al., 2021; Scorrano and
Danielis, 2021). This means that hard work will be
needed to shape the new behaviors that will form in
the future.
Positively transforming the way people travel for
the benefit of society requires a profound transforma-
tion of habits and behaviors, which must be based on
comprehensive impact assessments and simulations
that consider social, health, environmental and cli-
mate impacts, as well as economic impacts.
Within the AIR-BREAK project, behaviour
change and awareness raising campaigns have the
aim to inform citizens’ and raise their awareness on
the possibilities and advantages offered by the avail-
able sustainable mobility services and to encourage
the adoption of different, more sustainable, mobility
BIKE2WORK is one of the initiatives in this direc-
tion with the goal to promote an approach to mobility
oriented to workers able to support the company Mo-
bility Manager in the promotion of sustainable mobil-
ity and transport demand management by analyzing
the problems, needs and habits of workers, Covid-19
measures adopted by companies, trying to orient them
towards new habits of sustainable transport.
BIKE2WORK, leveraging on behavioral change,
technologies, and business model, intends to act on
the decisive factors that hinder modal shift by pro-
viding services, information, recommendations, and
• To support companies in adopting policies and
initiatives to plan and implement actions and mea-
sures to identify the most sustainable mobility so-
• To encourage workers to significantly change
their mobility habits, making them active partic-
SMARTGREENS 2022 - 11th International Conference on Smart Cities and Green ICT Systems