havior for each profile. In this sense, the proposal
of this work satisfactorily meets the need and per-
sonalizes personalized pedagogical actions in an au-
tomated manner. From this, we understand that in
future works, it is necessary to improve the adapta-
tion functions (F
and F
) to provide pedagogical se-
quences more adjusted to the students’ profiles.
This paper presents an approach to automatically se-
quencing customized pedagogical actions to the stu-
dent. Using two cognitive theories, such as the Re-
vised Bloom Taxonomy and the student’s RASI pro-
file, it was possible to sequence actions in an inde-
pendent way of the curriculum structure, considering
the learning process. Using digital activities provided
by Bloom’s Digital Taxonomy, a satisfaction experi-
ment was carried out in which sequences of activities
were recommended for students from the sequences
of actions generated by the PSO.
An important finding of this work concerns the
feasibility of personalized pedagogical recommenda-
tions through digital activities that consider a student
RASI profile. Thus, it was shown that the relation-
ship established between the BT and the RASI is an
effective approach to solve this problem. From the
results of the experiment, it was concluded that stu-
dents were satisfied with the quantity and quality of
activities recommended by the PSO.
In this sense, the binary PSO developed from the
proposed methodology proved to be an efficient ap-
proach to solve the sequencing problem. The op-
timization process was able to find sequences com-
posed of actions that were relevant and in adequate
quantity for each student. A limitation in this study
is the discrepancy between the predominant profiles
of the students who participated in the experiment,
which requires a more in-depth statistical analysis of
the data obtained. As future works, we intend to feed-
back the reference values of the optimization objec-
tives from the satisfaction survey results and carry out
the integration with a Virtual Learning Environment
in order to automate the recommendation process.
The authors thank the Federal University of
andia, the Goiano Federal Institute, and the Fed-
eral Institute of Tri
angulo Mineiro for supporting this
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Sequencing and Recommending Pedagogical Activities from Bloom’s Taxonomy using RASI and Multi-objective PSO