general considerations, then in Section 4.2 the exper-
imental results of energy consumption by comparison
of different footwear. In Section 4.3 we are looking
at the energy consumption measured by comparison
of different floors, and in 4.4 at possible logistics ap-
plications to this now educational approach, in future
also applying to industrial and societal technological
applications. In Section 5 we draw conclusions, and
in Section 6 we give a summary and an outlook to
the energy consumption of the spiderino robot-o and
related research and application approaches.
Goal. The goal of this paper is to investigate the en-
ergy consumption of a spiderino educational robot,
here referred to as spiderino robot-o, as a function
of different varying environmental conditions with re-
gard to friction, and plane inclination.
The position of this paper is that we can influence
the energy consumption of a spiderino robot-o to re-
duce energy usage in general by means of mechan-
ical friction surface pairs. We further assume that the
hypothesis is true, that we can discriminate by suit-
able measurement the effects that have significant im-
pact on energy consumption and that we can optimise
the energy consumption of the spiderino robot-o with
regard to the surface conditions by a suitable equip-
ment, which is in our case footwear, by this influ-
encing a pairing of two contacting surface materials
in the spiderino robot-o environment relative motion
When we regard a robot-o we regard different levels
of organisation. This can be seen, as different
identical spiderin-os which then lead to a group of
interacting systems which would be the first consid-
eration of a spiderino robot-o
i=0 relating to a single
and i=1 to, e.g. a group. In our investigation we re-
gard another differentiation, of a robot-o, and this is
one spiderino, with regard to different alternating con-
ditions, of his footwear, or exchangeable outfit, and a
fixed nearby environment, the different floors. The
other one is the far distant environment or the outside
of the experimental situation window. This ‘window’
can be regarded as the cage in which the spiderin-o,
is allowed to move (see Figure 2), which is then the
observed room, or the system-border, in this case of
the experimental setup. So what we get is an orgiton
of a combinatorial setting of near and distant envir-
onment, which could be indicated by two indices in
our investigation. The spiderin-o
relates then to a
as the type of footwear, and b to the type of ground.
In fact the intermission of a ‘wear’, changes the rela-
tion of a system to its environment. On the one side
it is a shield, increasing some kind of ‘distance’, as
well as physical conditions, like the weight increase.
So this interaction relationship changes, with regard
to friction, as we had intended to investigate in the
experimental setup. The friction µ
, is the physical
bidirectional interaction variable. Here we investig-
ate this relation to the total Energy consumption E for
movement for the spiderino, which hence can also be
regarded as an optimisation problem of movement of
a body, a robot-o as a function of µ
. The problem
formulation is hence according to equation (1),
= opt (1)
where the sign ‘!’ translates for ‘it should be’ and
the phrase ‘opt’ for ‘optimum value’, which is a min-
imum in this case, as the minimum conditions for en-
ergy consumption of the robot-o shall be met, or max-
imum with regard to time, or distance covered.
In this Section we give first some considerations, then
the results with regard to energy consumption of the
measurements and later on how the spiderino can be
related to industrial applications.
4.1 General Considerations
Concerning the experimental setup as indicated
earlier, different combinations of material of the foot-
wear a and the grounding b were done. The footwear
was a=standard plastic, cork, rubber. The ground was
b=wood, stone, carpet, and with regard to inclination
10%. The inclination was tried to be steeper but it
turned out that a steeper gradient had led to instable
movement of the robot-o so that it turned over in that
case. So we restricted the experimental setup to an in-
clination that was save enough for constant safe con-
tinuous movement in all directions. In any case the
movement of the spiderino can be regarded randomly,
due to the experimental setup.
IoTBDS 2022 - 7th International Conference on Internet of Things, Big Data and Security