Using Deep Learning-based Object Detection to Extract Structure
Information from Scanned Documents
Alice Nannini, Federico A. Galatolo
, Mario G. C. A. Cimino
and Gigliola Vaglini
Department of Information Engineering, University of Pisa, Largo L. Lazzarino 1, Pisa, Italy
Keywords: Deep Learning, Computer Vision, Object Detection, Region Proposal, Document Layout Analysis,
Information Extraction, Transfer Learning.
Abstract: The computer vision and object detection techniques developed in recent years are dominating the state of the
art and are increasingly applied to document layout analysis. In this research work, an automatic method to
extract meaningful information from scanned documents is proposed. The method is based on the most recent
object detection techniques. Specifically, the state-of-the-art deep learning techniques that are designed to
work on images, are adapted to the domain of digital documents. This research focuses on play scripts, a
document type that has not been considered in the literature. For this reason, a novel dataset has been
annotated, selecting the most common and useful formats from hundreds of available scripts. The main
contribution of this paper is to provide a general understanding and a performance study of different
implementations of object detectors applied to this domain. A fine-tuning of deep neural networks, such as
Faster R-CNN and YOLO, has been made to identify text sections of interest via bounding boxes, and to
classify them into a specific pre-defined category. Several experiments have been carried out, applying
different combinations of data augmentation techniques.
This work aims to offer a cutting-edge approach to
the processing of scanned documents that have a non-
regular text structure. As a reference domain, the one
of play scripts is considered. In this domain, a
standard script includes the following structure: title,
author, followed by a sequence of scenes and acts, a
list of sentences (lines) with an associated character,
and different types of descriptions and notes. Such
sections may be in different positions of the
document, with different formatting, including
different font sizes and styles. The purpose of this
research is to propose a deep learning approach to
automatically identify position, content, and nature of
each element, for script enrichment with metadata.
On one side, this problem can be considered as an
object detection task, since it is based on identifying
the text sections and their coordinates as objects in an
image. On the other side, the problem can be
formulated as a document layout detection, because it
is based on associating each text box with its
functionality within the script layout. A solution to
this problem is composed by a set of labelled
bounding boxes for the regions of interest (ROI) on
each document page. The considered approach is
language independent, because it does not explicitly
consider the text content. Although the text contents
of many regions can be useful for the purpose of
classification, the approach based on vision has the
advantage of generality with respect to language,
without using text features.
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2
covers a survey of related works. Then, Section 3
discusses the architectural design. Experimental
results are discussed in Section 4. Finally, Section 5
draws conclusions and future work.
Several tools exist to manage texts extracted from
scanned documents, and a variety of research works
are based on processing document contents. A
Nannini, A., Galatolo, F., Cimino, M. and Vaglini, G.
Using Deep Learning-based Object Detection to Extract Structure Information from Scanned Documents.
DOI: 10.5220/0011090600003179
In Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS 2022) - Volume 1, pages 610-615
ISBN: 978-989-758-569-2; ISSN: 2184-4992
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
problem largely considered by the literature is related
to the analysis of scientific papers. In (Soto & Yoo,
2019) an adaptation of the Faster R-CNN (Region
Based Convolutional Neural Networks) object
detection model is proposed to facilitate the automatic
knowledge extraction from scientific articles. A
similar approach is found in (Yang & Hsu, 2021),
where the authors consider the analysis of layout of a
scientific document as an object detection task on
digital images. Here, the approach is based on fine-
tuning the two stages of the Faster R-CNN, pre-
trained on the Microsoft Common Objects in Context
(MS COCO) dataset.
A different research domain is the analysis of
historical documents, on which a variety of studies
have been done, based on text recognition. With
regard to this approach, in (Lombardi & Marinai,
2020) a survey of different deep learning techniques
used on this type of documents is provided. The most
used architectural models are Fully Convolutional
Networks (FCNs), Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN and
other models for object detection. In (Pondenkandath
et al., 2017) an architecture based on Long Short-
Term Memory (LSTM) technology is proposed.
Finally, in (Ziran et al., 2019), an approach based on
Faster R-CNN pre-trained on COCO data is carried
out to solve a page layout analysis problem. On the
other side, pixel-wise approaches are also
widespread, performing page segmentation and
classification by processing each pixel using a trained
CNN (Barakat & Al-Sana, 2018).
Recent works are trying new approaches based on
the YOLO (You Only Look Once) v3 model, a state-
of-the-art, real-time object detection system (Huang
et al., 2019). YOLO achieves promising and robust
performance, although it does not have a large
application in the documents domain. Overall, the
most used approach, on which more information and
data are available, is the Faster R-CNN object
detection model, pre-trained on a document-based
dataset, and then fine-tuned on a custom dataset. As a
consequence, in this paper Faster R-CNN and
YOLOv5 will be compared.
In the literature, there is a lack of benchmark data in
the domain of play scripts. As a consequence, it has
been necessary to create a data set. Figure 1 shows an
example of script. Specifically, an initial analysis of a
large database of more than 10k publicly vailable play
scripts (GTTempo, 2022), has been carried out. As a
result, 6 classes of interest have been identified in the
Title: it refers to the title of the play, usually in the
first page of a script;
Author: it refers to the name of the script’s author
and related information;
Characters’ List: it refers to the list of all the
characters in the play, usually placed on the first
page after the title;
Subtitle: it refers to the statement of an act or a
scene, but also to other paragraph titles;
Description: the text section contains a scene’s
description, a global note, or similar;
Dialogue: it refers to each line in the text, and
consists of the character's name, the text of the
line, and any related notes.
The document annotation has been carried out using
PAWLS (Neumann et al., 2021), a tool designed and
optimized for scanned documents. The resulting
machine learning set consists of 316 annotated pages,
for overall 109 documents. The distribution of the
classes is strongly unbalanced towards the Dialogue
Figure 1: Example of annotated document page.
Experiments have been carried out with the Google
Colab (Bisong, 2019) a free platform based on the
open-source Jupyter project, that allows to write and
run Python code through a browser with no
configuration required and with free access to GPUs.
The device we got to use is a NVIDIA Tesla K80
Using Deep Learning-based Object Detection to Extract Structure Information from Scanned Documents
4.1 Faster R-CNN
Faster R-CNN (Ren et al., 2015) is a two-stage object
detector that belongs to the region-based CNN
family. We refer to the implementation provided by
the framework Detectron2. It has a structure based on
an initial stage where the Region Proposal is
performed, implemented by a deep fully-connected
network called RPN (“Region Proposal Network”).
The first stage of the RPN starts with the backbone,
based on a Residual Network, which extracts the
features of the input image. Subsequently, it takes the
feature maps coming out from different levels of the
backbone, to work on multiple scales, and it searches
for regions of interest via a sliding window and
various anchors of different sizes. As a result, the
bounding boxes of the Regions Of Interest (ROI) are
generated. The second stage consists in the real
detection, in which a network is trained to classify the
ROIs. This stage is implemented by the convolutional
head of the Fast R-CNN network (Girshick, 2015). It
takes as an input both the ROIs and the feature maps
extracted from the backbone.
The model is pre-trained on PubLayNet (Zhong,
2019), one of the largest datasets for document layout
analysis, counting more than 360k annotated page
images, mostly from scientific articles. The model has
been fine-tuned for 10k epochs on 283 play script
pages, and then tested on the remaining 33 pages,
with a batch size of 256, and a starting learning rate
of 5E-6 which then stabilizes at 250E-6 after 1000
warm-up iterations. Anchor scales of [32, 64, 128,
256, 512], anchor ratios of [0.5, 1.0, 2.0], and anchor
angles of [-90, 0, 90] have been set. Regarding the
data augmentation, the default setting has been
included the scale jittering. With an Intersection-
Over-Union (IOU) threshold of 0.5, the model
achieved a mean average precision (mAP@0.5) of
.566 over all six classes, with peak class performance
on Dialogue sections (.623) and lowest performance
on Author (.319).
Additional data augmentation techniques have
been integrated into the configuration. First, the
default scale jittering parameters have been updated
according to the size of the dataset images. Second,
cropping and horizontal flipping have been enabled.
Third, the augmentation techniques have been
enabled also for the test images. As a result, the model
has been retrained, achieving a mean mAP@0.5 of
.622, with peak class-performance of .636 on
Dialogue text sections, and a lowest performance of
.346 on Title class. Table 1 shows a summary of the
mAP@0.5 by class. Figure 2 shows the normalized
confusion matrix on test set. Figure 3 shows the
validation performance during the training phase.
Table 2 shows various validation results against
epochs. Finally, an example of inference on a test
image is shown in Figure 4. Finally, an example of
inference on a test image is shown in Figure 4.
Table 1: Faster R-CNN, summary of mAP@0.5 by class.
Title .346
Author .395
Subtitle .569
Description .410
Character List .420
Dialogue .636
Figure 2: Faster R-CNN, normalised confusion matrix on
test set.
Figure 3: Validation mAP@0.5 trend of Faster R-CNN
model during the training phase.
Table 2: Faster R-CNN, validation results again epochs.
Epochs AP AP
1k .351 .528 .382 1.073
2k .389 .577 .427 .902
3k .422 .589 .498 .831
4k .388 .564 .445 .797
5k .435 .598 .483 .796
6k .439 .610 .528 .780
7k .462 .626 .530 .775
8k .465 .627 .531 .784
9k .474 .643 .558 .782
10k .472 .635 .543 .772
ICEIS 2022 - 24th International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems
Figure 4: Faster R-CNN inference on test image.
4.2 YOLOv5
For a better assessment, the results achieved by the
Faster-CNN model have been compared with a
YOLO model (Redmon et al., 2016). The purpose is
to understand whether improvements can be achieved
via a different approach.
Specifically, YOLO version 5 has been
considered, because – although under development –
it offers performance comparable to its previous
versions with shorter training and inference time.
Moreover, it is implemented on the PyTorch
framework, which makes it easier to compare with the
Faster R-CNN model. In contrast, the earlier versions
of YOLO are based on the Darknet framework.
YOLOv5 is based on a one-stage detection, an
approach resulting in a simpler structure and less time
consumption, than two-stage networks such as Faster
R-CNN. In essence, YOLOv5 processes the whole
image at once through a CNN, without making
predictions about many regions of an image.
YOLOv5 divides an input image into an S×S grid. For
each grid cell, it predicts B bounding boxes with
related confidences (called “objectness score”), and
related membership probabilities for all C classes.
The CNN is made by a backbone to extract the
features, which are then received at 3 different scales
as input by the detector. The detector predicts the
bounding boxes and the classes. The model offers a
very extensive data augmentation solution: by
default, various colour adjustment techniques,
translation, scaling, horizontal flipping, and mosaic
augmentation are provided.
YOLOv5 offers multiple model implementations
of different sizes, resulting in different trade-offs
between inference time and accuracy. The adopted
version is the “medium”, which consists of about 21
million of trainable parameters (Faster R-CNN has 41
million of them), and is more robust with respect to
previous versions.
The model has been configured with the weights
pre-trained with the COCO dataset, and it has been
trained for 500 epochs, with a batch size of 16. The
anchors have been set through the execution of a k-
means algorithm on the training data, while the
learning rate was scheduled according to the One-
Cycle policy (Smith, 2018). The Early Stopping
technique with a patience of 100 have been set.
As a result, a mAP@05 of .703 has been achieved,
which is higher than the performance of .622
achieved by Faster R-CNN. The peak performance of
.899 has been achieved with the Dialogue class, while
the worst class remains Title with a mAP of .481.
Table 3 shows a summary of validation results by
class. Figure 5 shows the normalized confusion
matrix on test set, whereas Figure 6 shows the
precision-recall ROC curve. Figure 7 shows the
validation performance during the training phase. It is
clear that YOLO achieves a higher precision with less
than an order of magnitude of steps with respect to
Faster R-CNN. Finally, Figure 8 shows an example
of inference on a test image.
Table 3: YOLOv5, validation results by class.
Class Precision Recall AP
All .763 .671 .703 .560
Title .726 .538 .481 .328
Author .710 .727 .684 .591
Subtitle .757 .737 .778 .581
Description .724 .525 .611 .508
Character List .789 .626 .767 .613
Dialogue .872 .871 .899 .738
Figure 5: YOLOv5, normalised confusion matrix on test
Using Deep Learning-based Object Detection to Extract Structure Information from Scanned Documents
Figure 6: YOLOv5, precision-recall ROC curve.
Figure 7: Validation mAP@0.5 trend of YOLOv5
“medium” model during the training phase.
Figure 8: YOLOv5 inference on test image.
This paper compares state-of-the art deep learning
solutions for the automatic extraction of structure
information from scanned documents. The study
considers play scripts as a type of document. For this
purpose, the latest object detection techniques have
been adopted. Given the unavailability of play script
benchmark in the literature, a novel data set has been
generated, via publicly available repositories.
In the architectural design, selected technologies
for natural image processing have been adapted to the
domain of digital documents. Specifically, Faster R-
CNN and YOLOv5 have been considered.
Although a more in-depth exploration of the
approaches, and an enrichment of the benchmark are
needed, the experimental results are promising, and
the object detection technology based on deep
learning has proved to be easily adaptable and
effective for the document domain. More recently, a
novel approach of object detection has been proposed
in the literature (Carion et al., 2020). The approach,
called DEtection TRansformer (DETR), streamlines
the pipeline, by removing many hand-designed
components. DETR demonstrates accuracy and run-
time performance comparable with Faster-R-CNN.
An extensive study in this direction can be a future
work to bring a contribution in the field.
This work has been supported by: (i) the IT company
Wondersys Srl, Leghorn, Italy; (ii) the Italian
Ministry of Education and Research (MIUR) in the
framework of the CrossLab project (Departments of
Excellence); (iii) the Italian Ministry of University
and Research (MUR), in the framework of the FISR
2019 Programme, under Grant No. 03602 of the
project “SERICA”. The authors thank, a blog founded by Rebecca Luparini.
A demonstrator of the proposed system will be hosted
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Using Deep Learning-based Object Detection to Extract Structure Information from Scanned Documents