the method of content-based filtering to a given work-
list and the event log and present the result, a work-
list, ordered according to potential user preferences,
to the active user of the PAIS. An advantage of this
approach is that existing data and information like the
process model or the event log can be used to cal-
culate the user’s preferences. Furthermore, activities
of the process model can be enhanced by other tags
for more accurate predictions. We evaluated our work
prototypically with our project partners. The idea
received a lot of positive feedback, and the project
partners confirmed that the presented idea leads to an
improvement in user satisfaction. Initial prototypical
implementations and evaluations showed the success
of the approach. Manual calculations of recommen-
dations provided promising results demonstrating the
need for implementation.
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alternate activity rating approaches as well as more
approaches to generating activity tags. Furthermore,
other methods known from recommender systems can
be considered to tackle drawbacks, like cold-start
problem for new users, or recommendation of appar-
ent items, of content-based filtering method, e.g., col-
laborative filtering or knowledge-based filtering. Fi-
nally, we plan to implement a prototype and to include
a real-world evaluation of our approach.
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Content-based Filtering for Worklist Reordering to improve User Satisfaction: A Position Paper