The experiment is performed using approximately
1300 images taken by seven multi-camera smart-
phones. We provide more information about the
smartphones and images below.
Smartphones: The following smartphones are used
in the experiment: Huawei Nova 3i, Meizu M6 Note,
Moto G5s Plus, iPhoneXS, LG V30+, Samsung A8,
Huawei P20 Pro.
Images: Images were taken under different envi-
ronmental conditions and different shooting modes.
We took seven different conditions into account: (1)
Blr: instable images taken with movements of human
hands, (2) Bkh: images with Bokeh effect, (3) Indrs:
images taken indoors with inconsistent luminance, (4)
Otdrs: images taken outdoors with inconsistent lumi-
nance, (5) NgtO: images taken at night with flashlight,
(6) NgtF: images taken at night without flashlight, (7)
Sky: bright sky images.
Image Format: The images from iPhoneXS and
Android-based camera models were mostly JPEG
images. However, non-portrait mode images from
iPhoneXS were in HEIC format. Since our experi-
ment required JPEG images, we used an online econ-
verter for converting HEIC to JPEG.
4.1 Multi-fingerprint Verification
Fingerprint: In this approach, the fingerprint of each
of the following camera sensors were generated from
a set of clear sky images. The considered camera sen-
sors are: (1) Nova: pattern noise of main camera in
Huawei Nova 3i, (2) Meizu: pattern noise of main
camera in Meizu M6 Not, (3) Moto: pattern noise of
main camera in Moto G5s Plus; (4) iPhx1: pattern
noise of wide-angle camera in iPhoneXS, (5) iPhx2:
pattern noise of telephoto camera in iPhoneXS, (6)
LGW: pattern noise of wide-angle camera in LG
V30+, (7) LGU: pattern noise of ultra wide-angle
camera in LG V30+, (8) SamS: pattern noise of wide-
angle front camera of Samsung A8, (9) SamW: pat-
tern noise of ultra wide angle front camera of Sam-
sung A8, (10) P20x1: pattern noise when zooming is
not used (no use of telephote camera), (11) P20x3:
pattern noise when optical zooming is used.
Query Image: The correlation for a query image was
done by matching the noise of the image with finger-
print. For finding true positive, the correlation was
done between the full-resolution noise and full res-
olution fingerprint of the same camera model. For
false positive, a cropped noise was correlated with
a cropped fingerprint from a different camera. The
cropping was done from 3000 × 2800 topmost left
part of the noise and fingerprint. Note that cropping
is required for finding false positive as images from
different smartphones have typically different resolu-
Table 2: True positive of the multi-fingerprint approach.
Blr Bkh Indrs Otdrs NgtO NgtF Sky
Nova 20/20 0/20 20/20 20/20 1/10 0/10 20/20
Meizu 20/20 20/20 20/20 20/20 10/10 10/10 20/20
Moto 20/20 0/20 18/20 20/20 3/10 10/10 20/20
iPhx1 20/20 NaN 20/20 20/20 6/10 10/10 20/20
iPhx2 20/20 0/20 20/20 20/20 1/10 0/10 20/20
LGW 18/20 NaN 4/20 20/20 0/10 10/10 20/20
LGU 16/20 NaN 5/20 20/20 0/10 0/10 20/20
SamS 20/20 NaN 20/20 20/20 10/10 8/10 20/20
SamW 20/20 NaN 20/20 20/20 10/10 10/10 20/20
P20x1 19/20 20/20 15/20 20/20 5/10 0/10 20/20
P20x3 12/20 0/20 1/20 0/20 0/10 0/10 7/20
Results: Table 2 shows the true positive cases. The
false positive rate was zero. However, the true posi-
tive is lower than expected for some camera models
and image capturing conditions.
For Huawei Nova 3i, Meizu M6 Note, and Moto
G5s Plus, the main camera is responsible for captur-
ing the image. Thus, only one fingerprint is used in
the multi-fingerprint verification. In most cases, the
single fingerprint has high correlations with images
taken by the phone. But for indoor and night images
and images with Bokeh-effect, the multi-fingerprint
approach performs variably among the models. For
example, for Huawei Nova 3i and the Nova, the night-
time images give poor result, whereas for Meizu M6,
the result is satisfactory.
For iPhoneXS, LG V30+, Samsung A8, and
Huawei P20 Pro that possess two fingerprints, the
proposed multi-fingerprint approach performs well in
most cases. In some cases, including images taken
with Bokeh effect and images taken indoors or at
night, the approach, however, under performs.
4.2 Mixed-fingerprint Verification
In the experiments, we considered four smartphone
models: iPhoneXS, LG V30+, Samsung A8 and
Huawei P20 Pro. Only these models allowed us to
take images from multiple cameras.
Fingerprint: Fingerprints from different cameras
were mixed as described below.
(1) iPhx Mix: mixed noise pattern extracted from
10 clear sky images taken by 12 MP wide-angle rear
camera and 10 clear sky images taken by 12MP tele-
photo rear camera, (2) Sam
Mix: mixed noise pattern
extracted from 10 clear sky images taken by 16MP
front camera and 10 clear sky images taken by 8MP
front camera, (3) LG Mix: mixed noise pattern ex-
Source Attribution of Modern Multi-camera Smartphones