Considering the results shown, it is possible to con-
clude that the Orama framework proposed in this
work is capable of running benchmarks in several
FaaS scenarios, allowing comparative analyzes be-
tween benchmarks both in terms of absolute perfor-
mance and through statistical analyzes such as facto-
rial design and t-test.
The pre-configured use cases that are part of the
Orama Framework are tools that can help the com-
munity beyond what they propose. They can serve
as a basis for building other similar benchmarks with
different configurations or even for different bench-
marks, with services that have already been addressed
by the original use case. In addition, Orama use cases
can also serve as a starting point for a solution in a
productive environment, since it has a defined and ro-
bust orchestration process.
In the experiment, the framework was installed in
different positions in relation to the target clouds of
the use cases. Installation, provisioning and test exe-
cution are automated, allowing quick and easy analy-
sis from different points of view. Overall, the results
of experiments on AWS and GCP providers showed
that use cases running on AWS managed to be faster
than equivalent use cases running on GCP. However,
there was a high occurrence of errors in the executions
in AWS, while in GCP the use cases did not present
In future work, use cases may be incorporated to
increase the scope of testable solutions. Thanks to
the decoupled structure of the Orama Framework, in-
corporating new use cases is a relatively simple pro-
cess. Thus, it is possible, any out further work, for ex-
ample, in the investigation of performance problems
commonly found in FaaS architectures, varying dif-
ferent configuration possibilities in order to find those
parameters that exert the greatest influence on the re-
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