4.4 Operators in the Repository
Operators are needed upon the repository in order to
adequately manipulate the V-things. A V-thing can be
created, updated, queried and deleted, and the oper-
ators should enable these operations. We implement
the operators as utility functions and group them un-
der the lib directory. When there is a need to conduct
certain operations on the V-things data, the user can
make use of the operators through the APIs or on the
user interface to interact with the V-things artifacts in
the repository.
In particular, we exemplify the instantiation oper-
ator which is of significance. The instantiation op-
erator, or instantiator, is a function that recursively
checks each component of a V-thing and instantiates
with the referenced data, turning the partial V-thing
into a full data file for further processing or analytical
use. Please note that the instantiator should not mod-
ify the original input. The contract for the instantiator
is as follows:
Requires: non-null non-empty V-thing input
Effects: if input is an instantiated
V-thing, return a copy of this;
else recursively instantiate
each referenced component
We developed a formal mathematical framework for
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and optimized. We also proposed a design of a repos-
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in support of the market. The proposed markets of
virtual thing have the potential to make ideation-to-
manufacturing process considerably more accessible,
predictable and agile. This, in turn, can democratize
innovation by allowing entrepreneurs without design
and manufacturing expertise to bring their ideas to
markets quickly.
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how to develop a system for entrepreneurs to formu-
late their ideas in V-things, how to guide the users
to make optimized decisions, and how effective the
V-thing markets are in facilitating the ideation-to-
production process.
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Toward Cloud Manufacturing: A Decision Guidance Framework for Markets of Virtual Things