infeasible trajectories in real applications. (Gutjahr
et al., 2017) introduces a more complex model, which
formulates the vehicle movement with respect to a
reference curve, then uses this model to develop a
linear time-varying MPC that incorporates collision
avoidance of static and dynamic obstacles. This offers
a generic approach, which has also been employed by
(Britzelmeier and Gerdts, 2020) to successfully control
a two-wheel driven robot model.
By taking inspiration from these sources, we
propose a multi-objective FSM-based framework for
controlling the ego-vehicle in urban driving scenarios.
Instead of constructing a monolithic controller to cover
all possible cases like (Xiao et al., 2021), or utilizing a
FSM to compute simplistic control actions like (Bae
et al., 2020), we adopt a different perspective, in which
we split the control problem into a set of sub-problems,
then develop and fine-tune specialized controllers for
each of these sub-problems. Accordingly, we construct
a FSM that not only activates the optimal controller
in any given scenario, but also guarantees optimal
and smooth controls when transitioning from one
controller to the other.
In this paper, we first discuss the vehicle motion
model as well as the required constraints for path
tracking and safe following of a leading road user
in section II. We also represent the problem from a
MPC perspective and discuss constructing the multi-
objective cost function. In section III, we analyze a
typical urban scenario and break it down into a set of
driving sequences, for which different controllers can
be developed and fine-tuned. Accordingly, we develop
the FSM modes and examine their interrelations
and transition conditions. Finally, we validate the
developed framework and show the achieved results in
section IV, and present our conclusions and ideas for
future work in section V.
2.1 Ego-vehicle Modeling
Since the success of the MPC strategy heavily relies
on the formulation of the system dynamics (Gr
and Pannek, 2011), we must model the ego-vehicle’s
behavior using a proper motion model. The kinematic
vehicle model is a simple, generic model that has
already been proven effective in developing controllers
for autonomous vehicles (Britzelmeier et al., 2020)
and it focuses on the vehicle’s geometrical movement
rather than the forces acting on it. This model can
be used in coordination with a curvilinear coordinate
system to describe the movement of a specific point
on the ego-vehicle, i.e., the rear axle’s middle point,
relative to a reference curve γ
re f
: [0, L] → R
(t) =
1 − d(t) ·κ
re f
(t) = v(t) sinχ(t) (1b)
(t) = ψ
(t) − ψ
re f
(t) = v(t)κ(s(t)) −s
re f
(t) = u
(t) (1d)
(t) = u
(t) (1e)
is the arc length of the projection point unto
re f
is the lateral offset of this point to
re f
, and
the relative course angle, i.e., the difference between
the ego-vehicle’s heading
and the reference curve’s
yaw angle
re f
(Burger and Gerdts, 2019). Moreover,
the system inputs are formulated as generic quantities,
such that we can easily map them to the actual controls
required for a specific vehicle type provided that an
adequate mapping
(x,u,X ) 7→ U = µ(x,u, X)
(Britzelmeier and Gerdts, 2020).
Second, we define the occupancy region of the ego-
vehicle (and any other vehicle) as the rectangular area
that completely covers its footprint in 2-D space. We
can then optimally cover this area with disks (Xiao
et al., 2021), such that we detect a collision with an
object (or lane markings) by simply checking if it
exists inside the covering disks with a priori knowl-
edge of the disks’ positions and radii. This allows colli-
sion avoidance to be enforced using Control Barrier
Functions (CBF) (Xiao et al., 2021). Note that deter-
mining the number and radii of disks that optimally
cover a road user is an optimization problem that
can be solved beforehand, for example, by taking
notes from (Studier, 2022) to build a comprehensive
database of road users and corresponding covering
disks, such that this data is readily available during the
system operation.
Figure 1: Optimal coverage of a vehicle’s occupancy region
with (3) disks of constant radius (r).
2.2 Clearance Constraints for
Admissible Driving
To avoid endangering the ego-vehicle, it must always
travel inside its driving lane, which can be guaranteed
Deterministic Operating Strategy for Multi-objective NMPC for Safe Autonomous Driving in Urban Traffic