center (CNED
To summarize, our contribution is twofold: 1) new
indicators including earliness and stability
; and 2) a real case study to support the use of our
The rest of the paper is organized as follows: the
Section 2 presents the related work and discusses our
contribution with respect to the state of the art. The
Section 3 introduces the problem formalization as
well as the definitions of the proposed indicators. The
Section 4 describes our context and the used PPS. The
Section 5 presents the conducted experiments and the
results. The Section 7 concludes on the results and
introduces the work’s perspectives.
ML-based education systems and especially the de-
tection of learners at-risk of failure and dropout are
gaining momentum in recent years.
Static ML precision indicators are the most used to
evaluate the performance of these systems (Hu et al.,
2014). (Ba
neres et al., 2020) proposed a model based
on students’ grades to predict the likelihood to fail a
course. Authors of this paper evaluated the perfor-
mance of the model using the accuracy metric. The
main goal of (Lee and Chung, 2019) was to improve
the performance of a dropout early warning system.
For this aim, the trained classifiers, including Ran-
dom Forest and boosted Decision Tree, were evalu-
ated with both the Receiver Operating Characteristic
(ROC) and Precision-Recall (PR) curves. Based on an
ensemble model using a combination of relevant ML
algorithms, (Karalar et al., 2021) aimed to identify
students at-risk of academic failure during the pan-
demic. In order to make a classification in which stu-
dents with academic risks can be predicted more ac-
curately, authors of this paper relied on the results of
the specificity measure to evaluate the performance
of the ensemble method. The goal of (Adnan et al.,
2021) was to identify the best model that analyzes the
problems faced by at-risk learners enrolled in online
university. The performance of the various trained
ML algorithms was evaluated by using accuracy, pre-
cision, recall, support and f-score metrics. The Ran-
dom Forest was the model with the best results.
Predicting at-risk learners at the earliest is one of
the main topics in the Learning Analytics (LA) field.
(Hlosta et al., 2017) introduced a novel approach,
based on the importance of the first assessment, for
the early identification of at-risk learners. The key
Centre National d’Enseignement
a Distance
idea of this approach is that the learning patterns can
be extracted from the behavior of learners who have
submitted their assessment earlier. For the earliest
possible identification of students who are at-risk of
dropout during a course, (Adnan et al., 2021) divided
the course into 6 periods and then trained and tested
the performance of ML algorithms at different per-
centages of the course length. Results showed that
at 20% of the course length, the RF model was pro-
ducing promising results with 79% average precision
score. At 60% of the course length, the performance
of RF improved significantly. (Figueroa-Ca
nas and
Sancho-Vinuesa, 2020) present a study for a simple
and interpretable procedure to identify dropout-prone
and fail-prone students before the halfway point of the
semester. The results showed that the main factor to
the final exam performance is continued learning ac-
quired during at least the first half of the course. The
work conducted within the Open University (OU) by
(Wolff et al., 2014) has proven that the first assess-
ment is a good predictor of a student’s final outcome.
To summarize, the existing research works rely
mainly on ML precision indicators to evaluate the per-
formance of PPS. Although the results given by these
indicators are important to obtain an overall assess-
ment of ML projects, their use alone is not sufficient
for evolving systems over time. In fact, the common
indicators do not consider the importance of the tem-
poral evolution of the predictions. When dealing with
a time-continuous process, such as learning, the reg-
ular tracking of prediction results reveals the need for
other time-dependent indicators. Thus, in this work,
we consider earliness and stability indicators to pro-
vide a deeper evaluation of the PPS. Further, we pro-
pose to use the HM measure to establish a compro-
mise between both time-dependent and precision in-
In this section, we formally present the problem of
time series classification (Section 3.1) as well as the
new proposed indicators, including earliness (Sec-
tion 3.2) and stability (Section 3.3).
3.1 Problem Formalization
The objective is to predict the class of the students as
early and accurate as possible.
Assume Y={C
, C
, .., C
} is the set of predefined
class labels that is determined using an existing train-
ing data. Let S=(S
) be the set of the students
A2E 2022 - Special Session on Analytics in Educational Environments