Examining the Effectiveness of Different Assessments and Forecasts
for Accurate Judgments of Learning in Engineering Classes
Christopher Cischke
and Shane T. Mueller
Department of Cognitive and Learning Sciences, Michigan Technological University, Houghton, MI, U.S.A.
Keywords: Judgment of Learning, Zero-consequence Testing.
Abstract: Research and anecdotal evidence suggests that students are generally poor at predicting or forecasting how
they will do at high-stakes testing in final exams. We hypothesize that better judgments of learning may allow
students to choose more efficient study habits and practices that will improve their learning and their test
scores. In order to inform interventions that might provide better forecasts, we examined student data from
several university engineering courses. We examined how well three types of assessments predict final exam
performance: performance on ungraded exercises; student forecasts prior to exams, and performance on
graded material prior to exams. Results showed that ungraded exercises provided poor forecasts of exam
performance, student predictions provided marginal forecasts, as did prior graded work in the course. The
best predictor was found to be performance on previous high-stakes exams (i.e., midterms), whether or not
these exams covered the same material as the later exam. Results suggest that interventions based on prior
exam results may help students generate a better and more accurate forecast of their final exam scores.
In the modern university classroom, instructors
frequently use high-stakes assessments such as
midterm or final exams to evaluate learning outcomes
and allow students to demonstrate competency. In
comparison to project-based or portfolio-based
assessments, exams have the benefit of ensuring a
comprehensive body of knowledge is mastered and
accessible at a specific point in time, but may harm
students with test anxiety or who have difficulty
managing stress involved with studying for numerous
final exams within a short period of time (Barker et
al., 2016). Perhaps even more challenging is that
many students have a poor understanding of whether
they have mastered the course material, and the types
of activities that are effective signals of their learning
(Carpenter et al., 2020). When it comes time to take
exams, students may rely on naive study habits such
as rereading notes and textbook chapters. Their
confidence in their knowledge of the material is
typically inflated (Hacker et al., 2000), and they
expect much higher scores on the exam than they
receive. So, in courses where high-stakes testing
makes up a large component of the grade, it is
troubling that students are known to be bad at
predicting what their grade might be, and so take
steps (either early, through better systematic study
habits, or late, via cramming) to improve their scores.
In order to develop new interventions that
improve student judgments of learning, we wanted to
evaluate how different potential measures and
assessments might serve to provide accurate
estimates of final high-stakes tests.
Research on forecasting has a number of systematic
biases, including lack of calibration and “collapsing”
estimates to chance estimates in domains where little
is known (Yates, 1982) and overconfidence in one’s
own performance (Clark & Friesen, 2009).
In the context of educational knowledge, students
exhibit similar biases. Researchers have suggested
that our judgments of learning may rely on retrieval
fluency (Benjamin et al., 1998), which is akin to the
use of the availability heuristic in general judgments
Cischke, C. and Mueller, S.
Examining the Effectiveness of Different Assessments and Forecasts for Accurate Judgments of Learning in Engineering Classes.
DOI: 10.5220/0011124500003182
In Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2022) - Volume 1, pages 497-503
ISBN: 978-989-758-562-3; ISSN: 2184-5026
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
(Tversky & Kahneman, 1973). If a memory is
accessed quickly or with little effort, students may
believe that they have learned the material and that
they will be able to easily retrieve the same memory
in the future. This is a powerful and reasonable
heuristic in some cases. Benjamin, et al. (Benjamin et
al., 1998) found that the relationship between
predicted recall (based on retrieval fluency) and
actual recall was negatively related in many other
cases. They theorize that metacognition is simply a
special case of general cognition and therefore limited
by the same flaws and constraints. Individuals with
better memories are reported to have more accurate
predictions of future recall. However, even in
judgments of simple memory retrieval, researchers
have found that immediate judgments are poor
predictors of future recall, especially in comparison
to delayed judgments (Dunlosky & Nelson, 1992).
This may be because short-term memory activation
can produce strong retrieval fluency, providing an
inaccurate cue to later retrieval.
In educational contexts, research has suggested
that encoding fluency (how easy the experience of
learning something was) can also influence
judgments of learning. This can often be diagnostic
because information that is easier to learn is often
easier to recall later (Finn & Tauber, 2015). However,
this fluency can cause misjudgments as well, because
the low level of elaboration for “easy” topics may
lead to weaker encoding, whereas “hard” topics are
more richly (and therefore strongly) encoded.
Consequently, the “easy” topics are forgotten (though
the prediction would be for easy recall), and the
“hard” topics are remembered (though the prediction
would have been for little or no recall).
Both encoding and retrieval fluency impact how
students study and whether they believe they have
mastered the material. Students who study for exams
using passive methods (rereading textbooks, notes,
lecture slides, and other course materials, or
watching/listening to lecture recordings) are
generally accessing their knowledge in ways that
produce high recognition familiarity, which may
provide an inflated judgment of how well-learned the
material is (Roediger & Karpicke, 2006) and thus
inflated predictions of future recall.
Although students are well known to misjudge
their own understanding and learning, it is possible
that other early assessments in the classroom have the
potential to provide more accurate forecasts of later
performance. For example, the so-called “testing
effect” is widely known (see (Bjork et al., 2011; Pyc
& Rawson, 2010; Roediger & Karpicke, 2006)) as the
phenomenon that later performance on tests can
improve simply by repeated testing. The testing
intervention has been shown to be effective even
when no additional opportunities for studying are
given, indicating its benefit stems in part from things
like inference and retrieval practice. However, it may
also provide a more accurate early assessment of
learning that could then be used by the student to
adapt their study habits. Of course, a limitation of
early low-stakes testing is that if it does not matter,
students may not take it seriously, and thus it may not
provide a good indicator of future performance.
As a final possibility, we know that students
have different levels of ability, background
knowledge, time to devote to a course, and
personality variables such as test anxiety and
achievement motivation and we might expect that
these all contribute substantially to how well final
high-stakes exam scores can be forecasted. These are
factors that might be traits, or at least situationally
determined and unlikely to change within the course
of a semester-long class. To the extent that these
matter, other high-stakes assessments taken earlier in
the class (but on different material) might provide
good forecasts of final exam scores, even if they are
not direct judgments of learning on the tested
Instructors then have three sources of data for
predicting student scores. One is using zero-
consequence testing as part of the coursework and
relating that to scores in the class. The second is
predictions made by the students themselves. Finally,
instructors can leverage existing scores as predictors
of future performance. In this analysis, we examine
all three.
3.1 Practice Exercises as Predictors
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many college
classes went to fully remote delivery of instruction.
This caused instructors to restructure classes in
various ways, including utilizing technology in new
ways and leveraging learning management software
to provide additional “interaction” with students. In a
senior-level computer architecture course, a set of
practice exercises were provided to the students.
3.1.1 Method
These exercises were automatically graded for
correctness, but the scores were not included in the
final calculations for any student’s grade. The quizzes
A2E 2022 - Special Session on Analytics in Educational Environments
could be taken by the students any number of times,
though the maximum number of attempts by any
student was two. If the student provided an incorrect
response, they had the option to see the problem
worked out by the instructor, as the self-explanations
of worked examples are known to have positive
effects on future performance (Atkinson et al., 2000;
Metcalfe, 2017; Metcalfe & Huelser, 2020; Renkl &
Atkinson, 2002), even when the student made some
kind of error. Feedback was only the level of the
answer (VanLehn, 2011) and not at a step- or substep-
3.1.2 Results
During the semester, no more than half of the students
attempted any of the ungraded exercises. Of those that
did, the testing effect was weak or non-existent. The
correlation between the overall scores on the practice
exercises and the scores on the exam was essentially
non-existent (r = .015). However, for the students
who did the practice problems and got them correct,
there was a weak correlation (r = .32) between doing
the practice problems and higher exam scores. When
students are presented with an opportunity to test their
knowledge in a zero-consequence environment, they
choose not to take it.
Across the sub-topics, correlations ranged from -
.18 to .18, and none were deemed significant
predictors at the p = .05 significance level. However,
a Bayes factor assessment of these correlations
produced values between .3 and .6, which indicates
ambivalence between the two hypotheses.
3.1.3 Discussion
This study showed that neither attempts nor
successful completion of ungraded practice exercises
provide a strong indicator of later exam performance.
Given the small sample size, it is probable that there
is some predictability between performance on these
exercises and later exam scores, but this is unlikely to
account for more than 10% of the variance in this
relationship. It is possible if these exercises were
required that they would have provided a better
predictor, but this may undermine the pedagogical
value of having low-stakes formative assessments of
3.2 Student Predictions
Perhaps students choose not to engage with these
exercises because they believe their current
knowledge level suffices to succeed in the class. To
examine whether students could accurately forecast
their exam scores, we prompted them with questions
at the beginning and end of the exam, similar to the
method employed by Hacker (Hacker et al., 2000)
and Hartwig (Hartwig & Dunlosky, 2017).
3.2.1 Method
Students in two computer engineering courses (18
students in a junior-level embedded systems class and
28 in a senior-level computer architecture class) were
asked to predict their exam scores in both the first and
last question of an online midterm exam. The first
question was, “If you are willing, tell me
approximately what percentage score you expect to
get on this exam. If you answer this question and the
corresponding question at the end of the exam, you
will receive one extra credit point.” At the end of the
exam, the corresponding question was, “Now that you
have completed the exam, what percentage do you
think you will get?” As indicated in the question,
students were granted one extra credit point for
answering both of these questions. All students in
both classes chose to answer the question. Some
students provided elaboration for their predictions in
the free-entry textbox.
3.2.2 Results
Figure 1 shows the results from the junior-level class.
The line indicates perfect prediction. Every data point
above and to the left of the line indicates
underconfidence. Every data point below and to the
right of the line indicates overconfidence. The scores
have been clustered into quartile means. In this case
(n = 18), the students were slightly underconfident
a paired-samples t-test showed that pre-test
predictions under-predicted performance by about
5% (t(16)=2.7, p=.013), but post-test predictions
were not significantly biased (t(16)=.87, p=.4). In the
aggregate, they have come close to reality in this case.
However, the correlation measurements between
predicted and actual scores were r = .47 (p=0.55)
before the test and r = .61 (p=.009) for post-test
Figure 1 shows the results for the senior-level
class. For this slightly larger class, a pattern similar to
that observed by Hacker (Hacker et al., 2000) is seen.
High-performing students underpredict their score by
a half-grade, and low-performing students
overpredict their score by a full grade or more. There
was no overall over- or under-estimate of grade,
either pre-test (t(27)=1.0, p=.308) or post-test
(t(27)=1.84, p=.08). All of the students bring their
estimations closer to reality in the post-test
predictions. The two middle quartiles become
Examining the Effectiveness of Different Assessments and Forecasts for Accurate Judgments of Learning in Engineering Classes
Figure 1: Mean scores for junior-level students for pre-test
and post-test predictions.
somewhat less certain of their performance. The
lowest quartile remains overconfident. Driven
especially by the optimism of the lowest quartile, the
pre-test predictions correlated to the actual scores
poorly (r = .37, t(26)=2.0, p=.054), but post-test
predictions rebounded slightly (r = .52, , t(26)=3.1,
p=.004). It should be noted that these post-test
predictions are the best-case student predictions.
They have completed the exam but are still limited in
their ability to predict the outcome.
As part of their assessments, about half gave
reasons for their estimates. The most common
justifications were non-specific feelings about how
well they knew the material, and specific pointers to
how they had done on homework.
3.2.3 Discussion
This study shows that student forecasts of exam
grades were systematically biased, and not
significantly predictive of exam scores, except for
after the exam had already been taken. However,
because the correlations were moderately large (r=.37
to .47), and approached significance at a p=.05 level
with a fairly small sample size, this potentially
represents a better predictor than performance on the
zero-consequence assessments examined in the first
study. However, these correlations represent just 13-
22% of the variance between forecasts and exam
scores, so a majority of the performance remains
outside of students’ judgments. Next, we will turn to
using other exam scores to predict final exam
Figure 2: Mean scores for senior-level students for pre-test
and post-test predictions. Large symbols indicate quantile
3.3.1 Method
Homework and test scores from a total of 98 students
enrolled in a sophomore-level electrical engineering
class were analyzed. This involved seven graded
homework assignments, one quiz, two mid-term
exams, and a cumulative final exam. We completed
two linear regression analyses: one using Exam 2
score as an outcome and all previous work as
predictors, and one using the final exam score as the
outcome and all previous work as predictors (results
in Table 1).
3.3.2 Results
The first column of Table 1 shows the coefficients
and eta
values for each predictor of the second exam
performance. The only statistically significant
predictor of student performance on the second
midterm exam (Exam 2) is the performance on the
first midterm, which explains about 14% of the
variance. The second column shows the predictors of
the final exam score, and here that Exam 2 and
homework 7 were statistically significant at p < .05,
whereas homework 1 and Exam 1 were marginally
significant at p < .1.
3.3.3 Discussion
The results of this analysis showed that earlier exam
scores provide the strongest prediction of later exam
scores. This was true for the relationship between
exam 1 and exam 2 (which covered different
material) and for the relationships between the first
two exams and the final exam (which was cumulative
over the material covered in the earlier exams). Of
A2E 2022 - Special Session on Analytics in Educational Environments
course, there are knowledge dependencies across the
course, but the content of the first two exams covered
different material. These results suggest that other
high-stakes comprehensive tests are perhaps the best
predictor of final exam scores.
The results of these studies suggest that student
forecasts of exam performance are only moderately
good, and that performance on low-stakes formative
assessments were also unpredictive, but scores on
other high-stakes exams were significantly predictive
of final exam scores. This might be partially
explained by the “testing effect” discussed earlier, in
that the act of taking earlier tests might improve
performance on later tests. However, this might also
be attributable to the earlier exams measuring specific
knowledge and academic or motivational traits that
are responsible for success on later exams.
The fact that students fail to utilize testing as both
a measure and means of learning should indicate that
results from cognitive science have not necessarily
found their way into common knowledge or
It is difficult to prove conclusively that students
choose not to use the practice exercises solely due to
a preference for “traditional” study sessions when
there are other social factors that could be driving
those decisions. It has historically been difficult to
motivate students to do work that does not directly
affect their grades.
In our first study, students who did use the
practice exercises but got them wrong did not see any
increase in test performance. This might be explained
by the results of Rowland (Rowland, 2014), who
suggested that more effortful testing events yield a
larger testing effect. Since these practice exercises
were always quite basic questions and students were
free to refer to notes and other resources while they
completed the exercises, it is possible that the
retrieval effort was minimal and so it did not confer a
testing benefit. Alternatively, perhaps the students
who did the exercises correctly are the same
conscientious and high-performing students who
would have gotten the corresponding questions on the
exam correct without the extra practice of the
exercises. But low-stakes formative evaluation may
be valuable nevertheless. Perhaps the reason it does
not correlate with final exam performance is that
students who attempted it and failed changed their
study habits to improve their skills in those specific
Table 1: Linear regression coefficients for predicting exam
scores based on other assignments. Partial eta
values are
shown in parentheses, which indicate the proportion of
variance accounted for by each predictor.
Dependent variable:
Exam2 FinalExam
(1) (2)
HW0 -0.565 (0.00) 0.849 (0.04)
HW1 0.032 (0.20) 0.264
HW2 0.021 (0.07) 0.167 (0.21)
HW3 0.021 (0.01) 0.184 (0.12)
HW4 -0.018 (0.04) 0.009 (0.08)
HW5 0.072 (0.12) 0.061 (0.13)
HW6 0.050 (0.02) 0.092 (0.05)
HW7 0.0001 (0.00) 0.099
`Quiz 1` 0.039 (0.00) -0.079 (0.00)
Exam1 0.473
(0.14) 0.505
Observations 98 98
0.406 0.646
Adjusted R
0.338 0.600
Residual Std.
4.196 (df = 87) 7.995 (df = 86)
F Statistic 5.958
(df = 10; 87) 14.239
(df = 11; 86)
One caveat of the testing effect is that it is most
often seen with a delay between the first test (in this
case, the practice exercises) and the second.
Otherwise, restudy has equal or greater benefits.
Practically speaking, when students “cram” prior to
an exam, they can perform well on the assessment
even though the long-term retention is lower. If
exams are seen predominantly as gateways (“I need
to get a good grade on this test in order to pass the
class and get my degree”) instead of learning events
(“This exam helps reinforce my understanding of the
material”), instructors will struggle to get student
buy-in on additional testing events.
From a curriculum design point of view, our
research suggests that performance on zero-stakes
practice exercises did not provide a strong predictor
of test performance. When including them, however,
Examining the Effectiveness of Different Assessments and Forecasts for Accurate Judgments of Learning in Engineering Classes
the exercises should be of at least moderate difficulty
in order to maximize retrieval effort and spaced
appropriately throughout the duration of the class to
provide the maximal benefit.
The third study using linear regressions supports
an unsurprising truth: Exam performance predicts
exam performance. This is, in part, simply transfer-
appropriate processing (Rowland, 2014). However, it
highlights that homework assignments and exams are
fundamentally different forms of student assessment
and should be recognized as such by students and
faculty alike. Students that anchor their expectations
for exams based on homework performance may be
mistaken. While communicating this to students is
important in order to encourage profitable study
techniques, it is simultaneously critical that
instructors do not imply that students are unable to
prevent their previous exam scores from inevitably
predicting the future. A student who wishes to
perform better on a future exam must change the way
that they have approached past exams.
Students, even late in their university careers, still do
not make good judgments of what they know. Their
own evaluations are often based on recall fluency or
scores on dissimilar assessments, neither of which
provide strong predictive power for exam scores. The
question that remains is how to provide tools that
provide more insight into a student’s current state of
understanding so that they might more closely align
their predictions with reality. Ideally, they would
even address the deficiencies prior to the exam.
Constructive activities such as concept mapping, self-
test, or question generation may be valuable if the
student can be induced to complete the activity and
there is a method of assessing the activity.
Determining the effectiveness of such interventions
remains an open question and a topic for future
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Examining the Effectiveness of Different Assessments and Forecasts for Accurate Judgments of Learning in Engineering Classes