The results obtained in our simulations by the
DG method and by the iterative DG-ROD method for
polynomials of degree N, with N = 1,2,3,4, show
that the order of convergence for the DG method is
p = 2 and for the DG-ROD method the order is p = N.
We then proved that the DG-ROD method, unlike the
classical DG method, allows to obtain high order in
domains with curved boundary.
In this paper we discuss an approach for dealing with
the decreased accuracy of discontinuous Galerkin fi-
nite element method (DG) in domains with curved
boundary. Following (Costa et al., 2018), we consider
an approach based on the polynomial reconstruction
of the boundary condition imposed on the computa-
tional domain, where the associated parameters are
determined such that the reconstructions adequately
satisfies the boundary condition imposed in the real
domain. The overall method consists on an iterative
method that considers two independent steps: solving
the differential equation by the classical DG and the
reconstruction process on the triangles with vertex on
the boundary of the real curved domain. The numeri-
cal results obtained show the efficiency of the method,
i.e., it is able to achieve high order of precision in do-
mains with curved boundaries.
The design, analysis, interpretation of data and
writing of the manuscript have been supported
by the Centre for Mathematics of the Univer-
sity of Coimbra - UIDB/00324/2020, funded by
the Portuguese Government through FCT/MCTES,
and by FCT/MCTES through the project refer-
ence PTDC/MAT-APL/28118/2017 and POCI-01-
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Imaging4OND 2022 - Special Session on New Developments in Imaging for Ocular and Neurodegenerative Disorders