the instructor wants to form new teams for the class
based on peer evaluation data on the existing teams.
Many Science classes have labs where students work
in pairs to solve tasks weekly. Each week, the instruc-
tor may tweak the teams using peer evaluation data.
For one lab, the work involved in building the teams
is not that intensive. However, for a large class with
many lab sections, the amount of work involved can
be extremely overwhelming. The system should have
the functionality to accommodate this use case. Ad-
ditionally, rather than regenerating all the teams, the
instructor may wish to lock some teams in place and
only regenerate the others.
Usability. Although usability is a key criterion for
any software, we note that having a simple, intu-
itive interface is especially important in team forma-
tion and analytics software due to the wide range of
users in the target user group. First of all, we can-
not expect instructors to have specialized computer
skills because instructors come from a wide range of
disciplines. Other unacceptable expectations include
requiring the user to export data and analyze it in
another format, placing features in hard-to-discover
parts of the interface, or showing numeric details that
require mathematical expertise. This also means that
visual team analytics need to be presented in a user-
friendly manner so that users with different levels of
data literacy do not feel intimidated by the visualiza-
tions and can make use of the analytics effectively.
Extensibility. Software should be designed in a
way that supports the most common use cases illus-
trated in Figure 1. Early in the software development
lifecycle, designers can discover use cases through fo-
cus groups, interviews, and reported case studies. As
the system gains popularity, new use cases are likely
to arise. We may also discover new use cases through
pedagogical changes. Thus, the software should be
designed and built in a way that can be easily ex-
tended to handle new scenarios.
In this work, we illustrated the general team forma-
tion process based on common use case scenarios.
While several team formation systems exist, they all
focus on diversifying similar students across teams.
In contrast, we have built Teamable Analytics as a
general-purpose team formation and analytics system
that encompasses more use cases, such as matching
students to projects and regenerating the next set of
teams based on peer evaluation feedback. Our Visual
Analytics was designed to increase trust and diagnose
unbalanced teams. Lastly, Teamable Analytics is built
using the LTI protocol and can be easily integrated
with any LMS that uses the protocol.
Our immediate next steps are to extend the algo-
rithm to prevent tokenism in teams and incorporate a
self-evaluation option. Ultimately, we wish to explore
research opportunities available in team analytics and
advance the Visual Analytics component. Not only
are team analytics helpful in the team formation step,
but they are also crucial in the team monitoring stages
for increasing team success. Visual analytics can in-
form us about team compositions. This can help stu-
dents to better understand themselves and their team
members. It also helps instructors take preventative
actions to support teams that may have conflicts or
lack certain skills. Team analytics can include infor-
mation beyond grades to provide a richer story about
the teams. The analytics can also be coupled with at-
risk alert features that prompt the instructor about po-
tential team or individual issues. Lastly, experimental
interventions can also be carried out where team ana-
lytics provide empirical insights on changes resulting
from those interventions.
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A2E 2022 - Special Session on Analytics in Educational Environments