A Spendable Cold Wallet from QR Video
Rafael Dowsley
, Myl
ene C. Q. Farias
1 a
, Mario Larangeira
Anderson Nascimento
and Jot Virdee
Faculty of Information Technology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia
Department of Electrical Engineering, Universidade de Bras
ılia, Brasilia, Brazil
Department of Mathematical and Computing Science, Tokyo Institute of Technology/IOHK, Tokyo, Japan
School of Engineering and Technology, University of Washington, Tacoma, U.S.A.
Digital Wallet, Cryptocurrency, Blockchain, QR Code.
Hot/cold wallet refers to a widely used paradigm to enhance the security level of cryptocurrency applications
that was proposed on Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 32. In a nutshell, after performing an initial setup in which
the hot wallet receives partial information of the cold wallet in order to hierarchically generate (transaction
receiving) addresses, the cold wallet stays offline, whereas the hot wallet is kept online. The initial transferred
information enables the hot wallet to generate receiving addresses for both wallets, but it can only spend its
own funds, i.e., it cannot spend the funds in the cold wallet. This design conveniently mimics money storage
in daily life: pocket money is kept in a less safe location, e.g., a regular wallet, while life savings are kept in
a more safe environment, e.g., banking account. Note that the funds that land in offline addresses cannot be
spent if the cold wallet is kept permanently offline. We propose a protocol and a technical solution to spend
funds from a cold wallet without physically connecting it to any network. We designed and implemented a
prototype for a system based on Optical Camera Communication (OCC) in a screen to camera setting, which
can receive messages from a computer screen at the rate of over 150kB per second. Our system consists of a
sequence of QR codes a QR video. Our solution minimizes the possible attack vectors, including malware,
by relying on optical communication yet providing a larger bandwidth than regular QR code based solutions.
The design of distributed ledgers based on blockchain
technologies is a hot research topic. Much of this
interest is due to the potential of such technologies
to enhance financial systems worldwide, allowing a
more dynamic environment for the exchange of trans-
actions, leveraging modern network systems to fur-
ther automate banking systems. The central role of
this technology is to register activities, i.e., the trans-
actions, in a distributed network of nodes.
The Role of the Wallet. The wallet is the actual
component that generates the transactions and nor-
mally resides in mobile phones or desktop computers
of the users. This component manages the crypto-
graphic keys, (hierarchically) generates addresses, is-
sues transactions and does the accounting of the mon-
This work was supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant
Number JP21K11882.
etary value stored in the addresses of the ledger. It
is a critical component, and security vulnerabilities
in the wallet can have devastating consequences that
cannot be solved in the consensus layer of blockchain
solutions. It is no wonder that a line of develop-
ment is the departure from pure software wallets to
hardware-based ones in order to avoid, or mitigate,
several common attack vectors such as malware and
tampering. However, comparatively, wallets have re-
ceived far less attention from the research community
than the consensus protocol.
Hybrid Approach: Hot/Cold Wallets. Hardware
wallets assure a higher level of security, however they
are not as convenient as their software counterpart.
In particular, some of its security emerges from be-
ing disconnected most of the time. It is accessed only
when issuing a new transaction, i.e., sign a message
with the cryptographic secret key. A common strat-
egy to obtain both convenience and security is to rely
on two wallets at the same time: “hot” and “cold”
Dowsley, R., Farias, M., Larangeira, M., Nascimento, A. and Virdee, J.
A Spendable Cold Wallet from QR Video.
DOI: 10.5220/0011138300003283
In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography (SECRYPT 2022), pages 283-290
ISBN: 978-989-758-590-6; ISSN: 2184-7711
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
wallets. While the former is permanently connected
to the network, and therefore exposed to increased
security risks, the latter is permanently disconnected
(potentially a hardware wallet for enhanced security).
In this setting, as long as the cold wallet does not is-
sue a transaction, it is not required to be online, given
that the hot wallet can incorporate information from
the cold wallet to generate new (transaction receiv-
ing) addresses controlled without having to periodi-
cally receive secret information of the cold wallet.
This particular setting mimics the storage of fiat
money in our daily life: pocket money in our regular
wallet (the hot wallet) that is usually carried on daily
activities, and the savings account (the cold wallet),
which is kept in a much more secure environment. As
simple as the analogy is, it also suits the analogous use
cases for companies or exchanges which keep high
values in more static internal accounts, leaving the
more dynamic ones for the daily activities.
Cold Wallet Cannot Broadcast Transactions.
Part of the cold wallet conservative approach for se-
curity is to be permanently kept offline. In terms of
convenience of use, however, this is a limitation. The
capability of securely receiving funds is not affected,
given that the hot wallet has information regarding
the hierarchical cold wallet key generation and can
still generate fresh addresses for each single receiving
transaction. And other parties accessing the ledger
cannot link these transactions to a particular wallet. In
other words, the cold wallet can receive an unlimited
amount of funds securely using different addresses.
However, if the cold wallet is kept permanently of-
fline (for security reasons), then it cannot issue any
transaction, as it cannot broadcast it in a convenient
and secure way. This work proposes an alternative
technique to circumvent this severe limitation.
1.1 Intuition of Our Solution: QR Video
We propose a solution in which the cold wallet is kept
permanently disconnected from the network, even
when issuing a transaction. Our wallet is not ex-
posed to malware or network risks since technically
it is never online. This seems to be counter intuitive,
however, in order to circumvent the early outlined re-
strictions, our protocol relies on a novel transmission
channel between the cold and hot wallets. Whereas
regular wallets connect with the ledger via a network
or hardware (e.g., USB cable), we devise a high ca-
pacity optical channel between wallets.
Although our approach provides an alternative for
isolating the cold wallet (thus obtaining a very strong
security level) while keeping desirable functionalities,
we should remark that it requires specific hardware.
It requires a camera and a display on both cold and
hot wallets in order to capture/transmit the optical in-
formation. Other solutions available on the market
rely on static code generation, i.e., regular QR codes,
which impose a strict limit of 4000 characters (De,
2018; NGrave, 2020; Khan et al., 2019). Our solution
yields a higher transmission rate since the hot wal-
let’s display generates a sequence of QR codes (i.e.,
a QR video) which are captured by the cold wallet’s
camera yielding a higher transmission capacity. To
the best of our knowledge, this work is the first to
propose such an optical approach. This largely unex-
plored mean of communication prevents known ma-
licious attempts to access the secret information con-
tained in the device executing the cold wallet (as regu-
lar QR codes do, however our solution provides more
transmission capacity). The cold wallet uses its dis-
play to show the transaction’s information to the user.
If the user confirms the transaction, it is signed inter-
nally by the cold wallet (and the state is updated). The
cold wallet’s display shows the QR video containing
the signed transaction, which is read by the hot wal-
let’s camera.
Our proposed channel based on optical commu-
nication has technical challenges of its own, which
required several adaptations, including the develop-
ment of the novel video approach. An urgent issue is
the size of the transactions, given that static QR codes
can contain a limited amount of data, and more mod-
ern systems may require larger addresses/transactions
(more on that later and in the work of Karakostas et
al. (Karakostas et al., 2020)). Additionally, the opti-
cal channel is very sensitive to the orientation of the
devices, which causes a high ratio of errors in the
transmission. A solution is to rely on error correcting
codes, which enlarges the data to be sent and therefore
renders the limited data capacity of QR codes even
more challenging. In order to solve these problems,
we have opted to introduce the concept of a QR video.
The QR video consists of a sequence of QR codes or-
ganized as frames of a video. By stacking several QR
code frames, we managed to transmit messages up to
100kB in less than a second. By adding a layer of er-
ror correction to our screen to camera communication
system, we end up with a robust and reliable solution.
We consider the introduction of QR video and
its application on hot/cold wallets the main technical
contributions of this work.
1.2 Related Works
The Bitcoin Improvement Proposal 32
(BIP32) (Wuille, 2017) introduced the Hierar-
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
chically Deterministic (HD) Wallet Standard. It
departed from ideas on deterministic wallets by
Maxwell et al. (Maxwell et al., 2014). Gutoski and
Stebila (Gutoski and Stebila, 2015) pointed out a
flaw in BIP32 in the light of deterministic wallets
and proposed a fix. However, they used a very weak
security model that does not consider the possibility
of the adversary getting to know public keys and/or
signatures corresponding to secret keys which were
not compromised. In addition, their security guaran-
tee is pretty weak (the adversary is only considered
successful if he manages to recover completely the
master secret key, instead of considering the standard
notion of unforgeability). Fan et al. (Fan et al., 2019)
also proposed a countermeasure to protect determin-
istic wallets. But their ad-hoc solution lacks a formal
analysis or security proof. Courtois et al. (Courtois
et al., 2014) presented a relevant review on the secu-
rity status of wallet implementations, and highlighted
how bad and correlated randomness can compromise
their security. Other results regarding the effects of
weak randomness were presented in (Brengel and
Rossow, 2018; Breitner and Heninger, 2019).
More recently, Das et al. (Das et al., 2019) pre-
sented a long overdue formal treatment of (ECDSA-
based) hot/cold wallet solutions that can be used with
legacy cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin or Ethereum.
The formalization in (Das et al., 2019) differs from
the BIP32 specification in the fact that the wallets
share a state. They proved that their solution satisfies
unforgeability and unlinkability properties: unforge-
ability guarantees that as long as the cold wallet is not
compromised, it is not possible to forge signatures to
authenticate new transactions as being signed with the
secret key corresponding to the cold wallet; while un-
linkability guarantees that public keys derived from
the same master public key are computationally in-
distinguishable from freshly generated public keys,
and thus a recipient can receive multiple transactions
without allowing other users to detect that the trans-
actions belong to the same recipient.
Special hardware is an alternative for enhancing
the security of wallets. Despite have been commer-
cially available for some time, only recently this type
of wallet has received a thorough formal analysis by
Arapinis et al. (Arapinis et al., 2019). In particular,
the authors considered attacks against the hardware
of the wallet in the UC framework. Marcedone et
al. (Marcedone et al., 2019) integrated two-factor au-
thentication into hardware wallet solutions. In the
realm of Proof-of-Stake (PoS), wallets potentially
have more actions at its disposal than only issuing
payment transactions (e.g., stake delegation). To the
best of our knowledge, only the work of Karakostas et
al. (Karakostas et al., 2020) proposes a thorough secu-
rity analysis in the UC Framework of PoS-based wal-
lets. As emphasized in (Karakostas et al., 2020), PoS
addresses are larger then regular BIP32 ones, because
they encode more information on staking delegation,
staking pools and etc, therefore our QR video based
solution, with higher transmission capacity, seem to
be a better fit than QR code based ones.
For completeness, we review (Das et al., 2019) which
underpins our protocol to be presented in Section 3.
Definition 1 (Stateful Hot/Cold Wallet Scheme (Das
et al., 2019)). For a security parameter λ, a Stateful
Hot/Cold Wallet Scheme is defined by the algorithms
(MGen,SKDer,PKDer,WSign, WVer) such that:
The probabilistic master key generation algorithm
MGen takes as input the security parameter 1
outputs an initial state st
that is given to both hot
and cold wallets, a master public key mpk that is
given to the hot wallet, and a master secret key
msk that is given to the cold wallet;
The deterministic secret key derivation algorithm
SKDer is run by the cold wallet to derive a ses-
sion secret key. It takes as input the master secret
key msk, the state st, identifier ID, and outputs a
session secret key sk
and the new state st
The deterministic public key derivation algorithm
PKDer is run by the hot wallet to derive a session
public key. It takes as input the master public key
mpk, the state st and an identifier ID, and outputs
a session public key pk
and the new state st
The probabilistic signing algorithm WSign is exe-
cuted by the cold wallet to sign messages. It takes
as input a message m and a session secret key sk
and outputs a signature σ;
The deterministic verification algorithm WVer is
executed by any party that wants to verify the va-
lidity of a signature. It takes as input a session
public key pk, a message m and a signature σ, and
outputs 0 (reject) or 1 (accept).
Remark. The identifier ID is used to construct a new
public key pk
for an arbitrary choice of ID by al-
lowing a common secret string ch which is called
the “chaincode” between the wallets. As argued
in (Das et al., 2019; Maxwell et al., 2014), for the
ECDSA signature scheme, in order to derive a new
key pk
while preserving the unlinkability and un-
forgeability security properties (more about the se-
curity games in Section 3.3), it is necessary to com-
A Spendable Cold Wallet from QR Video
pute w H(ID,ch), pk
mpk + w ·G and sk
msk + w, for a hash function H and ECDSA key pair
msk = x and mpk = x · G. For readability we omit the
value ch in the description of our protocol.
Correctness of a Stateful Hot/Cold Wallet Scheme.
The correctness requirement guarantees that if the
cold/hot wallets derive session key pairs on the same
set of identifiers ID
,.. .,ID
and in the same order
(departing from the initial state st
), then any signa-
ture created by the cold wallet using one of the session
secret keys sk
should be accepted when the verifi-
cation algorithm is executed with the corresponding
session public key pk
. In other words, all the de-
rived session secret and public keys should match.
Remark. Later in our protocol we assume the ex-
istence of a deterministic function I : N {0, 1}
to generate unique identifiers ID
,.. .,ID
, to iden-
tify the key sessions between the wallets. Concretely,
given the sequential index i N, both wallets can
be kept synchronized by the correct generation of
values, i.e., executing I (i) = ID
. For an arbi-
trary ID
value, the cold wallet can check the equality
I (i) = ID
= ID
for sequential values i and confirm
the correct index for the session key ID
. This confir-
mation procedure allow the pair of wallets to be kept
synchronized regarding the session keys.
Security of the Stateful Hot/Cold Wallet Scheme.
As described by Das et al. (Das et al., 2019), the
Stateful Hot/Cold Wallet Scheme should satisfy two
security properties: Unlinkability and Unforgeabil-
ity. Intuitively, the former protects the privacy of the
transaction receiver and captures the guarantee that it
should be infeasible to link transactions sending funds
to different session public keys that were derived from
the same master public key. It is required that an
adversary that is given the master public key cannot
distinguish between session public keys derived from
that master public key, and session public keys that
are generated from a fresh (i.e., independently and
randomly chosen) master public key. As highlighted
in (Das et al., 2019), such security property cannot be
achieved for keys which the adversary knows the state
used to derive them (the adversary can learn such state
if there is a breach in the hot wallet, for example).
The Unforgeability property captures the feature
that once funds are transferred to the cold wallet, they
remain secure if: (1) the hot wallet is breached; and
(2) the adversary observes transactions signed by the
cold wallet. Even such adversary cannot generate new
valid transactions spending funds from the cold wal-
let. Section 3.3 reviews the security games.
In this work, we focus on the orthogonal problem
of how to enable the cold wallet to generate spending
transactions without being connected to the network,
in a way that breaches of the cold wallet are avoided
while keeping it fully functional. We assume, as a
departure point, a Stateful Hot/Cold Wallet Scheme
that is correct, unlinkable and unforgeable.
We now detail our proposed solution. Since our ap-
proach adds special features on both the cold W
and hot W
wallets, i.e., the camera and display
based communication, it is convenient to review the
traditional hot/cold setting with an unspendable cold
wallet (which contrasts with our spendable cold wal-
let approach) before we fully describe the protocol.
In a traditional hot/cold wallet setting the sensitive
information is handled by W
, while W
with the ledger and provides the required information
for generating a transaction (i.e., destination address,
amount, etc). Once the initial setup between wallets is
finished, they do not interact anymore. That setting is
convenient from the security point of view as the cold
wallet cannot broadcast transactions to the network.
In contrast, our cold wallet issues transactions and
interacts with the hot wallet through the optical/QR
video channel. This change in design has two major
consequences we need to address: (1) the introduc-
tion of a communication protocol between both wal-
lets; and (2) the guarantee that both wallets have the
necessary hardware to execute the protocol.
3.1 Description of the Setting
Communication. In our setting, after the initial
setup phase, the cold wallet W
still interacts with
the hot wallet W
, while keeping the secret-key. The
communication protocol is used for exchanging the
transaction attributes (from W
to W
) and for re-
ceiving the signed transaction (from W
to W
We remark that while W
is only accessible via an
optical communication channel, W
has a regular
network connection in addition to the optical commu-
nication channel with W
Hardware Requirements. The cold wallet W
communicates with W
using a bi-directional optical
channel (a screen and a camera), and this is the only
mean of communication available for W
(there is
no connection using USB cables, as common in hard-
ware wallets, NFC, WiFi, Bluetooth or other com-
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
munication channels). The consequence is that both
devices have to be equipped with camera and dis-
play. This optical channel allows connectivity while
severely limiting the actions of a potentially corrupted
wallet. Furthermore, the display of W
lows an independent verification of the received in-
formation by the user. A regular hardware-based wal-
let could in principle allow such interactivity using
a physical connection, however with disadvantages.
The most immediate drawback is that physical con-
nections are easier to explore in attacks. Moreover,
a cold wallet without a screen does not allow the in-
dependent verifiability of the exchanged information,
i.e., attributed and signed transactions.
3.2 The Communication Protocol
The starting point of our protocol is Definition 1;
however, our construction puts forth a protocol for the
exchange of messages between W
and W
by the optical channel in order to allow W
to gen-
erate signed transactions. The cold W
and hot W
wallets are described below. In the description of the
protocol, each interface also specifies the equipment
activated on each phase. For simplicity, we left out of
the protocol description any sort of authentication be-
tween the two wallets. However we emphasize that a
key/credential exchange protocol between the wallets
can easily be added to the Initialization phase.
Cold Wallet W
The cold wallet keeps variables for the
current state CurrentST and current identifier
CurrentID, which are initialized as . It also
keeps two initially empty lists IDs and STs,
for identifiers and states.
Initialization: The user decides to
perform the initial setup. The proba-
bilistic master key generation algorithm
) MGen(1
) is executed
to generate the master public key mpk, the
master secret key msk and the initial state
. It then sets CurrentST st
, adds it to
STs and outputs in the display the message
that the initialization is complete without
showing any internal information.
Display Initialization (QR Video): The
user opens the optical channel to transmit the
master public key mpk and the initial state
to the hot wallet. The QR video encoding
this information is shown in the display.
Load Transaction Data (Camera): The user
chooses to receive the information regard-
ing a transaction, then it receives the QR
video which encodes (tx,ID,st). If ID IDs
and st STs, then set CandidateTX tx,
CandidateID ID and CandidateST st.
set only CandidateTX tx, and
interactively execute (sk,st)
SKDer(msk,CurrentST, CurrentID)
and the identifier generation function I ,
until I (i) ID for some i;
in the process, update accordingly the lists
IDs and STs, and the values CurrentST
and CurrentID;
set CandidateID ID, and
CandidateST st.
Issue Transaction: The user verifies the
transaction information tx that is shown in
the display and decides if it is approved or
not. If it is, execute (sk
SKDer(msk,CandidateST, CandidateID),
and signs the transaction σ
Deliver Transaction (QR Video): When the
user chooses to release the signed transaction,
then the wallet shows in the display the QR
video encoding (tx,σ).
Hot Wallet W
The hot wallet keeps variables for the cur-
rent state CurrentST and current identifier
CurrentID, which are initialized as . It also
keeps two initially empty lists IDs and STs,
for identifiers and states.
Initialization (Camera): The user chooses to
initialize the wallet and starts the camera. The
wallet then receives (mpk,st
) from W
QR video, and sets CurrentST st
Generate Session Public Key:
The wallet runs (pk
PKDer(mpk,CurrentST, CurrentID), the
deterministic public key derivation algorithm,
to obtain the session public key pk
Then, with I and the newly generated state
st, it updates accordingly CurrentST and
CurrentID, and the lists IDs and STs.
Submit Transaction (Display QR Video):
Given a transaction tx, ID IDs and
A Spendable Cold Wallet from QR Video
st STs, generate a QR video which en-
codes (tx,ID,st) and make the transaction
tx available on the display.
Receive Signed Transaction (Camera): The
user chooses to receive the signed transaction
and starts the camera. The camera is expected
to read the QR video, which encodes (tx,σ).
Remark. The reader should notice that in the Gener-
ation Session Public Key phase, we purposely did not
highlighted the interface to be used by the hot wal-
let. The public key information is to be handled as the
receiving (often fresh) addresses for funds. It is not
to be used with W
, therefore any regular mean of
communication can be used.
3.3 Security Games of the Protocol
By relying on the model of Definition 1, we can
also take advantage of the security analysis presented
in (Das et al., 2019). Namely, our construction inher-
its the security guarantees of that work, i.e., unlink-
ability and unforgeability. We observe that in (Das
et al., 2019) the authors remark that the games cap-
ture the case where the adversary receives signatures,
which is a condition not natural, given that the cold
wallet is usually kept offline. On the other hand, this
condition is concretely the case of our framework,
since we assume the QR video channel between the
cold and hot wallets, allowing the adversary to query
for signatures/transactions of its choice.
Regarding the proposed security games, intu-
itively, the Unlinkability Game Unl presents the ad-
versary with a signature from a wallet out of two pos-
sible, and it is requested to successively decide it, as in
a standard indistinguishability game. While the Un-
forgeability Game WUnf resembles the regular un-
forgeability property for signature schemes.
For completeness, we review the games from (Das
et al., 2019) in Tables 1 and 2. For the full secu-
rity discussion of the framework we refer the reader
to (Das et al., 2019).
We now describe our solution in more detail. Firstly
by describing the specification of the prototype, then
we present pictures of the prototype in operation.
4.1 The Overall Setting
We divide the section in four items:
The Reader: Description of the reader platform
and the limitations of it;
The QR Codes: Here we describe the error cor-
rection codes, and the limits in the amount of data;
The QR Video: The novel approach to increase
the data exchange ratio with video;
The Hardware Setting: The hardware setting
where the experiments were conducted.
The Reader. We have implemented our QR video
reader by using the Google’s Barcode API. For the
sake of prototyping our solution, we have used an
Android cell phone. However, in practice, this de-
vice should be a dedicated one, working solely as a
wallet and not being connected to the internet at all.
We present a sequence of QR codes to the wallet in a
loop. Once a QR code is detected, it is then added to a
hash set. The hash set is used to prevent duplicate de-
tections. The API stops after it has reached 100,000
bytes which is thirty-five frames assuming each QR
code holds 2880 bytes. This idea is expanded later
in the QR video description. Once 100,000 bytes is
reached, the data in the hash set is converted into a
string and is then processed. The limit of 100kB was
chosen based on the fact that it is enough for reli-
ably transmitting the usual transactions appearing in
current blockchain platforms, but it could be trivially
modified to a larger number at the price of increasing
the duration of the optical transmission.
The QR Codes. The QR video holds QR codes gen-
erated with a 7% error correction rate (Reed-Solomon
code) and 1665 by 1665 pixels. In our tests, such
error correction rate was sufficient to ensure a reli-
able communication between the wallets. Assuming
a generic case where words and spaces are used in the
QR code, Table 3 shows the largest amounts of data
each level can hold. Also, each QR code is generated
at the largest possible size, 177x177 modules.
The QR Video. A QR video is a video holding
multiple QR codes. Each frame holds a unique QR
code. The length of video varies depending on how
much data needs to be transferred. In our application,
100,000 bytes are needed, and split up into thirty-five
2880-byte QR codes. The codes are put together to
create a video. The video lasts about 600 millisec-
onds. The video is rendered at 60 frames/second due
to display constraints. Our transmission rate can be
computed as follows: 2880B × 60 = 172.8kB/s
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography
Table 1: The adversary has access to two oracles, PK and WalSign, which respectively provides verification keys for a given
session, and signatures for a given session.
Main WUnf Oracle WalSign(m,ID)
(st,msk,mpk) MGen(λ) If Keys[ID] = : Return
) A
(mpk,st) (pk
) Keys[ID]
If Keys[ID
] = σ WSign(sk
Return 0 Sigs[ID] Sigs[ID] {m}
) Keys[ID
] Return σ
If m
Return 0 Oracle PK(ID)//Once per ID
If WVer(pk
) = 0 st
Return 0 (sk
,st) SKDer(msk,ID,st
Return 1 (pk
,st) PKDer(mpk,ID,st
Keys[ID] (pk
Return pk
Table 2: The adversary has access to the PK,WalSign,Chall, and getSt oracles which provides, respectively, newly generated
verification keys for a given session, signatures for a given session, the challenge verification key and the status of the hot
Main Unl Oracle Chall(ID)//One time
(st,msk,mpk) MGen(λ) If StateQuery: Return
{0,1}, Orc {PK,WalSign, Chall, getSt} If Keys[ID] 6= : Return
(mpk) // Generate real key
If b
= b: Return 1 st
Return 0 (sk
,st) SKDer(msk,ID,st
,st) PKDer(msk,ID,st
Oracle WalSign(m,ID) //Generate random key
If Keys[ID] = : Return (
mpk) MGen(λ)
) Keys[ID] (
,·) SKDer(
σ WSign(m,sk
) (
,·) PKDer(
Return σ Keys[ID] (pk
Return pk
Oracle PK(ID)
If Keys[ID] 6= Oracle getSt
) Keys[ID] StateQuery True
Else Return st
,st) SKDer(msk,ID,st
,st) PKDer(msk,ID,st
Keys[ID] (pk
Return pk
Table 3: Size of QR Codes in a Generic Case.
Error Correction Amount of Data Word Count
7% 2880 bytes 403
15% 2331 bytes 315
25% 1663 bytes 230
30% 1273 bytes 171
Note that it takes a couple of seconds for the user to
align the camera with video and then hold a stable
position for the reader to recognize the QR codes. We
also remark that the QR video is looped for the user
to receive all the necessary data.
The Hardware Setting. For this prototype, two de-
vices were used. An android device to receive infor-
mation and a laptop screen capable of clearly display-
ing the QR video (sender). The Android uses its cam-
era at 1920 by 1080 resolution and 60 frames per sec-
ond to scan the QR video.
4.2 Images of the Prototype
Figures 1 and 2 illustrate our protocol running the
QR video in a mobile phone and computer setting
equipped with cameras and display.
A Spendable Cold Wallet from QR Video
Figure 1: Point of view use of the QR-Video scanner.
Figure 2: Side view use of the QR-Video scanner.
We proposed a new cold wallet communication set-
ting: an optical (display to camera) channel. In our
solution, a cold wallet equipped with a display and a
camera can receive transactions through camera, dis-
play the transaction to the user for confirmation, sign
the confirmed transactions, and display the signature
on its display which is, in turn, acquired by a hot wal-
let’s camera. Due to the size of the data transmis-
sion from the hot to the cold wallet, we proposed a
novel encoding information encoding scheme - a QR
video, i.e., sequence of frames containing individual
QR codes. Our solution achieves transmission rates
over 150 kB per second. Thus, our cold wallet can au-
thorize transactions not connected to the internet nor
wired to another device (e.g., through a USB port).
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SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography