to a half, from 40 to 20 making a brute force at-
tack possible.
• A trade-off in time and accuracy. In our experi-
ment, the SECNNP model with a single convolu-
tional kernel size requires double the training time
compared with the equivalent CNNP model. Con-
sequently, training the SECNNP model with two
convolutional filter kernel size requires double the
efforts compared with that of the single convolu-
tional filter kernel size SECNNP model.
This paper has proposed a modified approach for
building CNN-based models for profiling SCAs. A
MLS layer which combines the Maximum likelihood
scores of multiple models and multiple traces into
the training of the model is proposed. A new net-
work structure, which includes the input of the MLS
and the probability of the hypothesis keys predicted
from different traces by different CNNP models into
the re-training process is introduced for improved re-
sults over the state-of-the-art. The proposed SEC-
NNP models require half of the traces in compari-
son with the state-of-the-art CNNP models in attack-
ing a masked AES implementation from the open-
source ASCAD database and key recovery from just
20 traces is possible when targeting the variable key
While considerable work has been done in the area
of ML for SCA, there is still significant scope for
improvement in current approaches. The experimen-
tation in this work is conducted on traces acquired
from an embedded device with software based coun-
termeasures. Future work could involve an analysis
of how the plaintext embedding approach transfers to
attack against hardware based countermeasures such
as threshold or dual-rail logic approaches.
We would like to thank the people and organizations
who support the research and helped improve the
paper: The UK Research Institute in Secure Hard-
ware and Embedded Systems (RISE) and The EPSRC
Quantum Communications Hub (EP/T001011/1).
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