Homomorphic encryption techniques have been
suggested to mitigate the mentioned privacy chal-
lenges for continuous authentication modalities, as
homomorphic encryption permits certain kinds of
computations to be performed on encrypted data with-
out first decrypting them. This allows encrypted data
to be outsourced to commercial cloud environments
for processing, all while encrypted.
Wei et al. (2020) proposed in 2021 a privacy-
preserving protocol for behavioral authentication,
which assumes additive homomorphisms by build-
ing on the Paillier public key cryptosystem (Paillier,
1999). The authors claim that the scheme is secure
with regard to both an honest-but-curious server and
an active eavesdropper. The eavesdropper is assumed
to read and modify the communication between the
user device and the authentication server.
In this paper, we show that the Wei et al. scheme is
insecure regarding both an honest-but-curious server
and an active eavesdropper. We present two attacks,
in which the first enables the authentication server to
obtain the behavioral plaintext template, the authenti-
cation plaintext data, and the user’s secret encryption
key plaintext from the ciphertext data. The second
attack enables an eavesdropper to obtain authentica-
tion behavior plaintext data from the transmitted en-
crypted data.
A few privacy-preserving schemes have been pro-
posed for different types of modalities of behavior-
based and context-based user authentication. Govin-
darajan et al. (2013) proposed a privacy-preserving
protocol for touch dynamics-based authentication.
Their scheme utilizes a private comparison protocol
proposed by Erkin et al. (2009) and the homomorphic
DGK encryption algorithm proposed by Damg
et al. (2008). Note that the Erkin et al. (2009) compar-
ison protocol is based on the private comparison pro-
tocol proposed by Damg
ard et al. (2007, 2009). The
scheme of Govindarajan et al. does not reveal any-
thing, because it makes comparisons in the encrypted
Safa et al. (2014) proposed a generic frame-
work for privacy-preserving implicit authentication
by utilizing context data, such as location data,
device-specific data, wifi connection, browsing his-
tory, etc. It utilizes homomorphic encryption and
order-preserving encryption, and Average Absolute
Deviation to compute the similarity between input
and reference templates.
Domingo-Ferrer et al. (2015) proposed an
privacy-preserving authentication scheme using con-
text features. It uses the Paillier cryptosystem and
a private set intersection computation protocol pro-
posed by the same authors (Blanco-Justicia et al.,
2014). Set intersection is used to determine the dis-
similarity between reference data and input data.
The privacy-preserving authentication scheme
proposed by Shahandashti et al. (2015) assumes con-
text features, and is based on order-preserving sym-
metric encryption (OPSE) and additive homomorphic
encryption. The cryptographic primitives are generic,
but the authors suggest the OPSE scheme proposed
by Boldyreva et al. (2009) and the Paillier public key
A potential problem with (Safa et al., 2014;
Domingo-Ferrer et al., 2015; Shahandashti et al.,
2015) is that context-aware modes cannot differenti-
ate if the user is present or not, such as if the device
is stolen within the specified domain, then it cannot
distinguish between a legitimate user and imposters
(Baig and Eskeland, 2021).
Balagani et al. (2018) proposed a periodic
keystroke dynamics-based privacy-preserving au-
thentication scheme. It is similar to Govindarajan
et al. (2013), but it assumes the private comparison
protocol of Erkin et al. (2009) in addition to the ho-
momorphic DGK encryption algorithm of Damg
et al. (2008). This scheme has the same efficiency
problems as Govindarajan et al.
Wei et al. (2020) proposed a privacy-preserving
authentication scheme for touch dynamics using ho-
momorphic encryption properties. It is based on sim-
ilarity scores between input and reference features us-
ing cosine similarity. The authentication server per-
forms a comparison between the encrypted reference
template (provided during enrollment) and encrypted
input template sampled during authentication. The
authentication server decrypts the similarity scores
and compares them with a predefined threshold.
In this section we present some details on the Pail-
lier cryptosystem and how it realizes its homomorphic
3.1 Briefly about the Paillier
Computations in the Paillier public key cryptosys-
tem are conducted modulus n
, where n = pq, and
p and q are large distinct primes of about the same
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography