haviour in curves, especially when relative steering
angles instead of absolute steering angles are used.
This is due to the fact that the vehicle mostly drives
with small steering angles. This results in the be-
haviour of the desired controller not being represented
adequately by the samples.
The use of a simulation offers great possibilities
for collecting sufficient data in the whole working
range of the controller. In the described setup, a PID-
controller was provided inside the simulation, which
was used as a role model from which the samples
have been taken. It may be asked if an existing PID-
controller is really necessary to train a neural network
to achieve a controller with a desired behaviour. Other
than a desired behaviour of the steering controller, a
cost function may be provided to be minimized and
reinforcement learning techniques can be applied. In
either case, the question of an exact formulation of
the requirements for vehicle steering and its control
properties has to be answered.
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