rameters such as GPS position, battery usage, network
usage, web browsing histories, and other behavioral
activities. Context-aware modes rely on contextual
parameters of the device, such as IP addresses, loca-
tion data, etc. The potential problem with context-
aware modes is that they only re-authenticate users
when there is a change in contextual information. But
they cannot differentiate between a legitimate user or
an imposter, if there is no contextual change. Such
problems may occur when users leave their devices
open, and someone else uses their devices in their ab-
The definition of continuous authentication de-
mands that the selected mode needs to be passive and
continuous simultaneously. Therefore, the physiolog-
ical biometrics and context-aware modes cannot be
solely considered for continuous authentication. Only
behavioral biometrics fulfill the requirements of con-
tinuous authentication, due to their passive and con-
tinuous nature (Baig and Eskeland, 2021).
Keystroke dynamics are categorized as behavioral
biometrics that authenticates users by analyzing and
recognizing user typing behaviors and typing pat-
terns. The keystroke dynamics authentication mecha-
nism can be implemented either in continuous way,
where the user is identified on each input (Bours,
2012) or in periodic way, where user validity is con-
firmed over a collected block of actions; the decision
is based on the analysis of that block of data (Dhakal
et al., 2018; Xiaofeng et al., 2019). A minor disad-
vantage of periodic authentication is the delay for the
authentication decision to take place, while for con-
tinuous authentication this is conducted immediately
at every user event (Bours, 2012).
The problem about continuous authentication
methods including behavioral modalities is that there
is no privacy protection. The behavioral features of
keystroke dynamics are privacy sensitive, and may
disclose sensitive user information related to gen-
der, age, left-or right-handedness, and even emotional
states during typing (Brizan et al., 2015). Behavioral
biometrics data are categorized as sensitive data in
GDPR, Article 4.
In this paper, we propose a privacy-preserving
protocol that is based on the Bours (2012) continu-
ous authentication scheme. To mitigate privacy is-
sues, our protocol uses generic homomorphic crypto-
graphic methods; this enables the authentication op-
erations to be conducted in the encrypted domain.
Govindarajan et al. (2013) proposed a periodic
privacy-preserving protocol for touch dynamics-
based authentication. Their scheme utilizes pri-
vate comparison protocol proposed by Erkin et al.
(2009) and the homomorphic DGK encryption al-
gorithm proposed by Damg
ard et al. (2008). Note
that the Erkin et al. (2009) comparison protocol is
based on the private comparison protocol proposed by
ard et al. (2007, 2009). The scheme of Govin-
darajan et al. does not reveal anything, because it
makes comparisons in the encrypted domain. How-
ever, it is not efficient for continuous authentication,
mainly because of the inefficiency of the Erkin et al.
subprotocol, which requires that each bit of the inputs
are encrypted. In the protocol, each of these cipher-
texts are then sent to the other party.
Balagani et al. (2018) proposed a keystroke
dynamics-based privacy-preserving authentication
scheme. They extended the idea of Govindarajan
et al. protocol, but is also based on the private com-
parison protocol proposed by Erkin et al. (2009) and
the homomorphic DGK encryption algorithm pro-
posed by Damg
ard et al. (2008). This scheme has the
same efficiency problems as the scheme by Govin-
darajan et al.
Wei et al. (2020) proposed a privacy-preserving
authentication scheme for touch dynamics using ho-
momorphic encryption properties. It is based on sim-
ilarity scores between input and reference features us-
ing cosine similarity. The authentication server per-
forms a comparison between the encrypted reference
template (provided during enrollment) and encrypted
input template sampled during authentication. The
authentication server decrypts the similarity scores
and compares them with a predefined threshold.
Safa et al. (2014) proposed a privacy-preserving
generic protocol by utilizing context-aware data fea-
tures such as users GPS data, search histories (cook-
ies), etc. Additive homomorphic encryption prop-
erties and order-preserving symmetric encryption
(OPE) are utilized to achieve the privacy of users data
features. Their protocol uses the Average Absolute
Deviation (AAD) for the comparison between input
feature and the reference features during the authenti-
cation phase.
Shahandashti et al. (2015) proposed an implicit
authentication scheme by utilizing order-preserving
symmetric encryption (OPSE) with additive homo-
morphic encryption. The primitives are generic, but
the authors suggest the OPSE scheme proposed by
Boldyreva et al. (2009) and the Paillier public key
scheme. They consider different features for implicit
authentication such as user location, visited websites,
etc. Further, the AAD is utilized to compute the sim-
ilarity between input and reference templates.
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography