Emerging technologies permeate the railway and pub-
lic transport sub-sectors as part of the digital trans-
formation. While these sub-sectors are traditionally
change-resistant, they can no longer be isolated from
these trends. While press releases continuously an-
nounce a new project to modernize processes, rolling
stock, and infrastructures and scientific articles talk
about concepts, prototypes, and demonstrators, re-
lated work on the latest technologies’ embedment
level falls short.
Thus, in this work, we addressed this issue. Af-
ter discussing the advantages and challenges of dig-
ital transformation, we introduced several emerging
technologies. We placed them inside the railway sub-
sectors and referenced their proposed or actual appli-
cation examples.
Next, we introduced our quantitative online sur-
vey and the follow-up qualitative interview survey. In
the first survey, we analyzed the application of and the
knowledge about technologies. Here we made sev-
eral interesting findings. We found that significantly
more companies use cloud services and virtualization
than rate high or very high on the knowledge metric.
Moreover, the commonly excited blockchain hardly
receives attention and application.
The following interviews showed selected emerg-
ing technologies’ strengths, weaknesses, opportuni-
ties, and threats. Common reasons for not introduc-
ing certain technologies included a lack of trust in
the technology or a negative benefit-cost assessment.
Major obstacles lie in convincing conservative staff or
management of the opportunities and finding the right
personnel to implement new approaches.
This work shows which technologies permeate
the railway and transport sectors and queried the
perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats. In future work, we intend to assess the per-
ceived impact on cybersecurity by introducing these
technologies. Furthermore, we plan to associate the
affinity for emerging technologies with the cyberse-
curity awareness of the studied sub-sectors. Lastly,
we plan to derive proposed actions for the legislative
and executive bodies to improve upon the application
of selected technologies.
This research paper originates from the German Cen-
tre for Rail Traffic Research (DZSF) project “Study
Security & New Technologies”.
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ICINCO 2022 - 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics