Though these CEP systems are capable of recog-
nizing the same stream patterns as PORT, they do not
incorporate the transformation primitives required by
the applications envisioned for PORT. CEP systems
are meant to be used solely to recognize additional
patterns. It is the combination and interplay of pat-
tern matching and transformation primitives that dis-
tinguishes PORT from CEP systems.
One can gain a lot of value from analyzing an appli-
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ity an application produces makes it difficult to sep-
arate out unimportant sequences. In this work, we
demonstrate how our new domain specific language,
PORT, offers a way to write concise, yet, expressive
descriptions of application activity sequences. These
descriptions can be compiled into programs that both
recognize the described activity sequence and modify
its contents in order to facilitate more active testing.
We used this capability to recreate the successful pro-
grams from earlier work on the SEA technique and
showed that SEA can be extended to other activity
representations, such as recorded USB traffic.
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