ried out on real cells opens the door to ”diagnosis in
real-time”, through detection using the Raman spec-
trum, a non-invasive and non-destructive technique
for the patient.
The proposed approach, based on the combination
of Raman spectroscopy and the use of machine learn-
ing models, allows obtaining data on the patient’s
cells to be identified as “malignant” or not in a matter
of minutes. This methodology does not aim to replace
the work of the doctor who remains at the center of
the diagnosis and treatment process but is a tool made
available to him.
The main contribution of this work consists in the
use of a dataset containing real information about a
patient under treatment at the National CancerInsti-
tute IRCCS G. Pascale Foundation, whose cells have
been analyzed by the Center for Nanophotonics and
Optoelectronics for Human Health (CNOS).
Therefore, the proposed approach has been tested
on an overall dataset containing 364 wavenumbers
where each corresponds to a sample of amplitude
across the various records of the dataset. The results
show good performance of the Random Forest Clas-
sifier which in the case of data augmentation reached
an accuracy of 89.98%.
The limitation of the study concerns the fact that
the classification was carried out on cells relating to
a single patient, because some were collected in the
tumor area, and others in adjacent but healthy areas.
So, in the future it could be interesting to inves-
tigate in three different directions: classification of
cells from different patients but with the same pathol-
ogy to assess whether the pathology has similar traits
in different patients (i); classification of cells from
different patients but with different tumor patholo-
gies to evaluate if there is an indicator, that is a
set of biological components, common for all onco-
logical pathologies (ii); classification of cells from
healthy patients and patients suffering from oncologi-
cal diseases to understand if some tumor traits are also
present in healthy patients, avoiding the disease with
effective prevention therapy (iii).
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