We compare an interval-based solution and a factor
graph-based probabilistic solution for a 2D localiza-
tion problem for robot pose uncertainty estimation.
For this purpose, we design four comparison exper-
iments with different measurement models. From the
results, we find out that the probabilistic method can
provide more accurate pose estimation and smaller
uncertainty estimation than the interval method given
Gaussian measurement noise. However, the uniden-
tified non-Gaussian errors in measurements can sig-
nificantly impede the performance of the probabilis-
tic approach, causing wrong pose estimates and un-
derestimated uncertainty. In comparison, the inter-
val method is not sensitive to systematic measure-
ment errors or uncertainty of measured map positions,
which is able to robustly provide guaranteed pose un-
certainty estimation. It also shows that the interval
method usually gives pose estimation with larger un-
certainty compared to the probabilistic method. How-
ever, the benefits of using intervals for solving robot
localization problems is that no prior information of
the robot pose is required, and the ability to provide
all possible solutions with guarantee.
In the further work, we aim to apply the interval-
based method to real data. We plan to tackle the land-
mark extraction and association problem which can
introduce more sources of error that will influence
the uncertainty estimation. Besides, we would like
to investigate again the uncertainty estimation perfor-
mance of interval methods and probabilistic methods
with noisy real measurement data for which the real
distribution is unknown.
This work was supported by the German Academic
Exchange Service (DAAD) as part of the Research
Training Group i.c.sens [RTG 2159].
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Interval-based Robot Localization with Uncertainty Evaluation