ing shift communication, the middle and upper cate-
gorization layer may influence the decision regarding
the shift version.
5.1 Summary
This SLR gathered scientific works on data exchange
strategies for range-limited interactions in MDS and
aimed to find similarities between these works in or-
der to propose a categorization. Its target were spatial
decomposition approaches, which split the simulation
space into small rectangular boxes that are then dis-
tributed over the compute nodes.
As it turns out, all sources that introduce an ex-
plicit communication scheme use the same idea called
shift communication (see Fig. 4). Apart from that,
one can distinguish between two categories of data
selection strategies: home-box-centered methods that
aim to satisfy the home box or home node with all the
data required to calculate the forces on its particles,
and neutral territory methods that have nodes calcu-
late forces between particles which do not reside in
the node’s home box. Additionally Newton’s third
law (N3L) may be applied to reduce redundant force
calculations. Thus, we propose the three-layered cat-
egorization displayed in Figure 9 where the bottom
layer is concerned with the selection of the communi-
cation scheme, the middle layer with what data should
be moved where, and the top layer with whether N3L
is applied or not.
5.2 Future Work
Future work could be the design of a 2D and 3D
processor team algorithm as proposed by (Driscoll
et al., 2013) and applying communication schemes to
higher levels in MDS, for example for the interaction
of multipoles on the same tree depth in the Fast Mul-
tipole Method (FMM).
This research was funded by DFG project FMHub,
project Nr. 443189148.
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Systematic Literature Review of Data Exchange Strategies for Range-limited Particle Interactions