complexity and their interoperability. In the half-
ND variant, these schemes are interoperable with NE
schemes without compromising their concurrent se-
curity. We thus propose the half-ND schemes to
be considered in the most common scenario featur-
ing reasonably fast devices like smartphones, which
could benefit from interoperability with more con-
strained devices, while enjoying the benefits of secu-
rity under concurrent execution.
The class of NC-based schemes is the only one
that currently does not display any apparent addi-
tional utility. It provides concurrent security achiev-
able even for computationally restricted devices, but
such devices could easily rely on the more efficient
NE, which would also allow them to be interoperable
with half-ND schemes.
We designed the scheme SHINE to benefit from
interoperability while being efficiently executable on
cryptographic smartcards. The scheme is based on
NE complemented by a novel approach to nonce
caching – featuring encryption and avoiding the pre-
vious attack by Drijvers et al. (Drijvers et al., 2019).
We implemented SHINE as an applet for the
JavaCard platform and evaluated its performance on
five different smartcard models. The experiments em-
pirically confirmed the performance improvement of
nonce caching on computationally restricted devices
over a variant without caching. Furthermore, we
provided a Rust implementation of the central party
that practically demonstrates the interoperability of
SHINE with NE, NC, and half-ND schemes.
We view the interoperability of multi-party pro-
tocols as a meaningful and practical way to increase
resilience and flexibility of multi-party systems. Fol-
lowing this path, future research could investigate
the possibility of interoperability among other types
of multi-party protocols, e.g., the recent designs of
threshold ECDSA signatures.
Authors were supported by Czech Science Founda-
tion project GA20-03426S. V. Sedlacek was also sup-
ported by the Ph.D. Talent Scholarship – funded by
the Brno City Municipality.
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SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography