are allowed to commute due to execution and
communication time variations.
For our case study, all inferred buffer capacities
are either one or two, except component C
, which has
buffers with capacities up to 24. The low number of
buffer places is due to the extensive synchronization
on replies. C
, the log component, only receives ‘fire-
and-forget’-type logging notifications without replies.
We verified that the resulting, improved, asyn-
chronously composed model indeed accepts its input
TMSC, i.e., the inferred model accepts the input ob-
servation from which it was inferred. This gives trust
that the practically inferred model is in line with that
observation. The inferred models were confirmed by
domain experts as remarkably accurate, allowing
them to discuss and analyze their system’s behavior.
This in stark contrast to models that were previously
inferred using process mining and heuristics-based
model learning, where they questioned the accuracy
of the models instead.
We introduced our novel method, Constructive
Model Inference (CMI), which uses execution logs
as input. Relying on knowledge of the system archi-
tecture, it allows learning the behavior of large
concurrent component-based systems. The trace-
theoretical framework provides a solid foundation.
ASML considers the state machine models resulting
from our method accurate, and the service fragment
models in particular also highly intuitive. They see
many potential applications, and are already using
the inferred models to gain insight into their software
behavior, as well as for change impact analysis.
Future work includes among others extending the
CMI method to inferring Extended Finite Automata
and Timed Automata, further industrial application
of the approach, and automatically deriving interface
models from component models.
This research is partly carried out as part of the
Transposition project under the responsibility of ESI
(TNO) in co-operation with ASML. The research ac-
tivities are partly supported by the Netherlands
Ministry of Economic Affairs and TKI-HTSM.
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