the network to let them behave in an unexpected and
erroneous way, while monitoring if an autonomous
vehicle trained with a customized DRL algorithm was
able to minimize the number of road accidents (colli-
sions) over time.
The experimental analysis results showed that
only 1 DRL vehicle can help to optimize traffic flows
in order to mitigate the number of collisions that re-
alistically would happen if no autonomous vehicles
were inserted in the network. We showed that the col-
lision frequency decreases while the number of steps
increases: this means that the DRL agent is able to
learn from the environment despite the presence of
bad behaviours.
As future work, we plan to add an increasing num-
ber of DRL vehicles in the network with the aim to
create more complex scenarios to evaluate the perfor-
mances of the proposed DRL model based on a reward
function that penalizes strong accelerations and lane-
changes, while rewards velocities under a target ve-
locity and near to the mean velocity of all the vehicles
in the network. Also, we would like to execute a no-
DRL scenario with the same network configuration in
order to compare DRL performance with no-DRL per-
This work has been funded by Spike Reply and par-
tially supported by MIUR - SecureOpenNets, EU
SPARTA, CyberSANE and E-CORRIDOR projects.
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