Learning how to play a musical instrument is not easy,
it requires great commitment and a good knowledge
of the theoretical foundations and fundamentals of
music. Currently, the “Italian National Indications”
propose activities and competence goals mainly ori-
ented towards secondary schools. MusicBlocks is an
instrument that can also be used from the first cycle
of schooling and can help to bring students closer to
the concepts of rhythm, harmony and composition in
a playful and active way, overcoming the steep ini-
tial step that there is in learning to play an instru-
ment. MusicBlocks has been tested in a low sec-
ondary school and the results of this research will
be published shortly. Anyway, it is evident, from a
preliminary analysis, that the impact on learning and
teaching was significant and the students’ satisfaction
very high.
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CSME 2022 - 3rd International Special Session on Computer Supported Music Education