Research on Internal Audit Capability of Universities based on SPSS
Chengying Zhang*
and Jiawen Zhu
School of Management, Xihua University, Chengdu, China
Keywords: Universities, Internal Audit, Governance Capacity, Modernization.
Abstract: As an important branch of the national internal audit system, internal audit in colleges and universities plays
an extremely important role in promoting the improvement of teaching quality, anti-corruption and anti-
corruption, and regulating the education and teaching system. However, at present, there are mainly problems
such as unsound internal audit program, insufficient audit capability, and not widely applied audit information
technology in replacement colleges and universities, which seriously restrict the role of internal audit. Based
on this, this paper spss data analysis model as the basis, on the basis of analyzing the linear relationship
between university internal audit and university governance, focuses on the proportion and relevance of
university internal audit in the university governance system, and finally puts forward the guarantee measures
to play the role of internal audit governance in public universities. The study has a non-negligible role for the
related research in the field of modernization of university governance.
The concept of governance began in the 1990s and
was gradually introduced to the field of education
with the development of the times. Governance in
higher education is the sum of all activities and
processes to transform the traditional management
system and order system of higher education in
accordance with the concept, principles and methods
of governance with social values as the goal. In the
background that the actual right to run and found the
university is separated, university governance is a
kind of institutional arrangement that regulates and
restrains the exercise of power, so that the university,
government and society and other stakeholders can
interact harmoniously and jointly govern the
university (Zhao, Gao, 2018). The purpose is to build
a clean, efficient and balanced governance system to
improve the scientific research level and talent
cultivation quality of colleges and universities,
regulate the bad behaviors of related subjects, and
guarantee the equal power and interests of all parties
involved in governance. Nowadays, with the
continuous advancement of economic globalization
and knowledge integration process, the Party has put
forward higher requirements for all aspects of
replacement education, which makes internal
auditing in colleges and universities face
unprecedented opportunities and challenges (Zhuang,
Guan, 2016). In the new era, internal audit of colleges
and universities should be bold to remove the old and
establish the new, seek development in the midst of
change, give full play to the role of internal audit as a
constraint, supervision and promotion, and escort for
the modernization of governance ability of colleges
and universities.
2.1 System of University Governance
The internal governance system of colleges and
universities refers to the fact that in order to achieve
Zhang, C. and Zhu, J.
Research on Internal Audit Capability of Universities based on SPSS Model.
DOI: 10.5220/0011172300003440
In Proceedings of the International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management (BDEDM 2022), pages 227-232
ISBN: 978-989-758-593-7
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
the goal of building a world-class college with
Chinese characteristics, public colleges and
universities should adhere to social and spiritual
values as the basic value orientation, take the
institutional restraint and incentive system formed by
the joint action of formal system and informal system
as the core, and take the decision-making,
implementation (Li 2020), participation and
supervision as the basic action mode within the
school, through the synergy and interaction of all
parties in college governance so as to A good order
system is formed through the interaction of all parties
of university governance. The internal governance
system of colleges and universities is the basic carrier
of college governance activities and the means and
methods to realize "good governance" in colleges and
universities, which is the institutional innovation and
mechanism innovation different from the traditional
internal management of colleges and universities.
2.2 Relationship between Internal
Audit and Governance of Colleges
and Universities
Internal audit is born in the governance system of
colleges and universities and assumes the function of
evaluating and supervising the governance structure
and system as well as governance effect of colleges
and universities (Wang 2021). It is an indispensable
warning sign in university governance. On the one
hand, internal audit can regulate the bad behavior of
related subjects and prevent potential risks in time to
achieve the effect of governance through its
supervision function. On the other hand, due to its
top-down nature and the participation of multiple
subjects, university governance enables internal audit
department to carry out audit work relatively
independently under a better moral restraint
3.1 The Status of Internal Audit in
University Governance System
The top-down structure of university governance
system is mainly divided into decision-making level
and executive level, and internal audit belongs to the
executive level like research centers and departments,
but it also belongs to the supervisory level. Internal
audit is under the direct leadership of the president,
which greatly avoids conflicts of interest with other
departments in the executive level, and thus has a
strong independence to re-monitor the
implementation of the executive level and give full
play to its supervisory and control role.
3.2 The Role of Internal Audit of
Colleges and Universities in the
Governance System of Colleges and
As an important part of the internal control
mechanism of colleges and universities, internal audit
of colleges and universities plays an important role in
monitoring the utilization of limited resources of
schools, realizing the reasonable allocation of
educational resources and improving the
modernization of school management. Sound internal
audit can timely and accurately find out the problems
in the operation of universities and give early warning
and suggestions. Especially with the development of
the strategy of replacing education to develop the
country, the state financial support for the
development of education has been increasing. Under
this new situation, the role of reasonable and effective
internal audit is more and more important in the
management of fund budget, improving the
efficiency of resource utilization, controlling internal
risks and evaluating economic responsibility.
4.1 Statistics of Internal Audit Cases in
Colleges and Universities in
Sichuan Province
Capital construction project audit and repair project
audit: 20 undergraduate colleges and universities
conducted capital construction project audit in 2019,
and completed more than 370 items of capital
construction project audit; 30 undergraduate colleges
and universities conducted repair project audit, and
completed more than 2160 items of repair project
audit (Ma 2021). There are 13 institutions of higher
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
education conducting capital construction audits and
completing more than 50 audits of capital
construction projects; there are 21 institutions of
higher education conducting audits of repair projects
and completing more than 620 audits of repair
projects. The sample colleges and universities have
completed more than 3,000 audits of capital
construction projects and renovation projects
throughout the year, with the amount of audits sent
reaching 1.763 billion yuan and 222 million yuan of
Economic responsibility audit of leading cadres:
In 2019, 26 undergraduate institutions carried out
economic responsibility audit of middle-level leading
cadres and completed a total of 226 economic
responsibility audit projects; 12 senior high schools
carried out economic responsibility audit of middle-
level leading cadres and completed a total of 51
economic responsibility audit projects.
Financial revenue and expenditure audits: 20
undergraduate institutions conducted financial
revenue and expenditure audits in 2019, completing a
total of 117 financial revenue and expenditure audit
projects; 16 senior high schools conducted financial
revenue and expenditure audits, completing a total of
50 financial revenue and expenditure audit projects.
Special audit investigation of educational
economic activities: taking into account the actual
situation of each university, a total of 370 special
audit investigations were conducted in 2019, mainly
on the audit supervision of education fee charging
behaviors, scientific research fund use and financial
management of canteens with high risk of integrity.
In the same year, the Provincial Department of
Education organized internal auditors of some
universities to carry out special audit investigations
on the management and use of scientific research
funds and discipline construction funds of 5
universities. At the same time, the universities also
generally carry out auditing and signing work on
scientific research funds.
Financial budget execution and final accounts
audit: in 2019, 7 undergraduate colleges and
universities carried out financial budget execution
and final accounts audit, completing a total of 20
financial budget execution and final accounts audit
projects; 5 higher vocational colleges and universities
carried out financial budget execution and final
accounts audit, completing a total of 32 financial
budget execution and final accounts audit projects.
Table 1: Audit project statistics table.
Audit Projects Undergraduate Senior
Capital Project Audits 20 13
Renovation Project Audi
30 21
Leading Economic Audits 26 12
Audit of financial income
and expenditure
20 16
Audit of Educational
5 4
Budget and final account
7 5
Figure 1: Audit Project Statistics Chart.
4.2 Research on Existing Problems
Insufficient attention to internal audit in colleges and
universities: Some colleges and universities internal
audit departments are nominally under the direct
leadership of principals or party secretaries, but in
reality, they will arrange other vice principals to
manage directly, lacking audit authority; some
colleges and universities have audit system, but there
are problems such as auditors are not familiar with
audit system and audit system is not in place; some
colleges and universities audit has become a
subsidiary organization of discipline inspection and
supervision, and audit Some colleges and universities
have audit become subsidiary organizations of
discipline inspection and supervision, and the audit
department does not have enough independence. The
above situation from the side reflects that the
management of colleges and universities does not pay
enough attention to the audit department
(Yang 2021).
In reality, some colleges and universities have
internal audit institutions, but due to the unsound
institutional settings, there is a situation that audit and
discipline inspection and supervision departments
work together, and even the audit department is
directly listed in other departments. Internal auditors
lack independence. As internal staffs of colleges and
universities, their personnel relations are still under
the system of colleges and universities, so they are
easily restricted by the system and policies of
colleges and universities, and there are complex
Research on Internal Audit Capability of Universities based on SPSS Model
interpersonal circles in colleges and universities,
which are easily influenced by human feelings and
worldly affairs, which to a certain extent also lead to
the lack of independence of auditing work.
The internal auditing system of colleges and
universities is not perfect: Although the relevant
guidelines for the construction of internal auditing
system of colleges and universities have been issued
at the national level, very few colleges and
universities integrate it with their actual situation. At
present, some universities still lack basic systems
such as economic responsibility audit and internal
audit work regulations.
There is a shortage in the supply of human
elements with higher ability level: At present, the
internal audit team of Chinese universities generally
has a single knowledge structure, insufficient ability
and insufficient number of personnel, which makes it
difficult to offer constructive opinions on the
problems encountered in the audit process in time,
and the overall quality of the team fails to meet the
development needs of university governance, which
greatly affects the audit quality.
The means of internal audit in colleges and
universities are relatively backward: At present, most
colleges and universities still adhere to traditional
audit methods, due to the small investment in capital,
technology and talents, which leads to the less
application of information technology. The current
auditing methods are backward, lack of necessary
funds and technical support, backward information
construction, low sharing of audit information and
resources, and serious information "silo"
phenomenon, which leads to low audit efficiency and
uneven audit results.
5.1 Adhere to the Leadership of the
Party to Improve the Audit Work
The newly revised Internal Audit Department Order
No. 11 of January 12, 2018 clearly puts forward that
"the internal audit organization shall carry out audit
work under the direct leadership of the party
organization and the main person in charge of the
unit", emphasizing the importance of the party
leading the audit work. Universities should accelerate
the establishment of a sound system of internal audit
mechanism under the leadership of the party
committee and set up an audit committee to be
responsible for making audit plans, listening to audit
reports and dealing with irregularities and violations.
At the same time, the party committee of colleges and
universities should give full play to its role of
coordinating all parties, handle the relationship
between audit work and other work, actively mobilize
relevant departments to cooperate with the
audit work,
and create a good atmosphere for internal audit.
5.2 Enhancing the Independence of
Internal Audit Work
First, the independence of the internal audit
organization is a prerequisite for internal auditors to
carry out objective and impartial auditing work.
Therefore, a separate audit department must be
established to clearly regulate the scope of audit work
and avoid the involvement of the audit department in
the economic activities of the school, which affects
the quality of audit work. Second, audit staff should
not be involved in the specific work of other
departments, such as financial management,
accounting, or other production, operation, or
management activities. They should not have
economic interests with the main person in charge of
the audited department. The audit staff should strive
to be clean, independent and objective, without
yielding to any threats or making any compromises
that would lower the quality of the audit, and inspect
and supervise the work of each department from an
objective and impartial third-party perspective. Third,
in the process of audit plan formulation,
independence is maintained regarding the
determination of audit techniques, procedures, and
application scope; in the stage of audit plan
implementation, independence is maintained
regarding the determination of audit policies, audit
objects, and audit scope; in the stage of presenting
audit reports, independence is maintained regarding
the presentation of audit results and the presentation
of opinions and recommendations.
5.3 Improve Internal Audit System and
Strengthen the Supervision of
System Implementation
Establishing a sound internal audit system in colleges
and universities is conducive to improving the
efficiency and quality of internal audit work. Based
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management
on the original auditing system, universities should
make more specific auditing specifications according
to the setting of school units and the actual situation
of school economic activities, so as to clarify the
scope, subject, content, process and implementation
method of auditing work and further standardize the
auditing procedures. In a word, we should make the
auditing work lawful, lawful, strict and illegal in
order to give full play to the supervisory role of
internal audit in colleges and universities. Clarify the
work positioning of internal audit in university
governance, establish and improve the mechanism of
supervision, accountability, discipline and error
correction for the implementation of internal audit
system in universities, and continuously improve the
construction of university governance system.
Establishing and improving the effective feedback
mechanism of system implementation is the only way
to give feedback to the problems arising in the
process of implementation of internal audit system in
colleges and universities, so as to promote the
adjustment and optimization of the system.
5.4 Build a Composite Audit Team and
Enhance Internal Audit Capability
Strive to build a high-quality professional internal
audit team: universities should give full play to the
advantages of talents and cultivate a professional
audit team with strong belief, proficient in business
and excellent style. First, strengthen the professional
ethics education of auditors. The characteristics of
internal audit work determine that auditors must have
high audit professional ethical quality and political
quality. Always maintain integrity, resist corruption,
and prevent interference in the audit work from the
external environment. Objective and fair handling of
audit issues, make recommendations to ensure the
normal operation of the school's economic work and
safeguard the interests of the school. Second, improve
the level of business knowledge and ability of
auditors. Develop a long-term plan for the
development of the audit team. Auditors themselves
should also establish a "lifelong learning" thinking,
and actively participate in higher training, take the
initiative to learn new knowledge, constantly update
the knowledge base, only their professional
knowledge is excellent, in order to better serve the
audit work. Third, to strengthen the follow-up
education of auditors, auditors at least once a year to
participate in continuing education and training.
Through political learning and business learning or
send personnel to participate in various audit training
courses, learning audit theory, policies and
regulations, professional ethics education. "Training
by audit", dispatching personnel to participate in
auditing institutions and relevant departments on
campus audit, inspection work, and constantly
improve the ability of auditors to adapt to the integrity
of governance.
5.5 Improve the Means of Internal
Audit Informationization in
Colleges and Universities
Firstly, internal audit workers in universities should
make good departmental budgets, strive for more
financial input, prepare comprehensive and complete
scientific and compliant budget statements, and strive
for more special funds for the introduction of
advanced auditing techniques. Secondly, the
application of information technology should be
strengthened. Universities should accelerate the
combination of information technology and auditing
technology, such as computer-aided auditing,
artificial intelligence and networked auditing, to
innovate the concept of auditing and change the
traditional auditing methods. Finally, a network
infrastructure platform featuring cloud computing
and mobile terminals should also be built as a way to
collect data and conduct early warning analysis so as
to better play a supervisory role. Traditional audit
methods and modern audit technology tools are fully
integrated to build on their strengths and avoid their
weaknesses, thus maximising audit efficiency and
quality levels.
Figure 2: Smart Audit System Flow Chart.
Facing the new historical opportunities and
challenges, colleges and universities should fully
Research on Internal Audit Capability of Universities based on SPSS Model
realize the important role of internal audit in
supervising, evaluating and advising the governance
system of colleges and universities, regulating the
business activities of colleges and universities, and
improving the construction of internal control. The
only way to give full play to the role of audit
supervision and service and promote the healthy and
sustainable development of universities and the
modernization and improvement of governance
ability is to adhere to the Party's leadership and keep
pace with the times, continuously improve the
internal audit mechanism and system, cultivate a
high-quality professional audit team and innovate the
methods and means of audit work.
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an important role in serving university governance.
Education and Teaching Forum. 2020(32):354-355.
Ma Qiqi. Problems and optimization measures of internal
audit work in colleges and universities. Investment and
Wang Bin. Discussion on the problems of internal audit in
colleges and universities and strategies to cope with
them . Business News,2021 (30): 148-150.
Yang Hui. How to strengthen the information construction
of internal audit in universities under cloud audit. Hebei
Zhao Xianning,Gao Yan. The development status, dilemma
and optimization of replacing internal governance in
universities. Heilongjiang Higher Education
Zhuang Li, Guan Xiaomin. Research on internal audit
based on university governance system. Journal of
Minnan Normal University: philosophy and social
science edition, 2016, 30(4):5.
BDEDM 2022 - The International Conference on Big Data Economy and Digital Management