above a given threshold, the corresponding class can
be assigned automatically by the system. Otherwise,
the user can be prompted to perform the classification
6.2 Future Work
Our system supports the user during the product clas-
sification process by using corresponding product im-
ages. To automate this task completely, further re-
search and development work is necessary. The sys-
tem can be combined with object detection and image
segmentation to detect the product in an image and cut
it out before feature extraction. This approach allows
almost any product image type to be used in the sys-
tem for classification. Currently, product images are
compared in their entirety. This can lead to a product
image not being classified correctly, when the product
only makes up a small part of the image.
The system can also be combined with additional
text-based and color-based techniques to further in-
crease classification performance. Despite the high
accuracy of the system, errors can occur during a fully
automated classification process. The user can be
asked for input if the probability of a predicted class
is low and below a given threshold to minimize the
error rate of the system. In this way, the user inter-
actively contributes to the improvement of the system
by generating labeled image data, which can be used
for classification in the future.
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DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications