An modified PPR technique is presented. The main
idea is to increase the order of the fitting polynomial
without including other patches. To achieve that, sam-
ple points are substituted in the discretized form of the
differential equation. The sample points are chosen to
be the superconvergent points in the considered patch.
The proposed technique benefits from the high or-
der of the polynomial capturing oscillations and rapid
changes in the solution. It also keeps the local behav-
ior of the solution around the targeted node. The new
operator of the proposed method is also used as an a
posteriori error estimator in adaptive refinement.
Numerical results show that the accuracy of the
new recovered gradient is higher than that obtained
with the PPR and that the proposed method keeps the
same order of convergence as the PPR.
Our future goals are to extend our method to the
higher-dimensional cases and perform a convergence
analysis of the new operator. We also aim to develop
an approach for choosing the inner-elements points
to achieve the best accuracy.
This work is supported by the Missions Sector of
the Ministry of Higher Education (MoHE) in Egypt
through an M.Sc. scholarship.
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A Modified Polynomial Preserving Recovery Technique