of the developers focus on meeting the require-
ments and customer satisfaction delivering their
preferred features on time with the least cost. Be-
sides, the limitation of the project budget offered
to the software projects often stands against the
adoption of security in SDL as the main goal.
The size of the sample may be relatively small (40
participants). However, this sample is acceptable
since the Palestinian IT sector is relatively small. On
the other hand, the results of this research are limited
to the Palestinian IT sector, and hence, it could not be
generalized but can be replicated in other countries.
1. Internal Validity: Few participants know the au-
thors in person. Thus, their responses to this fact
may be affected by the participant trying to sat-
isfy the author by choosing the answer that cor-
responds with the survey context. However, the
number of them is limited, as the survey was de-
livered to companies without revealing personal
information about the author.
2. Construct Validity: The participants could guess
the research questions from the context of the sur-
vey title. Therefore, some participants’ might an-
swers to the survey may be affected. However,
we think that the number of participants affected
by their responses, if any, was few since we are
dealing with mature and independent participants
with their opinions.
3. External Validity: The sample as described in sec-
tion 3 was limited to the Palestinian IT sector.
However, the study took into consideration the di-
versity of the sample selection as software devel-
opers from various sectors, experiences, and com-
pany sizes, which ensures that the sample is as
representative as possible.
The adherence to secure SDL of the Palestinian IT
market is still modest, immature, and unsystematic,
as non of the surveyed companies followed one of
the known security models, such as Microsoft SDL,
rather than, security in SDL is taken into consider-
ation based on the developer skills and knowledge.
Moreover, most of the security practices are not ap-
plied even during the project timeline. Successful
adoption of a secure software development process re-
quires company cultural change, in addition to devel-
opers’ training and adopting the technical practices.
Thus, it is important for software development com-
panies to adopt their own customized secure SDL.
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Adherence to Secure Software Development Lifecycle