in 2015, while AES was the most popular cipher
in benign samples already in 2012.
Very limited use of third-party cryptographic li-
braries. Our analysis showed that Android appli-
cation authors favor using system-based libraries
to deliver cryptographic functionality.
Contrast between malicious and benign usage of
cryptography. Our study shows that cryptographic
API is generally more frequent in malware than in
benign samples (in relative measures).
Building a cryptography-based machine learning
model, we showed a significant difference in cryptogra-
phy deployment between benign and malware samples.
We demonstrated that a learning-based model based on
cryptography alone could separate between benign and
malicious samples with good performance. Moreover,
we showed that explaining the decision of the classifier
can expose intriguing links between cryptography and
malicious actions that are typically carried out by mal-
ware. In particular, these techniques constitute a valid
resource to guide the analysts towards discovering crit-
ical characteristics of the examined malicious samples.
Moreover, cryptographic features until now neglected
can be employed to further improve state-of-the-art
malware detectors.
Our results open door to various follow-up work.
For instance, it would be interesting to cluster malware
samples into families based on its usage of cryptog-
raphy. Likewise, future work can more closely focus
on understanding for what purpose specific crypto-
routines are employed in Android malware, thus better
understanding and profiling the characteristics of mal-
ware authors. This could, for instance, confirm or
dismiss our conjecture that weak hash functions are
not used for integrity-critical operations in malware.
Last but not least, one could employ more powerful
dynamic analysis to check if our findings hold also for
packed and obfuscated applications.
This work was partially supported by the project PON
AIM Research and Innovation 2014–2020 - Attraction
and International Mobility, funded by the Italian Min-
istry of Education, University and Research; and by
the European cybersecurity pilot CyberSec4Europe.
Vashek Matyas was supported by Czech Science Foun-
dation project GA20-03426S. Adam Janovsky was
supported by Invasys company. We are grateful to
Jonas Konecny who ran the initial machine learning
experiments. We also thank Avast for providing the
dynamic-analysis tool apklab.io.
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SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography