In conclusion, this research investigates various
guidelines for compiling data into open-source data
with a focus on organizational data, data transfor-
mation, and anonymization methods. Relevant tasks
have been identified, adapted, and synthesized into a
framework to transform organizational data into open
and sharable data. To evaluate the newly created
framework, it was applied and evaluated on CERN
data. The value of the data before and after the ap-
plication of the framework has been discussed. Even
though creating a framework that encompasses all
necessary steps needed to convert sensitive organiza-
tional information into open data is a hard task, this
framework takes advantage of a diverse set of na-
tional and organizational frameworks. It provides a
generic framework that can be adapted for organiza-
tional use cases easily and provides the initial solu-
tion for the generalization of the process for compil-
ing data to open data. Based on the evaluation of the
framework, more detailed descriptions of individual
steps, improved methods for anonymization can be a
way to improve the initial framework in the future.
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DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications