of things (static versus mobile), forms of interac-
tions (vertical versus horizontal), and properties of
resources that are consumed (limited versus limited-
but-renewable versus non-shareable). In this pa-
per, we identify and afterwards formalize the nec-
essary steps and mechanisms that would first, con-
firm the binding of things/edges/clouds as stakehold-
ers to microservices and second, allow these stake-
holders to collaborate together, should they run into
any obstacles that these constraints and characteristics
could cause. We package the steps and mechanisms
into contracts and track their satisfaction through a
set of non-functional properties forming what the
ICT community refers to as Quality-of-Service (QoS)
model (Menasc
e, 2002).
The adoption of contracts is commonly reported
in the ICT literature as per the survey paper (Marino
et al., 2019). However, to the best of our knowl-
edge, little exists when it comes to first, identify-
ing contracts in the context of microservices, things,
and edge/cloud platforms and second, defining con-
tracts’ types, lifecycles, and adjustments, should the
QoS non-functional properties become unsatisfied.
To address this gap, we proceed with (i) defining con-
tracts to regulate microservices’ deployment and exe-
cution, (ii) identifying types of contracts to ensure the
success of this deployment and execution, (iii) spec-
ifying lifecycles of and dependencies between con-
tracts, and, finally, (iv) demonstrating contract man-
agement through a system. The rest of this paper is
organized as follows. Related work is discussed in
Section 2. Section 3 presents our microservices’ de-
ployment and execution approach that is referred to as
choreOrchest mixing choreography and orchestration
to achieve this deployment and execution. Section 4
examines contracts in terms of types, clauses, and
lifecycles. Section 5 discusses the system that was
implemented and the results obtained out of the ex-
periments. Finally, Section 6 concludes and points out
some future work.
To the best of our knowledge, there are not dedicated
works that examine contracts and their complete life-
cycles in an ecosystem of microservices, IoT, cloud,
and edge. To address this gap, we discuss some works
that adopt contracts for multiple purposes like moni-
toring, regulation, and security.
Balint and Truong propose a contract-aware
IoT framework to manage and monitor IoT data mar-
ketplaces in (Balint and Truong, 2017). Contracts re-
fer to data rights (e.g., derivation and reproduction),
quality of data (e.g., completeness and conformity),
pricing model (e.g., charges and subscription period),
purchasing policy (e.g., contract termination and re-
fund) and control (e.g., warranty and indemnity).
Contracts are established between customers (either
persons or software) and things’ providers. Both
providers and customers engage in contract negotia-
tion to specify contractual terms when purchasing or
selling data. To address the scalability of data mar-
ketplaces, the framework is designed as a microser-
vices architecture allowing each service to scale with-
out disrupting other services in the framework.
Longo et al. discuss the importance of pub-
lic contracts to regulate the management of pub-
lic services such as data services in (Longo et al.,
2019). The authors note that the rapid and con-
tinued change of these services’ requirements and
expectations, is making contracts “obsolete” calling
for their regular adjustment. To keep the contracts
up-to-date, Longo et al. propose a cloud-based ap-
proach for assessing the QoS of local Transporta-
tion Services (TS) in Apulia Region (Southern Italy).
SLA between TS providers and the Regional Au-
thority, as well as the minimal guaranteed QoS lev-
els between TS providers and passengers, are mod-
eled as contracts enacted via a cloud-based system,
which gathers data from sensors embedded into pas-
sengers’ smartphones. As a result, changes in con-
tracts’ conditions to improve the perceived and deliv-
ered QoS have been quick and facilitated based on
collected data.
Pan et al. report about first, the security and scala-
bility challenges that IoT is facing because of the lim-
ited capabilities of IoT devices and second, the role
that edge could have in helping IoT tackle these chal-
lenges in (Pan et al., 2019). The authors designed and
prototyped an edge-based IoT framework, EdgeChain,
that capitalizes on blockchain and smart contract tech-
nologies. EdgeChain uses a credit-based resource
management system to control how much edge re-
sources are made available for IoT devices with re-
spect to predefined policies that consider priority, ap-
plication types, and past behaviors. To enforce these
policies, smart contracts regulate IoT devices’ behav-
iors in a non-deniable and automated manner. In ad-
dition, all IoT devices’ activities and transactions are
recorded using blockchain for secure data logging and
auditing. As a result, contracts permit carrying out
trusted transactions.
Singh et al. propose a Service Level Agree-
ment (SLA)-aware autonomic Technique for Allo-
cation of Resources (STAR) given that current re-
source management solutions may not provision ef-
ficient services for cloud nodes and may end-up vio-
Multi-party Contract Management for Microservices