each size category that was produced throughout the
process, as well as the total running time of the two
simulations. The comparison demonstrated that both
models produced very close results, while the runtime
of the 24-threaded model was significantly reduced.
The python script of our automated model trans-
lation from sequential to multi-threaded implementa-
tion is freely available at (Spencer et al., 2022).
In (Spencer. et al., 2021) we have intro-
duced a computational modeling framework, VDNA-
Lab (Spencer et al., 2021), for DNA multi-strand dy-
namics. The platform employs a course-grained mod-
eling approach and is implemented using the agent-
and rule-based modeling methodology. While one of
the main advantages of this methodology is the abil-
ity to deal with arbitrary large numbers of different
(macro-)complexes, one of its main drawbacks con-
cerns the scalability of the model. Since each agent,
i.e., in the case of our DNA model each nucleotide,
is individually represented and modeled in the sys-
tem, the framework becomes slow when dealing with
tens- and hundreds of thousands of individual com-
ponents. In order to address this issue in this research
we have introduced a distributed implementation of
the VDNA-Lab framework, which is able to speed up
the computational modeling process even by a one-
fold increase.
The distribution of the modeling environment did
not come as an off-the-shelf implementation. The ki-
netic rate constants of bi-reactant rules had to be ad-
justed, and the distribution process had to be split
up in shorter simulation rounds in order to com-
pensate for going from a one-pot (well-mixed) as-
sembly to a distributed compartmentalized simula-
tion process. Moreover, each simulation round had
to be preceded by a process of distributing the one-
pot species content into balanced-weighted compo-
nents, and succeeded by merging back the results of
the simulation round. Since neither BNGL nor NF-
sim had pre-developed procedures for generating a
sound split/merger of two (or more) simulation out-
puts, i.e., identifying similar macro-components in
two (or more) output files, such procedures had to be
implemented de novo.
The current implementation of the computational
distribution process of a rule-based model for DNA
multi-strand dynamics takes some advantages from
the particularities of the considered model. However,
it would be extremely useful for the rule-based re-
search community in large if this process could be
generalized for arbitrary rule-based model implemen-
tations. This remains as a relevant open problem for
further consideration.
This work was partially supported by Academy of
Finland under the grant 311371.
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SIMULTECH 2022 - 12th International Conference on Simulation and Modeling Methodologies, Technologies and Applications