Section 3 we provide background notions about the
CAN bus; in Section 4 the proposed intrusion detec-
tion method is presented; in Section 5 we show the
experimental analysis results; in the last section con-
clusion and future research directions are drawn.
Road safety is an ever-present topic, researchers are
constantly working to improve and increase controls
on the traffic of information exchanged by the elec-
tronic components that make up the computer systems
of modern cars. Several works in the literature focus
on this very important issue.
In (Amato et al., 2021) authors propose a method
that uses deep learning techniques to detect attacks
targeting the CAN-bus. This method is based on the
use of Neural Networks and MultiLayer Perceptrons,
and for the analysis is considered a real-world dataset
that has the injection of messages belonging to differ-
ent types of attacks, such as denial of service, attacks
against particular components and other. Differently,
the proposed method is evaluated on three different
kinds of attacks i.e., speedometer, doors, and arrows.
In (Checkoway et al., 2011), authors sought to an-
swer the question ”whether automobiles can also be
susceptible to remote compromise”, and to do so they
analyzed the outer attack surface of a modern auto-
mobile. They found that remote exploitation is possi-
ble through a wide range of attack vectors (i.e., me-
chanical tools, CD players, Bluetooth, and cellular ra-
dios) highlighting that wireless communication chan-
nels allow for long-distance vehicle control, allowing
for detecting the position of the vehicle and also to
carry out a theft. In this paper, the authors propose
a mitigation strategy for each aforementioned attack,
which is different from the attacks considered by us
(i.e., speedometer attack, arrow attack, and doors at-
By exploiting vulnerabilities in the external inter-
faces of the car, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and physical
connections, it is possible to access the CAN bus of
the automobile and send commands to control the car.
To mitigate this threat, it is necessary to detect ma-
licious behavior on the CAN bus and in this regard,
Taylor et. colleagues (Taylor et al., 2016) propose an
anomaly detector based on a long-term memory neu-
ral network; we have also used the neural network, but
we have not limited ourselves only to the use of this
technique. The operation of the detector is based on
learning to predict the next words of data sent by the
various senders on the bus. The unexpected bits con-
tained in the next word are flagged as anomalous. In
this regard, the authors evaluate the detector by syn-
thesizing anomalies (which are designed to mimic at-
tacks reported in literature) using modified CAN bus
The latter work is always focused on intrusion
detection, but it is a little different from the afore-
mentioned, and in particular from our method, as it
is based on a sort of physical intrusion: car theft.
Here (Kwak et al., 2016) the authors have thought
of detecting car thefts through the behavior of users
while driving the vehicle, then analyzing and recog-
nizing their driving style through some measurements
of specific values, carried out with the vehicle sen-
sors. Specifically, to detect theft, they worked on a
method to which they add mechanical characteristics
of automotive parts usually excluded in other works
in the literature, which can be useful for identifying
the driving behavior of drivers, thanks to the variation
they undergo depending on different driving styles.
This work involves the analysis of CAN packets and
demonstrates that the model adopted is reliable and
discriminates between car owners and impostors.
In this section preliminary notions about CAN bus
and the attacks targeting this protocol are provided.
3.1 CAN Bus
CAN bus is a protocol based on packets exchanged
between the electronic components of cars. It works
in multimaster - multislave mode, i.e., the units con-
nected to the bus (called nodes) work either as a mas-
ter, sending and receiving information, or as a slave,
receiving only information and providing it on re-
quest. The CAN-bus communication takes place via
sensors or actuators capable of producing data inde-
pendently and then putting them on the BUS i.e., by
generating CAN packets.
The CAN packets are contained in a message and
each message is composed of the following values:
• Timestamp: recorded time (s);
• CAN ID: identifier of CAN message in HEX (i.e.,
• DLC: number of data bytes, from 0 to 8;
• DATA[0 7]: data value (byte);
To generate CAN packets, in this paper we resort
to the ICSim simulator
, a tool for learning the main
A Real-time Method for CAN Bus Intrusion Detection by Means of Supervised Machine Learning