rectness is that the defect information from this uni-
fied bug dataset comprises five public datasets. Each
of these datasets had a different process for mapping
the defects to the source code.
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tigate whether a hybrid cyclomatic complexity met-
ric is better than the standard cyclomatic complexity
for a class (WMC). Our experiments concluded that
the SVM prediction models that included the hybrid
metric as a feature performed better than the one that
included the standard WMC metric. In addition, we
consider this hybrid metric to be a more complex and
elaborate one because it considers multiple aspects
concerning the complexity of a class.
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investigate the efficacy of this metric on larger sets of
data to have a more in-depth analysis and formalise
the definition of the metric. Moreover, another as-
pect worth studying is the impact of other software
quality metrics combined with the hybrid metric on
the prediction model’s performance. Likewise, we
would like to analyse the sensibility of the results to
the change of the machine learning algorithm.
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ICSOFT 2022 - 17th International Conference on Software Technologies