is that it cannot realize instant user revocation. On the
contrary, direct revocation lets a public revocation list
to be specified during encryption so that the ciphertext
can be decrypted only by the users not in the revoca-
tion list and whose attributes satisfy the access policy
− thus facilitating instant user revocation. Balu and
Kuppusamy (Balu and Kuppusamy, 2013) proposed a
revocable CP-ABE using direct revocation technique
from the hardness of the decisional bilinear Diffie-
Hellman (DBDH) problem. Wang et al. (Wang et al.,
2017) provided a construction of revocable CP-ABE
using identity-based revocation from the modified de-
cisional q-parallel bilinear Diffie-Hellman exponent
(M-q-parallel BDHE) assumption. Liu et al. (Liu
et al., 2018) proposed a revocable CP-ABE based on
direct revocation approach from the q-decisional bi-
linear Diffie-Hellman exponent (q-DBDHE) assump-
tion employing a secret key time validation technique
to resolve the issue of growth of the revocation list.
Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2020) constructed a revoca-
ble CP-ABE with ciphertext update from M-q-parallel
BDHE problem.
Very recently in 2020, Sun et al. (Sun et al., 2020)
proposed an encapsulated version of revocable iden-
tity based broadcast encryption (IBBE) called key-
homomorphic identity based revocable key encapsu-
lation mechanism (IRKEM) that satisfies extended cor-
rectness and key-homomorphism apart from the nor-
mal correctness requirement. Their revocation mech-
anism can be seen as direct revocation in the sense
that their approach enables the sender to perform
revocation by providing a list of revoked users di-
rectly in the ciphertext. This approach does not re-
quire any key update procedure and therefore very
convenient for regular use. Precisely, they came up
with four modular and compact constructions of key-
homomorphic IRKEM based on the q-decisional bi-
linear Diffie-Hellman exponent (q-DBDHE) problem,
the decisional bilinear Diffie-Hellman (DBDH) prob-
lem, the q-decisional multi-exponent bilinear Diffie-
Hellman (q-MEBDH) problem and the decisional lin-
ear (DLIN) problem in the standard security model.
Merging key-homomorphic IRKEM with the idea of
distributed key-distribution, they also provided a
generic construction of puncturable key encapsula-
tion mechanism (PKEM) to achieve fine-grained re-
vocation of decryption capability. To support un-
bounded punctures, their main idea is to generate a
share of the encapsulated key on-the-fly and to re-
cover this key from all shares for successful decryp-
tion. Key-homomorphism property is required for dis-
tributing the encapsulated key and extended correct-
ness is crucial to compute shares of the encapsulated
Our Contribution. There has been a natural trend
in research community to extend any advanced
cryptographic primitive from identity based to more
flexible and practical attribute based framework.
In this paper, we introduce a refined version of
revocable ciphertext policy attribute based key
encapsulation mechanism (RCP-ABKEM) motivated
by key-homomorphic IRKEM of Sun et al. (Sun
et al., 2020). We define extended correctness and
key-homomorphism in attribute based setting. The
new primitive with these additional properties can
be plugged into various privacy preserving proto-
cols. However, this realization is non-trivial. The
challenge lies in the requirement of introducing the
additional properties in an RCP-ABKEM. We provide
an instantiation of RCP-ABKEM which is proven to
be selectively secure against chosen plaintext attack
(CPA). The underlying hardness of our construction is
q-DBDHE problem and security proof of our scheme
is in the standard model. Our design differs from
the work of Liu et al. (Liu et al., 2018) in the sense
that we do not consider secret key time validation
technique. Our security model allows an adversary
to ask secret key of a user whose identity is in the
revocation list or whose attribute set does not satisfy
the challenge access structure. We briefly summarize
the comparison of communication banwidth, storage
and other functionality of our scheme in reference
to the existing work of Balu and Kuppusamy (Balu
and Kuppusamy, 2013) and Wang et al. (Wang et al.,
2017) in Table 1. Similar to the work of (Balu and
Kuppusamy, 2013) and (Wang et al., 2017), we use
symmetric bilinear pairing e : G × G → G
where G,
are cyclic groups of prime order p. We emphasize
that the master secret key size (|msk|) of our scheme
is less than those in (Balu and Kuppusamy, 2013)
and (Wang et al., 2017). Moreover, our ciphertext
size is significantly shorter than those in (Balu and
Kuppusamy, 2013) and (Wang et al., 2017). The
ciphertext size in our construction is (l +2)|G| which
does not depend on number of revoked users r while
that of (Balu and Kuppusamy, 2013), (Wang et al.,
2017) are respectively (1 + 2r + l)|G|, (1 + 2lr)|G|
which grows as the number of revoked user grows.
Here l is number of attributes present in the ac-
cess structure Γ = (N,η). Our public key size is
|pk| = (n
+ n
+ 2)|G| + |G
| which includes
public parameter size |pp| = (n
+ n
+ 2)|G| and
master public key size |mpk| = |G
| where (n
− 1)
denotes maximum number of revoked users in the
system and n
is the cardinality of the attribute space
associated with system. However, size of public key
(|pk|) and secret key |sk| are more in our design as
compared to that of (Balu and Kuppusamy, 2013) and
SECRYPT 2022 - 19th International Conference on Security and Cryptography