Since most of the cloud applications deal with
huge data sizes, a search against a keyword often re-
sults in many documents, of which only a subset is of
actual interest. Clearly, the search can be further cus-
tomised by specifying the context in a phrase. How-
ever, the majority of SSE constructions that have been
presented in the literature work for keyword search.
This motivates the idea of extending SSE for phrase
search (Poon and Miri, 2019). In an SSE scheme, a
client encrypts the dataset with her own key and stores
it in the cloud. Later, the same client can issue trap-
doors against phrases to be searched in the dataset.
These trapdoors are used by the cloud server to per-
form searches. With our scheme, the index size for an
n-word phrase is O(n
) and the search time is O(n).
It may be noted that for an n-word phrase, one can
achieve phrase search using keyword search function-
ality repetitively just by considering all r-word sub-
strings (r ∈ {1, 2, ·· · , n}) of the phrase and preparing
an index where these substrings are treated as key-
words. In that case, the number of substrings that are
to be considered is
(n − r) = O(n
), and for this
input size, the size of the index will be
(n−r)r =
), however the search time using such index will
be O(n
) as opposed to our search time using our in-
dex, which is O(n ∗ c) where c is the length of the
subphrase to be searched.
In order for the search result to be more compact
and precise, searchable encryption schemes that sup-
port phrase search have been proposed. Such schemes
allow the client to search a string of keywords of ar-
bitrary length in a ciphertext. This mandates preser-
vation of the ordering of keywords in the ciphertext.
That is, the encryption scheme needs to ensure not
only the presence of keywords in the ciphertext, but
also the ordering of the keywords in a suitable for-
mat. Information about the relationship of consecu-
tive keywords is maintained in the form of an addi-
tional data structure called the index table, which is
stored at the server for future search. The index table
needs to be prepared in such a way that it preserves
the adjacency information of the keywords.
There have been a few research works that target
phrase search in textual documents (Li et al., 2015a;
Tang et al., 2012; Poon and Miri, 2019; Uchide and
Kunihiro, 2016; Zittrower and Zou, 2012). Most
of them are not secure as per the definitions men-
tioned by Curtmola et al. (Curtmola et al., 2006). In
(Curtmola et al., 2006), Curtmola et al. proposed the
first efficient SSE construction that achieves sublin-
ear search time. They also introduced notions of non-
adaptive and adaptive indistinguishability for SSE.
Their work introduces the idea of history connected
to a finite number of consecutive keyword searches.
Ray et al. (Ray et al., 2020) extended that definition
for string search, and called it history-of-strings. They
proved the scheme to be secure against non-adaptive
indistinguishability. We make necessary changes to
the definition of non-adaptive indistinguishability for
SSE performing string search to make it adaptive and
prove our scheme secure against the new definition.
Details of the definition can be found in the full ver-
sion of the paper.
Motivation. The aim of any searchable encryption
scheme is the protection of privacy of the client. Due
to the flexibility associated with any searchable en-
cryption, it is not always possible to offer full privacy
to a client that stores data in the cloud. Every search
operation is exposed to the risk of leakage of infor-
mation from search pattern and access pattern (Curt-
mola et al., 2006). For example, if the keywords of a
document are encrypted separately and the encrypted
keywords are placed in the same order as they are
in the original document, then an honest-but-curious
cloud server may learn the structure of the plain text
by learning the structure of the ciphertext. Also, in
such cases, the relative position of the phrase in the
document will be revealed to the server for which the
search has been done. On the other hand, if the en-
crypted keywords are not stored in an orderly manner,
the sentences of the document can never be restored
from the ciphertext. Thus, this ciphertext cannot be
used for phrase search. In (Curtmola et al., 2006),
the trapdoor generation algorithm was deterministic
and thus the statistical distribution of the search pat-
tern completely got reflected from the distribution of
the trapdoors. In (Ray et al., 2020) authors proposed
search pattern secure SSE scheme by enforcing non-
deterministic trapdoor generation algorithm, however
that scheme suffers leakage from access pattern by re-
vealing adjacency information even before search and
also by revealing the position information of phrases
after the search. Our paper proposes a searchable en-
cryption scheme that is more secure than existing SSE
schemes by minimizing leakages from search pat-
tern and access pattern. The search pattern security
is achieved by enforcing non-deterministic trapdoor
generation algorithm. The access pattern security is
improved in a sense that, unlike existing schemes, our
scheme reveals nothing about the position informa-
tion of a searched phrase and also leaks nothing about
the adjacency information of the already searched
phrases or keywords even after the search. We at-
tain this at the expense of some extra storage space,
which we consider a suitable trade-off owing to the
huge technological advancement in the last decade re-
sulting in cheaper storage cost.
A New Leakage Resilient Symmetric Searchable Encryption Scheme for Phrase Search