• Taking inspiration from the work of Tan et al. (Tan
et al., 2021), the ranking could be performed
with the use of machine learning models such as
RankNet. It would probably increase the resource
usage in exchange for a possibly more robust and
accurate method.
• Manually validating all the extracted VICs would
improve the confidence in the dataset quality and
further strengthen the validity of our proposed
• Building efficient just-in-time vulnerability detec-
tion algorithms based on machine learning models
trained on the extracted VICs dataset.
The presented work was carried out within the
SETIT project (2018-1.2.1-NKP-2018-00004),
ported by project TKP2021-NVA-09,
and the Min-
istry of Innovation and Technology NRDI Office
within the framework of the Artificial Intelligence
National Laboratory Program (MILAB). The research
was partly supported by the EU-funded project As-
sureMOSS (Grant no. 952647) as well.
Furthermore, P
eter Heged
us was supported by the
Bolyai J
anos Scholarship of the Hungarian Academy
of Sciences and the
UNKP-21-5-SZTE-570 New Na-
tional Excellence Program of the Ministry for Innova-
tion and Technology.
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