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by experimental tests with a real vehicle. The main
contribution is that when both improvements are ap-
plied, the calibration accuracy is improved.
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ment of a more complex weighting, the bias-free cal-
ibration of every batch can be obtained. In the future
we would like to integrate a learning-based weight-
ing, however, the generation of training data is com-
plicated, since it is an open question what would be
the optimal weights that result in the true value of the
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National Research, Development and Innovation Of-
fice (NKFIH) under OTKA Grant Agreement No. K
135512. The work of M
e Fazekas was supported by
UNKP-21-3 New National Excellence Program of
the Ministry for Innovation and Technology from the
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ICINCO 2022 - 19th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics