). Since this probability is near 1,
the usurpation of
persons with w the size of the
template is a likely event.
We evaluate our attack (Section 3.2) through our
Python implementation. Gurobi 9.1.2 is used to
solve the quadratic non-convex programs, on a com-
puter running on Debian 11, with an EPYC 7F72
dual processor (48 cores) and 256GB RAM. We have
launched resolutions of the programs 50 times, each
with a time limit of 150 seconds. Table 1 reports the
running times for the different settings along with the
amount of changes done in the attacker fingerprint,
using Euclidian distance. With a 4×4-pixel image
and a 50-bit template, 150 seconds starts to be insuf-
ficient to solve the system and optimize the criterion.
In 500 seconds, we solve the system with a 10×10-
pixel image for a better ratio amount of changes over
image size. Thus, the experiments are encouraging
for a NP-hard problem (Sahni, 1974).
Table 1: Summary of the experiments for a 50-bit template.
Image Size Template Size Mean Distance Mean Time (s)
2 × 2 99 0.14
2 × 3 117 32.76
3 × 3 50 133 150.0
4 × 3 144 146.67
4 × 4 177 150.0
In this paper, we present several authentication at-
tacks on a popular CB scheme consisting in a compo-
sition of a kernel-based filter with a projection-based
transformation, in the stolen token scenario. Their
particularity is to completely reverse a CB scheme to
impersonate any or several users. To the best of our
knowledge, this is the first time that attacks are con-
ducted on a complete chain of treatments, including a
non-linear filter. The proposed methodology is to for-
malize the attacks as constrained optimization prob-
lems. As long as the attacker has access to one or
several templates with the corresponding passwords
or not, our attacks can be performed. Future work
will focus on finding optimizations and relaxations of
the systems to ensure the scaling of our attacks.
The authors acknowledges the support of the French
Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), under
grant ANR-20-CE39-0005 (project PRIVABIO).
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Authentication Attacks on Projection-based Cancelable Biometric Schemes