detection capabilities against adversarial evasion at-
tacks. In (Khamis et al., 2020), they generated MAdvs
using two methods, either by mutating all the dimen-
sions of attack samples or by mutating the 16 ob-
tained principal components using Principal Compo-
nent Analysis (PCA) as a dimensionality reduction
technique. However, in either case, the MAdv gen-
eration was obtained without taking into account the
impactful neighborhood of the attack samples. There-
fore, the preservation of attack behaviors is not as-
sured following the mutation process.
To our knowledge, all techniques that take INA
into account define attributes that split attack sam-
ples as functional or non-functional. This separa-
tion of features is typically performed manually by
a domain expert such as in NSL-KDD or through
statistical or machine learning methodologies. (Lin
et al., 2018), (Zhao et al., 2021) and (Usama et al.,
2019) proposed to craft MAdvs using GANs. Dur-
ing the mutation process, they considered the impact-
ful neighborhood of attack samples into account as
they preserved the attack behavior by keeping the
functional features of these samples unaltered, using
the same criteria described for NSL-KDD. Whereas
in (Alhajjar et al., 2021), (Chauhan and Shah Hey-
dari, 2020), and (Msika et al., 2019), each of these
works makes use of statistical tools or deep learn-
ing methods such as Shapley Additive Explanations
(SHAP) (Lundberg and Lee, 2017) to define the im-
pactful neighborhood of the attack samples. However,
those tools define the attack’s functionality solely
based on the dataset’s statistical properties, not on
the attack samples’ semantics. Although both cate-
gories perform very powerful adversarial evasion at-
tacks, one shortcoming of these works lacks an ex-
amination of the effect of the confusion samples or
BEAC set on the robustness of the IDSs when adver-
sarial training is used.
To our knowledge, no work in the literature fo-
cuses on assessing the dataset after the mutation of
MAdvs . This paper aims to examine the threats
linked to the current generation process used in ad-
versarial training. Furthermore, we propose a new
method to improve the performance of the adversarial
training for IDS by adjusting the sampling strategies
of adversarial samples to account for confused sam-
ples and the BEAC set.
This paper examined the effect of a non-empty con-
tradictory dataset on IDS robustness performance in
the presence of adversarial samples. First, we iden-
tify the main threats that could lead to extending the
contradictory set during adversarial training, includ-
ing the poisoning threat, the threat of confusing nor-
mal samples, and the threat of the best evasion attack
candidates (BEAC). In addition, we proposed three
mitigation strategies to improve the performance of
adversarial training by taking advantage of the im-
pactful neighborhood of attack samples and focusing
adversarial training on the BEAC set.
In future work, we will investigate the effect of
the overall training approach on the IDS performance
by specifying one IDS to detect regular attacks and
another one to detect adversarial evasion attacks (in
particular BEAC samples). In addition, we want to
investigate the applicability of the proposed approach
used with different sampling strategies such as those
in (Picot et al., 2021).
This research is part of the chair CyberCNI.fr with
support of the FEDER development fund of the Brit-
tany region.
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