Inferring #MeToo Experience Tweets using Classic and Neural Models
Julianne Zech
, Lisa Singh
, Kornraphop Kawintiranon
, Naomi Mezey
and Jamillah Bowman Williams
Department of Computer Science, Georgetown University, Washington DC, U.S.A.
Georgetown University Law Center, Washington DC, U.S.A.
Social Media, #MeToo, Experience Prediction, Machine Learning Models, Neural Models.
The #MeToo movement is one of several calls for social change to gain traction on Twitter in the past decade.
The movement went viral after prominent individuals shared their experiences, and much of its power contin-
ues to be derived from experience sharing. Because millions of #MeToo tweets are published every year, it
is important to accurately identify experience-related tweets. Therefore, we propose a new learning task and
compare the effectiveness of classic machine learning models, ensemble models, and a neural network model
that incorporates a pre-trained language model to reduce the impact of feature sparsity. We find that even with
limited training data, the neural network model outperforms the classic and ensemble classifiers. Finally, we
analyze the experience-related conversation in English during the first year of the #MeToo movement and de-
termine that experience tweets represent a sizable minority of the conversation and are moderately correlated
to major events.
Violence-centric movements like #MeToo are inher-
ently experienced-based. The downfall of Harvey
Weinstein, for example, would not have been possi-
ble without prominent actresses sharing their stories
online (Chicago Tribune Dataviz team, 2017; Kantor
and Twohy, 2017). It is important to understand the
role of experience-sharing as it relates to #MeToo in
order to identify possible hidden communities of vic-
tims that need support, to learn about occupations that
are more prone to misbehavior, and to impact public
policy about harassment and violence against women.
Unfortunately, there are no tools that accurately clas-
sify tweets as experiential or non-experiential even
though this information is necessary for improving
our understanding of the discussion taking place us-
ing #MeToo.
Given the large volume of historical and stream-
ing #MeToo tweets, it is intractable to manually la-
bel all experiences. Therefore, the core contribution
of this paper is to develop a model that accurately
classifies tweets containing #MeToo as experience or
This Research Was Supported by the Massive Data
Institute (MDI) and the Gender Justice Initiative (G
JI) at
Georgetown University. We Thank Our Funders, and the
Technical Team at MDI.
non-experience. An experience tweet can take two
main forms: (1) an expression of the user’s personal
experience of assault or harassment, or (2) an ac-
count of someone else’s experience, either a public
figure or someone known to the tweet’s author. Non-
experience tweets can take many forms. Examples in-
clude news, opinions, events, violence statistics, rul-
ings, and resources for abuse survivors.
While previous work has modeled cyberbullying
(Pericherla and Ilavarasan, 2020; Graney-Ward et al.,
2022) and other similar social issues (Ahmad et al.,
2019), the task of experience modeling using tweets
is new. There are a number of reasons this task is
challenging. First, because this is a new task, labeled
data does not exist and a labeled corpus must be cre-
ated. Also, experiences are inherently unique, making
the search space even more sparse than for more tra-
ditional tasks like sentiment or stance. Next, as with
many tasks, Twitter’s noisy and short posts make it
difficult to build a reliable classifier. It can also be
difficult to share important details related to an ex-
perience using so few characters. Finally, because it
is costly to label training data for machine learning
tasks, we have a limited amount, making it harder to
avoid overfitting the data.
While our primary objective is to build a model
that classifies experience tweets well, our secondary
Zech, J., Singh, L., Kawintiranon, K., Mezey, N. and Williams, J.
Inferring MeToo Experience Tweets using Classic and Neural Models.
DOI: 10.5220/0011278100003269
In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications (DATA 2022) , pages 107-117
ISBN: 978-989-758-583-8; ISSN: 2184-285X
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
objective is to accomplish this using “off the shelf”
machine learning models. We are in an era where
everyone is building a custom, new model for every
task. We argue that it is just as important to under-
stand when existing models will suffice. Therefore, in
this work we compare a set of classic machine learn-
ing models, ensembles of some of those models that
integrate knowledge from dense and sparse features,
and a classic neural model that incorporates a pre-
trained language model to reduce the impact of fea-
ture sparsity. Ultimately, we hope to answer the fol-
lowing questions. Are classic machine learning mod-
els sufficient for this task or is a neural model nec-
essary? Does incorporating dense features into the
classic models improve the overall performance of the
classifiers? Is an “off the shelf” model reasonable and
what properties of our data make it reasonable?
Finally, we are interested in seeing how discus-
sions of experiences shared on Twitter relate to differ-
ent salient events of the day. To investigate this, we
build a timeline of events and see how mentions of ex-
periences correlate with different types of events. In
other words, we can determine the types of events that
encourage the public to discuss experiences of harass-
ment and assault.
In summary, the contributions of this paper are as
follows: (1) we conduct an extensive empirical evalu-
ation (including a sensitivity analysis) of different ma-
chine learning methods and ensembles to understand
the strengths and weaknesses of different models on
these short, noisy tweets, (2) we present an analysis
of dense features, (3) we create a ground truth data set
for this task that we share with the computer science
and linguistics communities to continue to improve
models for predicting experiences, (4) we analyze the
volume and temporal structure of experience tweets
during the first year of the #MeToo Twitter move-
ment by determining the correlation between experi-
ence tweets and salient events, and (5) we release our
labeled data to support future research in this area.
The remainder of the paper is organized as fol-
lows. Section 2 presents related literature. In Section
3, we outline the overall methodology and present the
models we test. Our empirical evaluation is presented
in Section 4, followed by a discussion of the results.
Section 5 uses the best model to better understand the
first year of the #MeToo movement. Finally, conclu-
sions and areas for future work are presented in Sec-
tion 6.
We divide our related work into two parts: an
overview of other inference tasks using Twitter data
that have some similarity to the new task we inves-
tigate in this paper and a brief introduction to online
Twitter movements.
2.1 Inference Tasks using Twitter
Twitter has been used for a wide range of inference
tasks. Numerous studies that infer different types
of demographic information about Twitter users have
been conducted over the past decade (Modrek and
Chakalov, 2019; de Mello Ara
ujo and Ebbelaar, 2018;
Fang et al., 2016; Cresci et al., 2018; Ahmad et al.,
2019; Khatua et al., 2018; Devlin et al., 2019; Liu
et al., 2021; Liu and Singh, 2021; Graney-Ward et al.,
2022; Pericherla and Ilavarasan, 2020). Here we
highlight a few that use linguistic characteristics as
Several studies use classic machine learning ap-
proaches. For example, Modrek and Chakalov (Mod-
rek and Chakalov, 2019) use lease absolute shrink-
age and selection operator (LASSO) regression and
support vector machine (SVM) models to categorize
English #MeToo tweets along two dimensions: (1)
an experience of sexual assault and abuse, and (2)
whether the event happened in early life. Their SVM
model achieves 87% accuracy on the former task and
79% on the latter.
Witness identification, the task of identifying eye-
witnesses to an event, presents a similar challenge to
experience classification: secondhand accounts and
noise often vastly outnumber target data points. Fang
and colleagues (Fang et al., 2016) use a variety of
classic methods to identify witnesses to emergency
situations. Similarly, Cresci and colleagues (Cresci
et al., 2018) use quadratic SVMs to identify witnesses
to cultural, music, and technology events.
Recently, researchers have begun considering us-
ing language models for classification tasks us-
ing Twitter data. Ahmad and colleagues (Ahmad
et al., 2019) present a combined long short-term
memory (LSTM) and convolutional neural network
(CNN) model to classify tweets as extremist or non-
extremist. The combined classifier outperforms clas-
sic approaches and standalone LSTM and CNN mod-
els. Khatua and colleagues (Khatua et al., 2018)
use multilayer perceptron, CNN, LSTM, and bidi-
rectional LSTM to classify a tweet about assault as
occurring at (1) the workplace by colleagues, (2)
school by teachers or classmates, (3) public places
by strangers, (4) home by a family member, or (5)
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
multiple places. CNN performs best with an overall
accuracy of 83%. However, language models do not
always improve upon classic methods. Another study
(de Mello Ara
ujo and Ebbelaar, 2018) uses both to
identify Dutch political tweets; the logistic regression,
SVM, and random forest achieved 96% accuracy on
the test set, outperforming the neural network by 1%.
Newer approaches are transitioning from LSTM
language models to BERT (Bidirectional Encoder
Representations from Transformers) (Devlin et al.,
2019) to take advantage of the deep bidirectional
training. For example, Liu and colleagues show the
strength of incorporating BERT into different neural
architectures for inferring age and gender (Liu et al.,
2021; Liu and Singh, 2021).
Like experience identification, cyberbullying de-
tection often relies on subtle linguistic and contex-
tual differences to avoid mislabeling speech with
similar characteristics (i.e. aggression and profan-
ity) (Graney-Ward et al., 2022). Pericherlal and
Ilavarasan achieve best results on a cyberbullying
identification task with a model that pairs RoBERTa,
a BERT variant, with LightGBM, a Gradient Boosting
Machine (Pericherla and Ilavarasan, 2020). Graney-
Ward and colleagues demonstrate the advantage of
BERT and variant BERTweet (trained only on Twit-
ter data) over traditional methods to differentiate hate
speech from offensive or regular speech (Graney-
Ward et al., 2022).
None of these previous works build language
models to infer experience tweets, making experience
tweet classification a new task. However, the previ-
ously described tasks are setup in a similar way to
our task. We see from this previous literature that
for some tasks, classic machine learning methods per-
form well, while for others very custom models have
been built to attain a reasonable predictive accuracy.
What is unclear is how well “off the shelf” methods
work on our binary task.
2.2 Online Twitter Movements
Twitter has been instrumental in helping initiate con-
versations that have led to both political and social
change. For example, #Egypt was instrumental in
disseminating information during the Arab Spring in
early 2011. Online networks used #Egypt to help ac-
tivists organize and share information, push for free
expression, and propel political change in neighbor-
ing countries (Brown et al., 2012; Howard and Hus-
sain, 2011). Similarly, #LoveWins began in Septem-
ber 2014 as part of a broad campaign of support for
the LGBT community and its efforts to win the right
to marry. The hashtag went viral on June 26, 2015
after the Supreme Court’s decision to legalize same
sex marriage, with over 10 million tweets (Anderson
et al., 2018). The largest social justice movement to
be ignited on Twitter to date is #BlackLivesMatter,
with over 30 million posts by 2018 (Anderson et al.,
2018), and millions more after the killing of George
Floyd (Williams et al., 2019). It has helped to gal-
vanize research and activism about racial bias, law
enforcement reform, and the criminal justice system.
Our focus in this paper is on the MeToo movement,
and understanding the prevalence of experience shar-
ing within the #MeToo conversation. To get an un-
derstanding of the more general conversation related
to #MeToo, we refer you to Williams et. al (Williams
et al., 2021).
In this section we explain our approach. Figure 1
presents the high level methodology we use. We start
with a large unlabeled corpus of #MeToo Twitter data.
We use manual labelers and Mechanical Turk workers
to label a subset of these data. This labeled set serves
as our ground truth data set which is used to build and
evaluate different models.
3.1 Classifiers
The classification task is binary. Each tweet is la-
beled as either experience or non-experience. We con-
structed three classic machine learning models, three
ensemble models, and a neural model with a pre-
trained language model to classify tweets as experi-
ence and non-experience. As mentioned in Section 1,
we also consider the impact of sparse and dense fea-
tures for our classifiers. Experimenting with differ-
ent types of features and classifiers will help us better
understand the strengths and limitations of different
feature and model combinations for this task.
The three classic machine learning algorithms we
use are Na
ıve Bayes, logistic regression, and SVM.
All three of these classifiers use both sparse and dense
features. Our sparse features are all text features, i.e.
n-grams. Our dense features are constructed by ex-
tracting information from tweets and are often non-
zero, i.e. the number of emojis.
We also use three ensemble classifiers. The first
ensemble combines the Na
ıve Bayes and logistic re-
gression classifiers to create a two-stage ensemble.
We want to investigate whether or not a model that
works primarily with a dense feature space would
be more effective than the standard one that contains
both sparse and dense features. Therefore, this model
Inferring MeToo Experience Tweets using Classic and Neural Models
Figure 1: Process for classifying #MeToo Twitter experiences. Manual labelers and Mechanical Turk workers label the tweets
that are used to train and evaluate the models.
uses all the dense features and considers as additional
features the experience and non-experience probabil-
ities from a version of the Na
ıve Bayes classifier that
only uses sparse features as inputs. A second ensem-
ble takes a majority vote of the predictions from the
three classic algorithms, and the third ensemble is a
random forest classifier.
Finally, we construct a neural model that uses
a pre-trained BERT language model (Devlin et al.,
2019) with a single layer neural network. We pre-
trained the model on two unlabeled data sets: the
BERT-base-uncased vocabulary (lower-case English
text) and 1 million #MeToo tweets randomly sampled
from those published during the first year of the online
movement. Pre-training on a large #MeToo corpus
enables the model to be familiar with domain-specific
language. This has been shown to be important for
other learning tasks using Twitter data (Kawintiranon
and Singh, 2021).
The pre-training stage uses the original BERT pa-
rameters (Devlin et al., 2019) and a masked language
modeling objective in which 15% of tokens are cho-
sen randomly to mask. In the fine-tuning stage, the
model is initialized with the pre-trained parameters
and the single output layer of the network predicts the
class of each tweet as experience or non-experience.
During fine-tuning, we experiment with the batch
size, learning rate, and the number of training epochs.
3.2 Feature Engineering
We consider both sparse and dense features. To gen-
erate the sparse feature space, we extract n-grams of
length n = 1 to n = 5 from the training data. In or-
der to increase the vocabulary, we also generated syn-
onymns for each unigram. Synonyms were collected
using WordNet’s synset function. WordNet is a lexi-
cal database for the English language, and synset in-
stances are the sets of synonymous words that express
the same concept (Miller, 1998). The final sparse fea-
tures include the n-grams and synonyms.
We wanted to determine whether elements of a
tweet other than language patterns help with our task.
Therefore, we constructed a number of dense features.
For each tweet, we extracted the following dense fea-
tures: word count, character count, average word
length, number of hashtags, number of mentions, nu-
merics count, sentiment, number of emojis, number of
punctuation characters, number of pronouns, number
of first person pronouns, and number of third person
pronouns. We used the sentiment dictionary in the
TextBlob library. Numerics refer to instances of num-
bers mentioned. A percentage like 33%, a figure like
1,000, or a date like May 18 are all examples of one
numeric. A date like May 18, 2018 has two numerics.
We begin this section by describing the data set
and ground truth data. We then discuss the pre-
processing, properties of our dense features, and the
experimental setup. Finally, we present our empirical
evaluation, followed by a discussion of the results.
4.1 Data
All the data used in this paper were collected us-
ing the Twitter Streaming API. We have a large un-
labeled data set containing all tweets published with
the MeToo hashtag in each year of the online move-
ment. For this analysis, we use the data from the first
year (October 2017 October 2018). We used two ap-
proaches for labeling the data. First, tweets were sam-
pled from the year 1 data. Using three labelers, each
tweet was labeled by two of them. Only the tweets in
which both labelers agreed were included in the final
set. This yielded 1,000 labeled experience tweets and
1,000 non-experience tweets.
Because accurate labeling of training data is time-
consuming, we also outsourced this task to Amazon
Mechanical Turk, a crowdsourcing marketplace that
utilizes distributed human workers. We created a la-
beling task for 5,000 random #MeToo tweets. One
question asked the workers to identify whether the
post discusses a personal experience, which was de-
fined as sharing an individual’s personal experience
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
of sexual assault or harassment. A second question
asked whether the tweet was a #MeToo experience
discussion, which was defined as a comment or re-
action about someone else’s experience of sexual as-
sault or harassment. The three answer choices for
both questions were yes, no, and not enough infor-
mation. Three workers submitted responses for each
In this batch of 5,000 tweets, there were 580
tweets where the majority of workers answered yes
to either the personal experience or experience discus-
sion question. We added these to the ground truth data
labeled as experience. To maintain a balanced train-
ing set, we also added 580 tweets as non-experience
when the majority of raters answered no to both ques-
tions. The average task-based inter-rater reliability
score for the two experience questions is 85.66% and
the average worker-based score is 85.39%. The fi-
nal ground truth data set consists of 1,580 experience
tweets and 1,580 non-experience tweets. Since the
data include tweets posted throughout the first year,
we expect limited concept drift. We release the la-
beled data to the community to further advance our
understanding of this task.
4.2 Pre-processing
For the classic machine learning models, we per-
formed standard text pre-processing to reduce the
noise in the data. We transformed all characters to
their lowercase version, removed emojis and punctu-
ation, expanded contractions into their proper forms,
and removed stopwords. We created a custom stop-
word list because pronouns and prepositions found in
popular lists are commonly used in describing expe-
riences, so removing them would likely weaken the
performance of the models.
We masked URLs and user mentions. We chose
to do this because URLs are often too sparse to be
useful features and we did not want to include men-
tions of specific users for privacy reasons. Next, we
lemmatized the text after tokenizing and tagging each
word with its part of speech (adjective, verb, noun, or
adverb). We also experimented with stemming, but
lemmatization yielded slightly higher accuracy on the
training data.
We computed a set of discretized dense features
for Na
ıve Bayes (all the other classifiers work with
the raw dense features). Each dense features was dis-
cretized using five bins of equal size. We conducted a
sensitivity analysis on the number of bins and found
that the differences in accuracy were negligible.
These data can be obtained at https://portals.mdi.
4.3 Dense Feature Properties
The full statistics of feature values in the ground truth
data are presented in Table 1. We show both the av-
erage and the median values for each feature since
some of the feature distributions are skewed. Non-
experience tweets have longer words and fewer words
than experience tweets on average. Experience tweets
have more than three times the amount of numer-
ics as non-experience tweets on average. We believe
many users use numerics to describe the age(s) when
they were assaulted or the date on which an assault
occurred. Unsurprisingly, experience tweets have
more first-person pronouns on average, while non-
experience tweets have slightly more third-person
4.4 Experimental Setup
We evaluated models two ways using the ground truth
data. The first was with stratified five-fold cross-
validation, where 80% of the training data was used
as the training set and 20% was used as the test set
in each fold. We performed a sensitivity analysis for
all the significant parameters and present the param-
eters having the highest average five-fold accuracy.
We refer to this first evaluation as the cross-validated
model performance. We also present results using a
holdout set. For this second experiment, the models
were trained on 90% of the training data and tested
on the remaining 10%. Each model was run 3 times
using this approach, with different, disjoint holdout
sets. We refer to this second evaluation as the hold-
out model performance. The class distributions are
balanced in the training and testing sets for both eval-
uation methods. The metrics we use to evaluate the
models are accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score.
4.5 Empirical Model Evaluation
The average metrics over the ve folds in the cross-
validated experiments are shown in Table 2. For com-
pleteness, we show the significant components of a
parameter sensitivity analysis for the different models
in Tables 5 11. In general, most of the models are
marginally sensitive to parameter selection.
The neural model performs best across all four
metrics, followed by the majority vote ensemble and
the support vector machine. The average of the met-
rics for the holdout experiments is shown in Table 3.
Most models have a 2-3% decrease in performance
across all metrics in Table 3 compared to Table 2. The
two-stage logistic regression, random forest, and neu-
ral model, however, have holdout performance that is
Inferring MeToo Experience Tweets using Classic and Neural Models
Table 1: Average (median) value for dense features in the training data. On average, experience tweets have more words,
more numerics, and more first-person pronouns than non-experience tweets.
Feature Experience Non-Experience
Word Count 26.4458 (24) 25.9528 (23)
Character Count 153.3627 (139) 175.2106 (142)
Word Length 4.9923 (4.719) 5.8232 (5.5)
Number of Hashtags 1.1 (1) 1.6606 (0)
Number of Mentions 0.7648 (1) 1.6119 (0)
Numerics Count 0.2746 (0) 0.08086 (0)
Sentiment 0.05811 (0) 0.08085 (0)
Number of Emojis 0.009859 (0) 0.01197 (0)
Number of Punctuation Characters 0.3408 (0) 0.1986 (0)
Number of Pronouns 2.6908 (2) 1.5204 (1)
Number of First-Person Pronouns 2.0077 (2) 0.5958 (0)
Number of Third-Person Pronouns 0.5105 (0) 0.5739 (0)
comparable to cross-validation performance. The val-
ues for precision and recall are similar for all models,
but precision tends to be slightly higher. The neu-
ral model clearly outperforms the other classifiers in
both sets of experiments, while the two-stage logis-
tic regression performs the worst. Focusing on the F1
scores, we see that there is a difference of 14.265%
between the best (neural model) and the worst mod-
els (2-stage classifier) in terms of F1 and 3.639% be-
tween the neural model and the next best model (ma-
jority vote).
4.6 Discussion
Our results suggest that “off the shelf” learning mod-
els are sufficient for this task. In particular, the neural
model with a pre-trained language model successfully
addressed the challenges of classifying short snip-
pets of noisy text with only a small corpus of labeled
data. The performance of the classic machine learn-
ing models and the ensembles were mixed. Although
the classic machine learners perform well, the neu-
ral model’s substantial improvement indicates that its
architecture and pre-training on a large unlabeled cor-
pus in the #MeToo domain render it better suited to
understand language cues and separate signal from
The majority vote ensemble only yielded a slight
improvement (1.101% – 3.813%) over the three clas-
sic models whose votes it used to determine a final
prediction. This result suggests that these models tend
to misclassify similar examples. The two-stage clas-
sifier performed poorly compared to the other mod-
els, but it performed much better than random guess-
ing. Since this model relies directly on engineered
dense features, we conclude that these have predictive
power, but a more accurate model must also directly
incorporate sparse features.
It is also relevant to observe the models whose
performance did not drop significantly in the hold-
out experiments compared to the cross-validation ex-
periments: the two-stage logistic regression, random
forest, and language model (<1% difference). These
models have, on average, similar numbers of false
positives and false negatives. The other classifiers,
whose performance dropped by at least 2.128%, have
on average more false negatives than false positives.
This could indicate that models that misclassify ex-
amples uniformly tend to generalize better to new
testing sets. Overall, the drop in performance was
small for all models which suggests that they are ro-
bust learners.
Finally, while the neural model with pre-training
performed significantly better than the classic ma-
chine learning models and the ensembles, construct-
ing the model is more time consuming than the other
approaches. However, once the model is constructed,
the cost of using the model to label unseen data is
similar across all models.
In this section, we investigate the volume of experi-
ence and non-experience tweets by applying our best
classifier, the neural network with the pre-trained lan-
guage model, to predict a label for each tweet in the
first year of the corpus of English language #MeToo
tweets. This corpus contains approximately 4 million
tweets. We do not include retweets since we are inter-
ested in experiences.
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 2: Average 5-fold cross-validated model performance. The best performing model (the neural model) is bolded.
Model Accuracy Precision Recall F1
ıve Bayes 83.898 84.62 83.895 83.812
Logistic Regression 85.706 85.742 85.706 85.702
Support Vector Machine 86.531 86.609 86.532 86.524
Two-Stage Logistic Regression 77.02 77.116 77.021 76.999
Random Forest 84.882 85.216 84.881 84.846
Majority Vote Ensemble 87.639 87.825 87.64 87.625
Neural Model 91.902 92.111 91.568 91.264
Table 3: Average holdout model performance. The neural model (bolded) performed best and the two-stage logistic regression
performed worst.
Model Accuracy Precision Recall F1
ıve Bayes 81.809 83.849 80.599 80.771
Logistic Regression 83.649 84.125 83.649 83.574
Support Vector Machine 83.333 83.808 83.333 83.261
Two-Stage Logistic Regression 77.110 77.276 77.271 77.056
Random Forest 84.705 86.539 84.705 84.469
Majority Vote Ensemble 84.283 85.302 84.283 84.135
Neural Model 90.717 90.877 90.717 90.707
Figure 2 shows the class distribution in the first
year. We see that experience tweets represent approx-
imately 10% of the overall tweet content. For every
tweet sharing an experience, there are nine opinions,
events, statistics, or comments on the movement. This
is not particularly surprising since the first year of
#MeToo produced consequences for Hollywood, gov-
ernments, businesses, and society, prompting and ne-
cessitating forms of discussion other than experience-
sharing alone (Williams et al., 2021).
Figure 3 shows a temporal view of the volume
of experience and non-experience tweets throughout
the year. The blue line shows the non-experience
tweet volume and the green line shows the experi-
ence tweet volume. The initial spike was caused
Figure 2: Proportion of #MeToo tweets discussing experi-
ences in year 1 of the online movement. Non-experience
tweets outnumber experience tweets almost 9 to 1.
by Alyssa Milano’s October 15th tweet encouraging
women to share their stories of abuse and harassment.
For the next three days, the number of experience
tweets outnumbered the number of non-experience
tweets. Gymnast McKayla Maroney disclosed that
she had been a victim of doctor Larry Nassar’s abuse
in a tweet on the 18th, becoming the first member of
the 2012 U.S. Olympic team to do so (Park and Per-
rigo, 2017). For the remaining days of the year, non-
experience tweets outnumbered experience tweets.
The first spike in experience tweets after October
occurred on November 16th, with many users reacting
to news broadcaster Leeann Tweeden’s tweet allega-
tion that then-Senator Al Franken sexually assaulted
her (Megan Garber, 2017). The next largest peak oc-
curred on April 19th, when Meesha Shafi, a Pakistani
model, actress, and singer accused colleague Ali Za-
far of sexual harassment (BBC, 2018).
The high number of non-experience tweets on
January 7, 2018 coincided with Hollywood’s Golden
Globes award ceremony, where #MeToo founder
Tarana Burke was in attendance and many actors and
actresses wore black in support of the Time’s Up ini-
tiative, a response to the #MeToo movement focused
on spreading awareness and raising funds for legal de-
fenses (Chicago Tribune Dataviz team, 2017). The
second-highest number of non-experience tweets oc-
curred on April 26, 2018, when actor Bill Cosby was
convicted on three counts of sexual assault, represent-
ing “one of the most thundering falls from grace in
American cultural history” (Roig-Franzia, 2018). The
Inferring MeToo Experience Tweets using Classic and Neural Models
Figure 3: English language experience and non-experience tweet volumes during year 1 of the #MeToo movement. Peaks in
both categories have been mapped to events in the movement.
highest number of non-experience tweets occurred on
May 8, when then-Attorney General of New York
Eric Schneiderman resigned on the same day as he
was publicly accused of abuse (Mayer and Farrow,
The last increase in overall volume in the fall of
2018 coincided with two prominent events. First,
accusations of sexual assault by Professor Christine
Blasey Ford against Judge Brett Kavanaugh became
public. Noticeably, a local maxima in experience
tweets occurred on September 16th, the day when
Blasey Ford’s identity was revealed (Chicago Tri-
bune Dataviz team, 2017). A local peak in non-
experience tweets also occurred on September 26th,
when Bill Cosby was sentenced to 3 to 10 years in
prison (Chicago Tribune Dataviz team, 2017).
This discussion of events demonstrates that while
public events may drive experience tweets some of
the time, most of the time, this is not the case. To
better understand the relationship between these dif-
ferent events and experiences, we compute the Pear-
son correlation between the two volumes. We find
that it is 0.224 with a p-value of 1.149 · 10
, indi-
cating that there is a statistically significant, moderate
positive linear relationship. Still, the most significant
peaks are not well aligned. The Spearman correla-
tion is 0.594 with a p-value of 4.617 · 10
: this re-
sult suggests a moderate monotonic correlation that is
stronger than the linear one. Table 4 shows the dates
that have the highest volume in each category. Al-
though there are no dates in common, there are a few
dates within a week of a date in the other category. In
Table 4: Top 10 dates with highest experience and non-
experience tweet volume. Although there are no dates
in common across categories, both experience and non-
experience tweets have several high-volume days clustered
in the same week.
Rank Experience Non-Experience
1 October 16 May 8
2 October 17 April 26
3 November 16 June 4
4 October 18 May 25
5 October 19 January 8
6 October 15 September 26
7 April 19 September 24
8 October 20 June 12
9 September 21 May 31
10 November 11 June 8
general, these results suggest that a moderate relation-
ship exists between conversation about events related
to #MeToo and conversation about experiences of ha-
rassment and assault.
In this paper, we use “off the shelf” learning models to
determine which one(s) perform best on a new task–
classifying harassment and abuse experience tweets
shared using #MeToo on Twitter when labeled data
is limited. We constructed classic machine learning
DATA 2022 - 11th International Conference on Data Science, Technology and Applications
Table 5: Na
ıve Bayes performance and number of discretization bins. 5 bins yielded the best result, but performance did not
vary substantially by number of bins.
Number of Bins Accuracy Precision Recall F1
2 84.596 85.482 84.547 84.443
3 84.904 85.79 84.808 84.732
5 85.134 85.848 85.066 85.002
10 83.959 84.926 83.931 83.772
20 83.577 85.273 83.528 83.336
50 84.8 85.46 84.781 84.7
Table 6: Logistic regression performance and maximum number of iterations. Performance improved as the maximum number
of iterations increased to 10,000 before dropping off at 20,000.
Maximum Number of Iterations Accuracy Precision Recall F1
10 80.73 80.816 80.729 80.716
100 85.579 85.646 85.579 85.573
1000 84.562 84.793 84.559 84.53
5000 85.706 85.742 85.706 85.702
10000 85.862 85.892 85.862 85.859
20000 85.102 85.201 85.103 85.092
Table 7: Performance of support vector machine with regularization parameter of 2, kernel coefficient of 0.001, and indepen-
dent kernel function term of 0 with different kernels. The linear and 2D polynomial functions fit the data best and the radial
basis function performs poorly.
Kernel Accuracy Precision Recall F1
Linear 85.162 85.037 85.268 85.153
Degree-2 Polynomial 86.531 86.609 86.532 86.524
Degree-3 Polynomial 80.094 80.171 90.93 80.081
Radial Basis Function 62.789 78.335 62.778 56.853
Table 8: Random forest performance with 100 trees of varying depth. A limit of 20 levels produces the highest F1 score,
followed by 50 and 6.
Maximum Tree Depth Accuracy Precision Recall F1
6 77.688 78.602 77.684 77.51
20 84.882 85.216 84.881 84.846
50 84.693 84.959 84.695 84.664
Table 9: Random forest performance with maximum tree depth of 20 varying by number of trees. The F1 score is highest
with 100 trees.
Number of Estimators Accuracy Precision Recall F1
10 82.788 82.947 82.787 82.766
50 84.215 84.5 84.218 84.183
100 84.882 85.216 84.881 84.846
250 84.499 84.824 84.5 84.466
500 84.216 84.557 84.214 84.174
Inferring MeToo Experience Tweets using Classic and Neural Models
Table 10: Performance of random forest with 100 trees and a maximum tree depth of 20. Using the Gini index as the splitting
criterion improves performance over entropy.
Criterion Accuracy Precision Recall F1
Gini Index 84.882 85.216 84.881 84.846
Entropy 84.532 84.898 84.531 84.489
Table 11: Neural model performance with a learning rate of 0.00002 varying by training epochs and batch size. Increasing
the number of training epochs improves performance. The combination of 100 epochs and a batch size of 15 produces the
highest F1 score.
Batch Size Accuracy Precision Recall F1
10 15 91.116 91.476 90.869 90.480
20 15 91.236 91.574 90.934 90.603
50 15 91.668 92.0166 91.302 91.034
100 15 91.902 92.111 91.568 91.264
10 5 90.913 89.930 90.089 88.614
20 5 90.740 90.084 90.094 88.714
50 5 91.228 90.747 90.698 89.458
10 30 89.530 89.778 88.609 88.630
20 30 89.530 89.778 88.609 88.630
50 30 90.664 90.778 89.734 89.805
models, various ensembles, and a neural network us-
ing a pre-trained language model. The neural network
performed best in our empirical evaluation, even with
a limited number of tweets. The classic and ensem-
ble models also performed well, but the lack of a pre-
training step on an expansive, domain-specific vocab-
ulary reduced the utility of the feature set on highly
variable Twitter data. We compared different dense
and sparse features and found that the dense features
alone were insufficient for the task, but did have some
predictive power.
We also used the neural model to classify English
tweets published during the first year of #MeToo and
analyzed events that coincided with high volumes of
experience and non-experience sharing. Our analysis
indicates that non-experience tweets outnumbered ex-
perience tweets and the trends of experience and non-
experience sharing are moderately correlated. New
allegations against well-known figures coincided with
peaks in experience sharing and events such as ar-
rests, trials, convictions, and resignations coincided
with high numbers of non-experience tweets.
While it is always important to develop new learn-
ing techniques, this paper is a reminder that many ex-
isting models are reasonable to use for binary learning
tasks that train on noisy Twitter data.
Finally, there are many directions for future work.
One area of interest is investigating the relationship
between online conversation about experiences and
sexual harassment claims reported to the Equal Em-
ployment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to deter-
mine if any hidden communities are discussing this
issue online, but not filing claims.
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Inferring MeToo Experience Tweets using Classic and Neural Models