Table 2: Summary of the experiments of the ε-cover-template search algorithm ILP version.
n ε #clients Time (ms)
20 1592.213
30 10 50 2428.682
40 3887.738
n ε #clients Time (ms)
5 24949.724
70 15 200 20978.806
25 29089.280
n ε #clients Time (ms)
90 11087.893
70 10 130 18330.508
170 20887.950
Table 3: Summary of the experiments of the ε-cover-template search algorithm SANN version.
n ε #clients Error Time
in % (ms)
20 0.64 17
30 10 50 0.00 1
40 0.05 1
n ε #clients Error Time
in % (ms)
5 0.00 36
70 15 200 0.00 36
25 0.00 40
n ε #clients Error Time
in % (ms)
90 0.14 12
70 10 130 0.00 22
170 0.00 31
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