data against key exposure in (Kapusta and Memmi,
2018b) or in (Kapusta and Memmi, 2018c). It be-
comes important to keep analyzing and comparing
these various scheme and determine in which situa-
tion one method is preferable over another one. We
believe PE-AONT is very likely best fitted as a tun-
able lightweight cipher since it is faster than the other
AONT algorithms.
Moreover, we would like to integrate PE-AONT
inside a complete distributed system protecting data
using an adaptable combination of fragmentation, en-
cryption, and dispersal (Kapusta et al., 2020).
PE-AONT: a fast fragmentation method combining
Partial Encryption with an AONT was introduced in
order to speed up the overall scheme performance
in a tun-able fashion. The desired ratio between
performance and protection levels can easily be ad-
justed by users with just two parameters to increase
performance and decrease protection or the other
way around. An experimental evaluation shows that
the algorithm achieves better performance than rele-
vant techniques including the most common way of
data fragmentation. As such, it can be chosen as a
lightweight cipher. Moreover, by carefully choosing
parameters values, it protects fragmented data against
key exposure (SAKE-secure) as long as an attacker
does not access to the entire set of fragments.
We now believe that PE-AONT is ready for seri-
ous consideration as a component and successfully be
integrated within modern distributed or transmission
systems where rapid protection is required.
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PE-AONT: Partial Encryption All or Nothing Transform