Open-domain Conversational Agent based on Pre-trained Transformers
for Human-Robot Interaction
Mariana Fidalgo Fernandes
and Plinio Moreno
Instituto Superior T
ecnico, Universidade de Lisboa, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Institute for Systems and Robotics, Instituto Superior T
ecnico, Universidade de Lisboa,
Torre Norte Piso 7, 1049-001 Lisboa, Portugal
Natural Language Processing, Deep Learning, Machine Translation, Transformer, Attention Mechanism.
Generative pre-trained transformers belong to the breakthroughs in Natural Language Processing (NLP), al-
lowing Human-Robot Interactions (e.g. the creation of an open-domain chatbot). However, a substantial
amount of research and available data are in English, causing low-resourced languages to be overlooked. This
work addresses this problem for European Portuguese with two options: (i) Translation of the sentences before
and after using the model fine-tuned on an English-based dataset, (ii) Translation of the English-based dataset
to Portuguese and then fine-tune this model on it. We rely on the DialoGPT (dialogue generative pre-trained
transformer), a tunable neural conversational answer generation model that learns the basic skills to conduct a
dialogue. We use two sources of evaluation: (i) Metrics for text generation based on uncertainty (i.e. perplex-
ity), and similarity between sentences (i.e. BLEU, METEOR and ROUGE) and (ii) Human-based evaluation
of the sentences. The translation of sentences before and after of the modified DialoGPT model, using the
Daily Dialogue dataset led to the best results.
NLP is a subfield of linguistics, computer science
and AI that employs computational techniques for
the purpose of learning, understanding, and produc-
ing human language content. NLP recente advances
build up on very large amounts of linguistic data and
with a much richer understanding of the structure of
human language. Efficient and more accurate algo-
rithms that are able to cope the open-domain scenario
(Hirschberg and Manning, 2015).
A successful open-domain dialog system requires
large amounts of labeled data, which mostly exist
for English Language (Ruder, 2020). An approach
that leverages on a large English dataset by convert-
ing/translating the models to the language in study,
provides a viable way to develop a conversational
robot with a good performance.
The evolution of Deep Learning (DL) techniques
on the automatic translation problem have provided
large improvements (Firat et al., 2017). Neural Ma-
chine Translation (NMT) relies on deep learning ar-
chitectures, which considers a broad scope of linguis-
tic sources while looking at whole sentences instead
of just words when translating. OPUS MT by (Tiede-
mann and Thottingal, 2020) belongs to this type of
DL-based methods and provides accurate results for
the great majority of translated sentences.
The main goal of this work is to develop a chat-
bot, capable of pursuing conversations on various do-
mains regarding the daily life. The dialogue should
be conducted in European Portuguese and should
work in a reactive manner. Considering the scarcity
of Portuguese dialogues, our approach relies on text
translation. Our main building block is an existing
model that is fine-tuned in two different manners: (i)
A large English database is translated automatically
to Portuguese, in order to provide data to a previ-
ously trained model in English, and (ii) only the input
(from Portuguese to English) and output (from En-
glish to Portuguese) utterances were translated while
fine-tunning the model.
The two major categories of conversational AI chat-
bots are task-oriented and open-domain. On the
one hand, task-oriented chatbots have been success-
fully deployed in several real-life applications, but
Fernandes, M. and Moreno, P.
Open-domain Conversational Agent based on Pre-trained Transformers for Human-Robot Interaction.
DOI: 10.5220/0011300800003277
In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications (DeLTA 2022), pages 168-175
ISBN: 978-989-758-584-5; ISSN: 2184-9277
2022 by SCITEPRESS Science and Technology Publications, Lda. All rights reserved
are limited to their corresponding conversation do-
main (Dahiya, 2017). On the other hand, open-
domain bots aim to serve as a social companion to
humans, with whom humans can have engaging and
natural conversations. We address the open-domain
scenario that needs to master skills such as compre-
hension, world knowledge, conversation history and
constructing valid responses.
In NLP, Words are usually represented as real-
valued vectors. For Transformer models, instead of
processing words in a sequential manner, all words
are processed in parallel, speeding the process and
solving the vanishing gradient problem. Transform-
ers use attention mechanisms (Bahdanau et al., 2014)
to describe the connections and dependencies of each
specific word with all other words in the sentence.
The technique that prepares the inputs for a model is
also know as tokenizer. The model text input, when
encoded, goes through the following pipeline (Wolf
et al., 2019): (i) Normalization: Operations that in-
volve stripping white space, removing accented char-
acters or lower-casing all text; (ii) Pre-Tokenization:
It is the act of splitting a text into smaller parts. An
intuitive way to think is that this step will divide the
text into words; (iii)The Model: Once the input is
normalized and pre-tokenized, the model has the role
of splitting the words into tokens, using the rules it has
learned. The tokens will be segments of those words
(e.g. ”work”+”ing”). It will also map those tokens
into their corresponding IDs in the model vocabulary.
The Transformer architecture by (Vaswani et al.,
2017), relies on an encoder-decoder model. It leaves
recurrence aside and relies on self-attention mecha-
nisms, where the model uses one sequence of symbols
enabling it to focus on different words of the sentence
and understand its structure.
Language Models are able to predict the next word
based on a portion of an utterance. For conversational
tasks, the model DialoGPT (Zhang et al., 2019) was
pre-trained using multi-turn dialogues extracted from
Reddit discussion threads. It is based on the Open
AIs GPT-2 (Radford et al., 2019) architecture.
Decoder Block
Decoder Block
Feed Forward Neural Network
Masked Multi-Head Attention
Decoder Block
I am<GO> ...
Figure 1: Transformer-Decoder architecture.
The original Transformer (Vaswani et al., 2017)
was made up of encoder and decoder blocks also
known as transformer blocks. This type of archi-
tecture made sense since the model addressed a MT
problem, where encoder-decoder architectures (e.g.
LSTMs, RNN) achieved good results in the past. In
later studies, the architecture was stripped of either
the encoder or decoder blocks (Liu et al., 2018) to
adapt to new tasks, keeping just the Transformer-
Decoder blocks, as shown in Figure 1.
The GPT-2 model (Radford et al., 2019) outputs
one token at a time and relies just on the mentioned
decoder blocks. It is auto-regressive, since that after
a token is predicted it is added to the input which will
be fed again to the model. In a typical self-attention
block, at one position, the model can peak at tokens
to its right. However, this is avoided by masked self-
attention layers which are used by the GPT-2 model
and the DialoGPT. The big setback for this model is
that it is only possible to use it pre-trained in English
language. Even though it is possible to use it in other
languages, the training needs to be done from scratch
by the user, which is slow and computationally expen-
sive. Nevertheless, the Transformer architecture is the
main block of this work.
NMT achieves great results when a large amount
of data is available. However, for low-resource
language-pairs, it still remains sub-optimal. This is
due to the unavailability of large parallel data, mean-
ing it lacks sentences placed alongside its translations.
The advances in ML along with the implementation
of NMT techniques impacted significantly the auto-
mated translation field (Ranathunga et al., 2021).
OPUS-MT models (Tiedemann and Thottingal,
2020) are trained on state-of-the-art transformer-
based NMT. Marian-NMT, which is a stable tool-
box with efficient training and decoding capabilities
(Junczys-Dowmunt et al., 2018), is applied to the
framework. The models are trained on available open
source parallel data. Similar to the LMs mentioned
before, this system also uses an encoder-decoder ar-
chitecture with attention mechanisms.
Considering that for every translated sentence,
its message is communicated correctly in almost all
cases, we can use the OPUS-MT Models translation
tool to aid the development of this work.
3.1 System 1 - Fine-tune a Pre-trained
In Figure 2, the main steps of the System 1 and the
application scenario are shown. The system was pre-
Open-domain Conversational Agent based on Pre-trained Transformers for Human-Robot Interaction
Estou a
ver TV!
Estou a
ver TV!
O que estás
a ver?
O que estás
a ver?
I'm watching
What are you
Training Data
Validation Data
Trained model
Evaluated model
Testing Data
Figure 2: System 1 architecture.
DB Translated DB
Training Data
Validation Data
Trained model
Evaluated model
Estou a
ver TV!
Estou a
ver TV!
O que estás
a ver?
O que estás
a ver?
Testing Data
Figure 3: System 2 architecture.
pared with a speech-to-text API, followed by a trans-
lation API, which will translate the European Por-
tuguese utterance to English. Afterwards, the trans-
lated utterance will be the input for the transformer.
The latter will produce the output utterance, that
will be translated to European Portuguese and passed
through the text-to-speech module. The main idea is
to make use of the already pre-trained model which
will be fine tuned with the two open-domain conver-
sation databases.
3.2 System 2 - Fine-tune a Pre-trained
Model on a New Language
In Figure 3, the second system’s architecture is
shown. The main idea is to fine-tune the models on
a new dataset with a different language. The sys-
tem is also be prepared with a speech-to-text API and
the model is going to be trained with only the small
database, due to memory limitations, but translated
to European Portuguese. The trained model will re-
ceive as input a portuguese sentence and will produce
the output portuguese utterance, which will be passed
through the text-to-speech module.
3.3 Transfer Learning
Humans have an intrinsic ability to transfer knowl-
edge across tasks. The knowledge acquired while
learning one task can be used to solve other related
task. The more related, the simpler it is to re-utilize
knowledge. This process avoids having to create a
network’s architecture from scratch and train it dur-
ing a significant amount of time. Normally, in this
technique, a Neural Network is fine-tuned to a spe-
cific problem after being trained on a general prob-
lem. It allows DL models to converge faster and with
less requirements (Malte and Ratadiya, 2019).
Transfer Learning is one of the main foundations
for this work. Pre-trained language models, that will
be described in the upcoming section, are going to be
fine-tuned to address the chatbot problem.
3.4 Dialog Generation Model
GPT-2 works well across a big variety of tasks,
mainly due to fine-tuning. This is one of the most
used approaches for Transfer Learning, when work-
ing with DL models (Guo et al., 2019). It consists in
starting with a pre-trained model on the source task
and train it further on the desired task. Since the tar-
get dataset is small (compared to the one that was used
to train the model) and since the number of different
parameters is big, if the whole network is fine-tuned
to that small dataset, overfitting will occur (Holtz-
man et al., 2019). The solution to this setback can
be to only fine-tune the deep network’s final layers,
whilst the parameters of the remaining early layers are
frozen at their pre-trained values. This solution can
be supported due to a combination of both the insuffi-
cient training data for the target task and the credible
evidence that early layers learn low-level characteris-
DeLTA 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
tics (Tajbakhsh et al., 2016).
The selected pre-trained model, DialoGPT (Zhang
et al., 2019), is fine-tuned with Open AI’s GPT-
2 (Radford et al., 2019). It is a ”tunable neural
conversational response generation model” (Zhang
et al., 2019) and consists on a GPT-2 model trained
on 147M conversation-like data extracted from Red-
dit comment chains for a 12 year period (2005-
2017). Three main models were released with a dif-
ferent number of parameters: small (117M), medium
(345M) and large (762M). The model has the pur-
pose to mimic human performance in a single-turn
dialogue, acting as a virtual companion for an engag-
ing conversation. The small and medium pre-trained
implementations will be tested. Due to limited re-
sources, the smaller model is preferable and it is be
able to maintain a coherent dialogue.
3.5 HuggingFace Transformers
The HuggingFace Transformers (Wolf et al., 2019)
is an open-source library composed of meticulously
built state-of-the-art Transformer architectures. It in-
cludes tools to ease the training and development of
models that have three main parts:
A tokenizer that converts raw text into encodings;
A transformer that takes the encodings and turns
them into contextual embeddings, assigning to
each word a representation based on its context;
A head that makes predictions, for a specific task,
based on the contextual embeddings. (They can
be used for fine-tuning or pre-training.)
The objective of text generation is to produce a
comprehensible segment of text that follows from the
provided context. DialoGPT generates predictions
based on the whole conversation history, which is
concatenated before it is fed into the model.
4.1 Model Training
The pre-trained models were tested before any fine-
tuning was done, to see the experimental result base-
line. These models are very repetitive and could not
keep a logical and engaging conversation.
The HuggingFace provides the computation of the
cross entropy loss. After setting the optimizer (in this
case the Adam optimizer), a backward pass is done
and an update to the weights is performed.
The fine-tune of the pre-trained model was per-
formed using the two datasets (in English) for Sys-
tem 1 and the smaller one (translated to Portuguese)
for System 2. The datasets were converted in a way
that every sentence row contains 7 previous utterances
for context. It was found that 7 was a good balance
between having long enough context to train a con-
versational model and fit it within the memory con-
straints (longer contexts take more memory) (Adiwar-
dana and Luong, 2020). The dataset was also to-
kenized, resorting to the previously mentioned Tok-
enizers, from HuggingFace.
To train the model, a batch of examples is used,
with both the inputs and the respective responses.
This is due to GPT-2’s auto-regressive property,
meaning it uses some context to predict the next to-
ken. This prediction is then added to the original con-
text and fed back in as the new context for generating
the next token.
4.2 Metrics for Evaluation
We consider four common metrics in NLP: Perplex-
ity, question-answer from DialogRPT, BLEU, ME-
TEOR and ROUGE scores.
Perplexity: One of the metrics frequently utilized to
evaluate the model is perplexity, which measures how
unsure the model is in its choice of the following to-
ken. The more unsure the model is, the higher its per-
DialogRPT (Gao et al., 2020): Is a set of GPT-
2 models trained on 133M pairs of human feedback
data (upvotes/replies of dialog systems). The task hu-
man vs machine will be used to attend to this work.
The approach was to try to re-rank the fine-tuned Di-
aloGPT outputs with DialogRPT. To calculate these
rankings, the Daily Dialogue validation dataset was
split by questions and answers. Each part comprises
3870 sentences. The part with the questions is used
as the model input. After analysing the DialogRPT
methods, a Python script was written that was respon-
sible for:
Generating 5 different utterances to one input
Outputting the fine-tuned DialoGPT generation
probability, for each of those 5 sentences;
Outputting the DialogRPT ranking probability for
each of those 5 sentences;
Saving one random utterance from the pool of 5,
as the answer, for later use;
Calculating the average generation and ranking
probability for all answers.
BLEU-(1, 2, 3, 4), METEOR and ROUGE scores:
These metrics use statistical rules to measure the sim-
ilarity between the output responses and reference re-
Open-domain Conversational Agent based on Pre-trained Transformers for Human-Robot Interaction
sponses. They were initially proposed for MT, how-
ever the same idea applies to evaluating generated text
as it does to evaluating labels.
The Daily Dialogue validation dataset was split
into two. Here, we assume that a normal dialogue has
a format of ’question-answer-question-answer..., so
we have two new sets: Questions and Answers, each
with 3870 utterances. Finally, to compute the Bleu-
(1,2,3,4), METEOR and ROUGE-L scores, the An-
swers dataset was used as reference and the model’s
predictions to the Questions dataset was used as hy-
potheses. Even though this may not be the ideally
suited method, since more than one reference to the
scores computation should be used (paraphrasing), it
still enabled a performance contrast among the sev-
eral experiments. The datasets used for training, test-
ing and validation (questions and answers sets) can
be found in the following GitHub repository: https:
Translation Evaluation: We rely on human-based
evaluation, which provides a score to the translated
dataset. A small interface that collects user evaluation
was created. From a dataset that stores 8000 source
and target segments pairs, 14 random are displayed to
the user at a time. The user then classifies the transla-
tion from 1-10.
Chatbot Evaluation: We follow the approach by
(Silva, 2020), where users provide answers to state-
ments in a conversation. The conversation consist
of utterances (Training Utterances) and their corre-
sponding available replies (Corresponding Robot Ut-
terance). These replies were provided by 35 people.
For the first evaluation method, we tested the different
Training Utterances and check three scenarios: (i) if
the model’s answer is equivalent to the Correspond-
ing Robot Utterance, (ii) the answer is feasible but
does not match correctly and (iii) the answer is wrong.
The second method considers a more realistic hu-
man interaction. The user has a chance to engage in
a conversation with the trained system. After a six ut-
terance interaction with the system, the user classifies
the conversation from 1-10.
5.1 Evaluation of System 1
5.1.1 Daily Dialogue
The first fine-tuned model is the DialoGPT-small on
the Daily Dialogue dataset. Some model ablation was
done, to analyze the way the configuration variables
and hyper parameters affected the model. The mem-
ory limitation was inspected, along with the perfor-
mance of the model, for each different training.
Table 1: DialoGPT-small model with Daily Dialogue
In this Chapter the training results will be shown and discussed, for each dataset and model. The
Machine Translation Evaluation and the system overall evaluation will be discussed too.
5.1 System 1 - Fine-tuning an English pre-trained model
5.1.1 Daily Dialogue
The first fine-tuned model was the DialoGPT-small. Some model ablation was conducted, to analyze
the way the configuration variables and hyper parameters affected the model. In a first stage, to avoid
having such a lengthy training, the model was only fine-tuned with the small English dataset, Daily
Dialogue [4]. The memory limitation was inspected, along with the performance of the model, for each
different training. The transformer was trained with 3 epochs, 5 epochs, and 7 epochs. With the increase
of the number of epochs, the duration of the training rose too. Being, respectively, near to 4, 6 and 8
hours. The 8 trained models’ results are shown in Table 5.1.
The goal in mind was to try to decrease the metrics loss and perplexity. These metrics were calcu-
lated using the Daily Dialogue testing dataset, that contained 8069 utterances. For each experiment,
the DialoRPT ranking was also calculated, with the generation and ranking probabilities as mentioned
in Section 4.4.3. The Daily Dialogue validation dataset was split into two. Here, it was supposed that
a normal dialogue has a format of ’question-answer-question-answer.... Therefore, by splitting it, two
new sets were built Answers and Questions. One containing the questions and the other with the an-
swers, each with 3870 utterances. Finally, as referred in Section 4.4.4, the Bleu-(1,2,3,4), METEOR and
ROUGE-L scores were also computed. To estimate them, the Answers dataset was used as reference
and the model’s predictions to the Questions dataset was used as hypotheses. Even though this may
not be the precisest method, since more than one reference to the scores computation should be used
(paraphrasing), it still enabled a performance contrast among the several experiments.
The datasets used for training, testing and validation (questions and answers sets) can be found in
the following GitHub repository.
DialoGPT small - Daily Dialogue
Epochs Perplexity Loss Gen Rank Bleu-1 Bleu-2 Bleu-3 Bleu-4 METEOR ROUGE-L
RAW - - - - - 57.54% 36.22% 4.00% 1.31% 0.52% 0.23% 4.64% 5.31%
1 2 4 3 11.82 1.36 58.33% 57.31% 4.81% 1.97% 1.07% 0.67% 6.13% 6.73%
2 2 32 3 10.95 1.90 52.89% 54.93% 4.03% 1.54% 0.72% 0.34% 5.71% 6.30%
3 2 32 5 10.99 1.67 55.65% 55.60% 4.52% 1.89% 1.01% 0.60% 6.16% 6.78%
4 4 16 5 9.68 1.44 55.26% 55.83% 4.20% 1.65% 0.83% 0.45% 5.75% 6.25%
5 4 8 5 10.17 1.26 57.57% 56.99% 4.66% 1.83% 0.94% 0.55% 6.06% 6.58%
6 4 12 5 9.81 1.40 56.11% 56.40% 4.59% 1.87% 0.98% 0.55% 5.96% 6.66%
7 2 32 7 10.15 1.45 57.49% 56.96% 4.36% 1.67% 0.85% 0.47% 5.90% 6.25%
8 4 16 7 11.56 1.24 57.06% 56.84% 4.56% 1.81% 0.95% 0.56% 5.92% 6.35%
Table 5.1: DialoGPT-small training results with Daily Dialogue dataset
The first row in Table 1, shows the performance
of the raw model with no fine-tuning. We see that
fine-tuning a model to a narrower domain leads to an
improvement. The red highlighted values point the
poorest score, whereas the green highlighted values
show the best value, for each metric. In addition, we
see that with the increase of the number of epochs,
the system tends to overfit. For example in the ex-
periment N
8, the loss value decreased, however the
perplexity increased significantly.
Finally, the model with the overall best scores is
experiment 1. Nonetheless, experiment 4 obtains the
lowest perplexity and experiment 3 obtains the best
scores for METEOR and ROUGE-L, which provide
better insights on the Chatbot task.
The second fine-tuned model is DialoGPT-
medium. The memory limitations did not allow to
fine-tune models with higher Batch Size/GPU or Gra-
dient Accumulation than the one shown in Table
low, failed. The same occurred when the number of
epochs was increased. The comparison between the
raw model and the fine-tuning experiment can be ob-
served in Figure 2.
Table 2: DialoGPT-medium training results with Daily Di-
alogue dataset.
Secondly, all the training with a higher Batch Size/GPU or Gradient Accumulation than the one shown in
the Table bellow, failed. The same occur when the number of epochs was increased. Lastly, this model
is really heavy when compared with the DialoGPT-small.
The comparison between the raw model and the fine-tuning experiment can be observed in the Table
DialoGPT medium - Daily Dialogue
Epochs Perplexity Loss Gen Rank Bleu-1 Bleu-2 Bleu-3 Bleu-4 METEOR ROUGE-L
RAW - - - - - 56.29% 36.88% 4.40% 1.55% 0.67% 0.29% 5.07% 5.46%
1 1 8 3 1.63 0.49 80.29% 60.16% 8.16% 4.93% 3.65% 2.92% 8.52% 10.25%
Table 5.2: DialoGPT-medium training results with Daily Dialogue dataset
Even without being able to do an extensive number of experiments, as deducted before, the fine-
tuning of a model improves its performance. The generation and ranking scores rose above the ones
from the raw model, and even the ones from the previous experiments. All the remaining metrics almost
doubled their value, when put against the raw model.
To test if the experiment successful, and the model is able to conduct a conversation, the utterances
from Appendix B, Table B.2, were again inputed into the model and the prediction was compared with
the Corresponding Robot Utterance.
Experiment Nº 1
The model, from the 45 given utterances, fell out of context 9 times (2, 11, 12, 18, 22, 30, 32, 36
and 38). However, 5 utterances (1, 24, 26, 27, 28) matched the Corresponding Robot Utterance and the
remaining sentences were logical answers. A feasible answers could be:
Human: I can’t get through without a cup of coffee a day.
Robot: That’s true. Coffee helps me wake up, keep alert, and improve my short term memory.
To show an example of a failed answer:
Human: Hello.
Robot: Hello. Is this Ann?
In this case, even though the answer is well written and logical it doesn’t fit the project’s purpose or
Once more, even though some of the answers fell out of context, all sentences were again written
correctly and were coherent. One other interesting fact to note is that this model was more eloquent
and was better to constructs its predictions. This can be understandable since the medium model has
almost the triple of the number of parameters of the small model (345M vs 117M). An overview to the
results with this dataset is shown in the Figure 5.1.
Figure 4 shows the performance of the model re-
garding the utterances mentioned in section 4.2.
Note that all answers uttered by the model are
written correctly and coherent. The best performance
is obtained by DialGPT-small, Experiment 3, even
though it is the model with less matched utterances,
it is almost always able to answer logically.
5.1.2 Topical Chat
The DialoGPT-small model is fine-tuned, using the
biggest English dataset, Topical Chat.The scores of
the trained models are shown in Table 3.
GPU limitations did not allow to train the model
with more than 2 Batch Size/GPU, or with a greater
gradient accumulation than the one shown. The
DeLTA 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
Failed Utterances Matched Utterances Logical Utterances
DialoGPT-small- Exp1 DialoGPT-small- Exp3 DialoGPT-small- Exp4
DialoGPT-medium- Exp1
Fine-tuned pre-trained model with Daily Dialogue
Failed Utterances Matched Utterances Logical Utterances
DialoGPT-small- Exp2 DialoGPT-small- Exp3
Fine-tuned pre-trained model with Topical Chat
Failed Utterances Matched Utterances Logical Utterances
DialoGPT-small- Exp1 DialoGPT-small- Exp3 DialoGPT-small- Exp4
Fine-tuned pre-trained model with Daily Dialogue +
Topical Chat
Figure 4: Left side plot shows the results of fine-tuned pre-trained model with Daily Dialogue. Middle plot shows the results
of the fine-tuned pre-trained model with Topical Chat. On the right hand side, the results of the fine-tuned pre-trained model
with Topical Chat + Daily Dialogue.
Table 3: DialoGPT-small training results with Topical Chat
Failed Utterances Matched Utterances Logical Utterances
DialoGPT-small- Exp1 DialoGPT-small- Exp3 DialoGPT-small- Exp4
DialoGPT-medium- Exp1
Fine-tuned pre-trained model with Daily Dialogue
Figure 5.1: Fine-tuned pre-trained model with Daily Dialogue .
It can be concluded that the best performance was the one with DialGPT-small, Experiment Nº3,
event though it was the one with less matched utterances, it was almost always able to answer coher-
5.1.2 Topical Chat
DialoGPT-small was again fine-tuned. Now with the biggest English dataset, Topical Chat [31], available
open-source. The memory limitation was once again inspected, along with the performance of the
model, for each fine-tuning trial. These experiments were longer than the ones conducted with the
smaller dataset. As before, with the increase of the number of epochs, the duration of the training rose
too. Being, respectively for 3, 5 and 7 epochs, near to 11, 14 and 18 hours. Once again, the red
highlighted values point the poorest scores, whereas the values highlighted in green show the most
satisfactory value, for each metric. The 4 trained models’ scores are shown in the table below.
DialoGPT small - Topical Chat
Epochs Perplexity Loss Gen Rank Bleu-1 Bleu-2 Bleu-3 Bleu-4 METEOR ROUGE-L
RAW - - - - - 57.54% 36.22% 4.00% 1.31% 0.52% 0.23% 4.64% 5.31%
1 2 4 3 16.25 2.87 61.72% 64.89% 7.58% 2.18% 0.74% 0.25% 6.32% 6.65%
2 2 16 5 15.00 2.77 61.41% 64.38% 7.59% 2.07% 0.72% 0.27% 6.27% 6.60%
3 2 32 5 14.27 2.66 60.41% 63.50% 7.60% 2.10% 0.73% 0.30% 6.33% 6.66%
4 2 32 7 17.63 1.82 60.41% 65.21% 7.56% 2.04% 0.64% 0.20% 6.30% 6.67%
Table 5.3: DialoGPT-small training results with Topical Chat dataset
The memory limitations were prominent when training the model with a larger dataset. GPU lim-
itations did not allow to train the model with more than 2 Batch Size/GPU, or with a greater gradient
accumulation than the one shown. The same occur when the number of epochs was increased. Once
more, the raw model had a significantly worse performance when compared to the conducted experi-
ments. The training with the finest metrics was Nº 3. This experiment shows the most confident model
model with the best result is 3. This experiment
shows the most confident model (lowest perplexity),
shows good ranking scores, and the best Bleu-1, Bleu-
4 and METEOR. Similarly to before, with 7 epochs
the model starts to overfit. This can be concluded
since it shows the higher perplexity, and also the low-
est loss. The evaluation, for the perplexity and loss,
was done using the Topical Chat testing dataset, that
contained 11736 utterances. To estimate the rankings
and BLEU, METEOR and ROUGE-L scores, the split-
ted Daily Dialogue validation dataset was used.
Considering Table 3 and Figure 4, we observe that
Experiment 3, has the top performance, since it had
one less failed predictions and more logical outputs.
Due to GPU’s memory limitation, the Topical Chat
dataset can not be used to train the DialoGPT-medium
5.1.3 Daily Dialogue + Topical Chat
We compare the performance of the DialoGPT-small
trained on the Daily Dialogue and trained on the Top-
ical Chat. We note that with more data in the training,
the model becomes more eloquent and smarter (since
it is trained with more information). And even though
the model’s perplexity increased in the latter, overall
the ranking and the metrics scores were better.
Therefore, an experiment was conducted where
both datasets, Daily Dialogue and Topical Chat, were
merged, resulting in a bigger dataset with a total of
284153 utterances. In order to compute the perplex-
ity and the loss, the model evaluation was done with
both testing sets from Daily Dialogue and from Top-
ical Chat. With the results from each dataset, the
mean was calculated. The training, with 3 epochs,
took around 15h and the one with 5 epochs took 24h.
The results are shown below. The attempts to increase
the BatchSize/GPU and gradient accumulation failed,
again due to the limited GPU. The same occurred
when the number of epochs was increased.
Table 4: DialoGPT-small training results with Topical Chat
+ Daily Dialogue datasets.
Comparing the results from Table 4 and the right
side of Figure 4, we see that the best generation proba-
bilities and ROUGE-L scores were obtained with this
dataset. Note that with a bigger dataset, the model
is able to generalize more, learning how to dialogue
in a wider domain. Despite the fact that the scores
are not the best in comparison to the previous ex-
periments, the model from experiment N
3 was the
one that had the best performance when conducting a
dialogue, only failing 1 utterance. It was not possi-
ble to use this big dataset to fine-tune the DialoGPT-
medium model due to the GPU constraint.
5.2.1 Translated Daily Dialogue
We use the OPUS-MT model for translating the Daily
Dialogue datasets. All the training with a higher
Batch Size/GPU or Gradient Accumulation than the
one shown in Table 5, failed. The same occurred
when the number of epochs was increased.
The metrics were calculated using the translated
Daily Dialogue testing dataset, containing 8069 utter-
ances. For each experiment, the Bleu-(1,2,3,4), ME-
TEOR and ROUGE-L scores were computed.
The first two rows in Table 5, shows the perfor-
mance of the raw model with no fine-tuning with the
english Daily Dialogue validation dataset and with the
translated Daily Dialogue validation dataset.
Note that the Bleu-1 score, from the RAW-PT
model is higher than the one from the fine-tuned
Open-domain Conversational Agent based on Pre-trained Transformers for Human-Robot Interaction
Table 5: DialoGPT-small training results with translated
Daily Dialogue dataset.
model, due to the repetitiveness of the RAW-PT. For
that reason, if the model knows how to utter some por-
tuguese words and those words are in the reference,
the score increases as many times as they appear.
To the same input question ”Sim, tenho um en-
tendimento geral., the reference answer and the
RAW-PT model prediction were compared. Answer
reference: Eu acho que voc
e j
a tem bom conheci-
mento sobre a nossa empresa. Model Hypothesis:
Eu n o fazia eu acho que acho que eu n o fazia eu
acho que eu acho que eu acho que eu acho que acho
que acho que eu acho que acho que eu acho que acho
que acho que eu acho que.
Analysing the rest of the Table 5, the model that
performed best was N
1, however the metrics are
still poorer when compared to the RAW model. Ta-
ble 5 and Figure 5 show that this model has the worst
performance in comparison to the previous models.
By training the model with a small, translated dataset,
one layer of error is already being added to the sys-
tem. This is due to the fact that the translation is not
The DialoGPT-small model trained on the Daily
Dialogue has some issues. By translating the dataset,
the performance only decreased. However, we evalu-
ate the approach that consists in translating input and
output of the model that performed best: DialoGPT-
small model, fine-tuned on the merged dataset (Daily
Dialogue + Topical Chat), experiment 3.
5.2.2 Machine Translation
To evaluate the MT model, the human classifications
from the interface mentioned before were analyzed.
From the 8000 utterances, 784 were evaluated. Tak-
ing into consideration that 14 sentences are displayed
per page, there were 56 evaluated pages. Counting
with, approximately, 2 pages per person, we estimate
a participation of 30 people. The results are shonw in
the middle plot of Figure 5. This grading goes in ac-
cordance to the belief mentioned that for every trans-
lated sentence, its message is communicated correctly
in almost all cases, since most of the translations ob-
tained the maximum grade.
The full system was evaluated in two realistic conver-
sation scenarios. We choose the best model from the
above experiments (Transformer from experiment 3
of System 1, trained on the merged dataset -Daily Di-
alogue + Topical Chat) and the Translation API was
The first experiment follows (Silva, 2020). The
portuguese utterances were inputed into the system,
with the translation API for the input and output.
The prediction was compared with the Corresponding
Robot Utterance. From the 45 given utterances given
to the system, 2 were wrongly translated but only 1
fell out of context. None of the utterances matched
the Corresponding Robot Utterance, and the remain-
ing sentences were logical answers.
In the second experiment, people evaluated the an-
swers provided by the selected system. We counted
with the participation of around 30 people resulting
in 40 conducted dialogues. The results are shown on
the right side of Figure 5. This grading means that the
Chatbot is able to conduct a fair dialogue, being 7 the
rating with more occurrence.
We propose an approach for a conversational Por-
tuguese robot based on the State-of-the-Art Trans-
former. Our solution generates a robot utterance for
every human utterance, allowing a coherent conver-
sation between a person and a robot. Nevertheless,
deciding on a DL path brings some challenges such
as: (i) The need of having huge amount of data for
the model training, (ii) the need of a good graphics
card (GPU) with a considerable memory size, (iii)
the lack of data specialized in elderly dialogue. We
address these challenges by using Transfer Learning,
introducing an open-domain chatbot that was trained
with limited GPU resources and on a language with
few dialogue resources (European Portuguese).
All the trained models obtained better results than
their corresponding baselines. The most adequate
model for human-robot conversation is the model Di-
aloGPT, fine-tuned in the English-based (formed by
Daily Dialogue with Topical Chat) dataset, with a
translation layer to the input and output.
The robot responds to the last human phrase ut-
tered. It also considers the course of the conversation,
due to the introduction of the last human and robot ut-
terances, as well as the history of human inputs to the
model and the robot predictions.
DeLTA 2022 - 3rd International Conference on Deep Learning Theory and Applications
Failed Utterances Matched Utterances Logical Utterances
Fine-tuned pre-trained model with translated Daily Dialogue
Number of Ratings Given
Rating Given
0 100 200 300 400
Machine Translation Human Rating
Number of Ratings Given
Rating Given
0 2 4 6 8 10 12
Chatbot Human Rating
Figure 5: Lef side plot shows the fine-tuned pre-trained model with translated Daily Dialogue. Middle plot shows the Human
Evaluation of the Machine Translation. Right side plot shows the Human Evaluation to the System
This publication has been partially funded by the
project LARSyS - FCT Project UIDB/50009/2020
and the project and by the project IntelligentCare
Intelligent Multimorbidity Managment System (Ref-
erence LISBOA-01-0247-FEDER-045948), which is
co-financed by the ERDF European Regional De-
velpment Fund through the Lisbon Portugal Regional
Operational Program – LISBOA 2020 and by the Por-
tuguese Foundation for Science and Technology
FCT under CMU Portugal.
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