tor matrix element, and rank of the input factor ma-
trices), and (3) Parameters of the memory controller
(i.e., DMA buffer sizes, number of cache lines, as-
sociativity of cache, and number of factor matrices
shared by a cache).
A module-by-module (e.g., Cache Engine and
DMA Engine) exhaustive parameter search can be
proposed to identify the optimal parameters for the
memory controller.
In this paper, we investigated the characteristics of a
custom memory controller that can reduce the total
memory access time of sparse MTTKRP on FPGAs.
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has 2 types of memory access patterns that can be op-
timized to reduce the total memory access time. A
memory controller design that can be configured dur-
ing compile/synthesis time depending on the applica-
tion and targeted hardware is required.
We are developing a configurable memory con-
troller and a memory layout for sparse tensors to re-
duce the total memory access time of sparse MT-
TKRP operation.
Since synthesizing a FPGA can take a long time,
optimizing the memory controller parameters for a
given application can be a time-consuming process.
Hence, we are developing a Performance Model Sim-
ulator (PMS) software to identify the optimal param-
eters for a given application on a selected FPGA.
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ence Foundation (NSF) under grants NSF SaTC #
2104264 and PPoSS- 2119816.
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Towards Programmable Memory Controller for Tensor Decomposition